


Boulder to Nederland, CO

Thursday August 5, 2004

     5:59am  I just woke up. I crashed behind some bushes up on this slope. I walked around all night last night. Not all night, like until one or something.

     6:15am  I crashed in these woods by 3rd Street and Evergreen. I only got like four or five hours worth of sleep. About five hours, I think. It sucks.

     6:29am  Oh yeah, when I was walking to Silver City, the VW bus that picked me up in The Black Range was one of those Westphalia ones. I could never remember that. I just passed one and it reminded me.

     7:28am  I got lost walking around in the neighborhood back there. I finally got out of the neighborhood and I'm on Pearl now.

     7:32am  Saxton just gave me a cigarette in front of Penny Lane Coffee Shop. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:28am  David hooked me up with a cigarette in the mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:11am  I have had a pretty productive morning. I told these two girls my story in front of some shop. I got their email addresses.

                     *Cool, I am typing this up on August 16. I am almost caught up. I want to be typing up yesterday every day. One of those two girls' email address is I grabbed my little composition book I keep email addresses in. That's my standard back, left pocket content. Every time I stand up, I check for pocket content. In my right front goes my pen and random things. In my left front goes my tape recorder. In my back right goes my wallet. In my back left goes my email book. This is how I haven't lost any of this content in my travels. Therefore, I had had one email book the whole time. I'm going to fill this thing up, hehe. Oh yeah, I got smoked out. What I wanted to mention was that I looked at the emails and I could determine which was the first one I got in Boulder. I counted and I have solicited fifty two people for my story so far. About fifty two a week. I'm going to start clocking myself. It would be interesting to know. Okay, I'm going to put my headphones and and keep typing up the 5th.*

                     I walked up to these Babylonians and asked them if I could tell them my story. They said they were having a conversation. I told them, "Thanks anyway. Ignorance is bliss, I guess." Hehe, they're looking at me recording myself.

     10:19am  Damn, I can just wade through the ignorance in Downtown Boulder.

     10:21am  Bill gave me a cigarette out in the mall. I appreciate it, Bill. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:21am  That old man agreed with me. He wouldn't listen to me though. He told me, "Oh, I'm on your side, but I don't want to hear the details." Hehe, that's cool. He was old.

     10:57am  Fire listened to my whole story. He hooked me up with a joint. I appreciate it so much, brother. Thank you for proving me right. Everybody gets credit.

                     Fire hooked me up with a fat joint.

     11:00am  Eddie came up to me and asked me if I knew where to get any weed. I had just loaded a hit into my cigarette pinch hitter, so I offered him a hit. He hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:27am  I had a good productive morning. I got tons of email addresses. Page 54 and 55 are packed. Every line.

     11:35am  Mike gave me a cigarette. Thanks, brother.

                      I just found out that joint that Fire gave me was a kynd bud joint! And it's a fat joint.

                     Man, Boulder is all about money. Even this one homeless guy was all, "Gotta go work and make some money." It's all people talk about here. 

     12:03pm  I had a great presentation with this girl who was waiting for her boyfriend. I got through a lot of it.

                     I got all the way to the part where I show her the picture of my sign on Telegraph Avenue.

     12:58pm  I was over here at the Crystal Dragon and I was talking to Lauren Rainie. I told her my story and she gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Lauren.

     1:30pm  Liz hooked me up with a cigarette here at the mall. I appreciate it, Liz.

     2:38pm  Mike came up to me and asked me what was going on. I told him I was trying to get some spare change for a hotdog. He gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     2:40pm  AJ hooked me up with a cigarette right here in the mall. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:44pm  In front of the Montebello. I don't know. The outdoor store. There's these quotes in front of it. There's a Mark Twain quote that I need to add to my collection. It goes, "Travel is fatal to pregidous, bigotry and narrow-mindedness." Hell yes.

                    There's one by Robert Louis Stevenson. It goes, "I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move."

     3:52pm  Aaron gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:35pm  I started telling this girl my story in front of the Little Buddha. She started listening to me then she said, "Oh, that sounds like Communism." We need to stop labeling things! She just walked off..

     5:44pm  Megan's here listening to my story and she gave me some bagels! Mmm, I love bagels. I'm hungry. Mmm.

     6:07pm  I walked by and Hopi gave me a cigarette in the mall.

     7:20pm  I talked Hopi and her friend's ears off. Hopi even gave me three more cigarettes. I appreciate it, Hopi. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:44pm  I had an awesome presentation here at the mall. More good presentations. People have been listening to me all night.

     10:10pm  I had a great presentation with Shelly. She's going to tell her friends. She told me, "Bye, Victor." She knows my name.

     11:10pm  I haven't made an update in a while. Oh yeah, guess where I'm going. I'm going to Nederland. We're going to try and hitchhike there. Me and Fry are out here walking to the hitchhiking spot to go to Nederland. We're going to go to some rainbow camp or something I think. I don't know. I'll just go wherever I end up.

Next day..

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