


San Antonio, TX

Sunday August 3, 2008

     9:25am  I only got six hours of sleep last night. My nephew woke me up playing guitar, ugh.

     3:25pm  I walked up to the Citgo and I got recognized again. These two girls. They said they would smoke me out if they saw me again. I'm going to walk through the New Territories Park. My sister and nephew are swimming at the pool. I'm going to walk around and see if anybody's smoking weed. I've got a couple hits I can take. Let me find a bench in the shade.
     3:51pm  I walked to the park and saw my sister and nephew in the pool. I kept walking and I walked to Teaberry Drive and came to the ditch. Maybe some stoner kids will show up. I'm all stoned. I saw some kid on a skateboard right now.

                   I'm walking up the street and I offered this lady getting out of her car my website. She got all scared and denied it real quick. Ignorance is bliss. Man, NOBODY wants world peace! I'm the sidewalk guy!

     4:19pm  I just had a good smokebreak in the ditch. I walked up the street and had a great presentation with Carla and Ashley my story. It was a little hard to do because of the cars. I'm going to walk to the EZ Mart on Bowen's and tell somebody else my story. I'm all stoned. I had a good four twenty.

     4:25pm  I just got to the Northwest Crossing EZ Mart. Humplick is not working.

     4:27pm  Ha, the girl who works at the EZ Mart all got mad at me. She's going to call the cops. I better smoke the rest of my weed before they get here, hehe. She told me I couldn't be standing out there. I told her I was just smoking a cigarette in the shade. That I was resting from walking. She insisted I couldn't. I told her I have been doing this for years. I had offered her my website at first, I thought she was a customer. She took it.

     4:29pm  I talked to Cap. He's going to sign my guestbook, awesome.

                   When that lady walked inside after bitching at me I yelled at her, "Do what you can!"

                   Man, right now this guy wouldn't shut the hell up. Some black dude I hit up for my story at the EZ Mart. I haven't had that many good listeners today. Maybe when the cop shows up I can tell him my story.

                   Man, why does everybody have to mess with the guy trying to bring world peace?

     4:40pm  The nice driver driving the 610 is giving me a ride. 3821

     4:44pm  On the bus I hit this guy Alex up for my story. He took my website and I took his picture.

                   It was cool. The bus driver hooked me up with a ride and I met this one dude and tried telling him my story. He offered me a beer and I declined. He told me that he was going to get off over at Grissom and Timberhill at the Valero, that he had to take a leak. I decided I was going to get off there and stand in front of the Valero and give out my website. He was carrying some diapers and stuff. I asked him if he had any grub in there and he told me no, but that he was going somewhere to eat. Some birthday party and he said I could ask the lady hosting it.

                   Alex, my friend I made on the bus, we came over to Melody's house in Timberhill. They're feeding the peace machine tonight. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     6:39pm  Hell yeah, I am leaving 7330 whatever street I am on. I'm going to walk to the store and get some more ice in my pack. Man, I am so stuffed. They totally fed the peace machine. Chicken and cake. Melody started me off with like five bigass drumsticks. There was some potato salad and cake too. I'm going to walk all the way home from here. Even though I am tired. I need a nap. I only got 5.4 hours of sleep last night.

                   When I left today I put on my backup, brand new WPTMJ shirt I was saving. It's the last large I have. Hopefully I'll have money pretty soon. I'm going to get my shirts going on the internet. I still have to wait a couple days for Paypal to make two small deposits in my checking account so I can verify my account.

     6:47pm  Adan at the store in Timberhill, he let me fill my bag up with ice out of the machine. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     6:56pm  Walked Timberhill to Grissom and turning right.

     7:03pm  I stopped over by the bus stop on Heath and Grissom. I noticed that all these cars were backed up at the red light and thought perfect. I thought I would just stand at the bus stop and show people my shirt. I'll wait for the bus and if he doesn't give me a courtesy ride then I'll walk.

                   Bah, bah, black goat.

                   I'm going to keep walking. I'm not going to turn on Heath and take the shortcut. I'm going to walk all the way to Tezel. More cars and more people to see me.

                   Love is superior to God. Because love isn't a person, but God tries to be.

     8:01pm  Walking up Tezel already. Passing Yonker's. I'm walking home.

     8:21pm  I found another fortune on the ground. This one says, "Your life will be happy and peaceful." No shit. It already is.

     8:27pm  About to pass Dover Ridge/Mainland.

     8:33pm  I am already on Old Tezel.

     8:43pm  I walked over to the New Territories Park. I saw some trucks in the parking lot. I saw this couple walking their dogs, about my age. I go, "Hey, will you guys check out my website? It's free. I'm a journalist. I'm the guy who spraypainted the fence." The girl said, "Awesome."

     8:51pm  I'm walking on my new sidewalk. I just noticed there's a taco stand by the carwash now. One night when I'm hungry I'm going to go hit them up, for sure. Ha, they painted over the Thx 4 the sidewalk, bitch.

     8:55pm  I just saw Joel again. I'm walking down the street of the new neighborhood. In the Friend Request he sent me on MySpace, he had the comment, "Thanks for the sidewalk."

                   I walked some more and saw this lady walking her dog. I offered her my website and she got all scared. I told her I was just testing her.

     9:00pm  I am home. My mom's asleep. She called me in the middle of the day today and told me she wasn't feeling good. She was able to drive home. I'm worried about my mom. She's so damn stressed.

     1:05am  I was on the computer. I was playing trivia actually. I was allowed in #wareznorth again. They usually ban me right when I enter the channel. I was using the nickname weeed. I was surprised they let me be in there. I got a big trivia fix. I mean, they know it's me. In my whois info it has victor antonio I'm going to bed now. It's one 'o clock and I'm tired. I hope I don't get woken up tomorrow.

Next day..

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