


Berkeley, CA

Thursday August 7, 2003

     8:05am  I woke up at the laundromat. When I woke up, there was this cute dog close by and I bent down to pet him. Just then, the dog's dickhead owner yelled at me, "Don't pet the fucking dog. I already told you not to pet him. I'm going to fucking rearrange your face." Just like that dumbass who jumped the gun the other night, but totally a different guy. I was like, "Dude, don't talk so much shit." and I left.

     8:32am  Whoa, this guy just collapsed right here at the church. He just collapsed and fell down.

     9:02am  Angela agreed to give me a cigarette. That's very generous of you, Angela. It'll come back to you.

     9:53am  I came over to People's Park to smoke a bowl and get ready for flying my sign. Jessica and Matt came over and rolled a little blunt, which is now in my pipe. We are being resourceful and using my pipe to hold the roach. Oh yeah, and the reason I made this entry was just to log Jessica's generosity. She gave me a cigarette.

     10:46am  My day has been fucking awesome. We went and smoked weed in People's Park. A lot of people joined up. I met this girl, Jessica. At first, Jessica was really attractive. She was just like me in the fact that she rather be free than rich. I was all impressed. But, she wouldn't listen to me. She was always interrupting me. She told me she has been diagnosed with ADD and obsessive-compulsive disorder. She's 18 and she was with this dude. I wasn't sure of the nature of their relationship. I asked her where she lived and she said she lived with her family. I went, "Oh, is Matt your brother?" She tells me no, that he's her boyfriend. See, at first there was a little bit of attraction before I knew that dude was her boyfriend. But then, she told me she did drugs like crank and shit. Fuck that. That's incompatible right there. Plus, she had a boyfriend, hehe.

                    Oh yeah, then Jesse, Bowie's friend asked me if I had any clothes to wash. I told him I had all my clothes to wash. So we came over to Bing Wong's to do laundry. I had been procrastinating about doing laundry ever since I got to Berkeley, but Jesse made the suggestion. So here we are doing laundry. I am going to have clean clothes! I'm so happy! Kickass.

     12:37pm  I'm out here flying my sign. I've got clean clothes on. I feel all energized. I was able to put my blue shirt on that I love. My uniform shirt. I'm fucking clean, I'm out here flying my sign, I've got my teammates, this is just awesome.

                     Haha, people don't realize that when they don't stop and read my sign they are proving my whole ignorance theory right. Ha, they're helping me out by not reading it, suckers.

     1:20pm  I left my Tickle-Me-Ernie Doll, that I found in the Free Box at the laundromat. I just walked all the way back to the laundromat. I left my bags and told Bowie to watch them. I really should never leave my mission-critical Adidas bag alone ever, but what's life without a little risk? Hehe. I got Ernie back. He was still sitting there where I left him. I bet he was scared all alone at the laundromat, hehe.

     1:22pm  The drivers here are so cool here in Berkeley. They always stop for pedestrians, no matter if there is a crosswalk. That's awesome.

     1:29pm  This dude just walked by with a NOFX shirt and I told him, "Anyone with a NOFX shirt should really read my sign. It's really important." He just kept walking and ignored me. That fucking hypocrite.

                   This guy who read my sign told me I should really go talk to KPFA, the radio station here in Berkeley. He gave me directions telling me it's on the corner of University and MLK Way.

     2:35pm  Bowie and I are walking to KPFA.

     2:44pm  We are walking down Shattuck now and I read something written on the sidewalk a long time ago that says, "Trees are brothers." How true.

     3:02pm  We are walking to KPFA. I hate downtown. We are walking down University to Martin Luther King Way. We are going to go talk to this radio station. Oh yeah, we picked up an extra wheel. I forgot her name, but this girl we talked to on Shattuck is coming with us. She has nothing better to do.

     3:06pm  We are coming up on the KPFA Radio building. FM 94.1.

                    The receptionist at KPFA didn't seem to receptive to me and was trying to figure out who best I talk to. She ended up giving me some number for Mary Bishop(510-848-6767 ext. 238). I called Mary but she just told me to get online and email people. Thanks for nothing.

     4:00pm  Bowie is scoring free food up the ass. Before I had gone into the bathroom at McDonald's right now, he had gotten a salad. What he does is go inside and fly his sign in front of the managers, and he gets free food. Oh yeah, he's got a new sign. I'll be sure to read it to you later.

     4:44pm  Bowie and I have decided to go on a trek back to Telegraph. We are cutting through the college. I've never been this way. We are passing the Valley Life Sciences Building. It's an awesome building. I need to go through this school with a camera.

     5:40pm  I got separated from Bowie, I don't know where he went. I came to my corner on Telegraph and saw this guy standing there in nice clothes. He had a big ass sign about 4 feet tall that said, "Running for governor." He was collecting signatures. Damn, that's a sign not to fly my sign tonight. So, I just went to the park. I have a couple rollies I can smoke. I don't know where Bowie is.

                   Bored, I pulled out my tape measure and measured my sign. It's 56.5 centimeters wide and 29.5 inches long. 22 inches tall and 29.5 inches long. It says:

    "With the Internet I plan to...

     - eliminate money, make everything free, prove that it's human-nature to be generous and bring world peace
     - get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer
    AND(with a circle around it)
     - get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out

     Just doin' it for the cause
     - Victor"

                   I bolded the word Internet, eliminate money, free(with an underline), generous(with an underline), world peace(with an underline), marijuana(with an underline), legalize marijuana(with an underline), ALL(with an underline) and ASK ME HOW(with an underline). That's my sign.

                   My poncho is about 5 feet long and 3 feet wide.

                   My walking stick is exactly 5 feet.

     7:10pm  I got hungry so I went to stand in front of the Bay King donut shop and ask people for a dollar. DJ gave me some change for donuts. Thank you.

     9:35pm  I've been flying my sign all night having some good conversations. I talked with this girl. She listened to me for a long time. She heard a lot of my stories. I've come to Hate Camp for some pizza. Man, Bowie just fuckin' disappeared. He has my fucking pipe. I'm having second thoughts on Bowie. All this time I'm thinking Bowie might be a primary affiliate. Dude, this is the second time I trust someone with my pipe and it gets snagged. The last time I lost my sneak-a-toke that I had kept with me last time I came to Berkeley. I had leant it to Renee, another affiliate-candidate. I need to stop trusting people, damnit. Argh, I was just imagining the day that I went back to San Antonio and visited Lorraine at Flipside Records with the same exact pipe she hooked me up with back in June. He just disappeared. I was flying my sign all day long in hopes I would see Bowie, but he never showed. He knows where I am always at. I was hoping he would come to Hate Camp, but he's not here. He just fuckin' disappeared. I hate this shit. I had my hopes so high with Bowie. I have to stop doing that. You would think after the let-down with Renee I would have learned, but no. Well, this is a good learning experience. It just reaffirms the fact that I have to do this all by myself. Which actually simplifies things, so it's not that bad.
                   I still can't help but think that Bowie stole my idea, flat-out. He's copying my whole fuckin' gimmick. The other day when someone was listening to me talk, he chimed in with, "We came up with this whole August 8th thing." When in all actuality, NOFX did, but it is me who is putting it into action. The whole global-forgiveness thing was my idea. I just chose that date because of the NOFX song. I had just told Bowie about it at the Country Fair in Oregon and I disappeared. Then all of a sudden, I see Bowie again and he is flying a sign that says August 8th Day of Global Forgiveness. Now, I told Bowie that I am more than happy to share the glory, but he is accepting credit not due to him and not placing credit where it belongs. It doesn't seem like he cares too much, because it's making him money.
                   See, Bowie came off to me a bit Tony-ish(Tony who picked me up on my first trip). I don't know. It's really hard to explain, but they seem a lot alike.

Next day..

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