


Nederland, CO

Saturday August 7, 2004

     6:05am  I woke up like five minutes ago. It's freezing. I got all my layers on. Like at two I woke up and they were jamming out to guitars right next to me. I walked off randomly in the woods and found a place to sleep.

     7:45am  I'm going to go on a stroll. I'm going to get lost on purpose. I have nothing to do. It's early in the morning and nobody else is awake. I found a badass log to put on the fire. Actually, it's a dead stump and I just yanked it out of the ground. I uprooted it. I'm just standing here letting it burn.

                   Now I'm just going to go get lost. Let's see if I can learn this place a bit. I need a camera. I should hitchhike into town and get some spare change.

     8:02am  Oh yeah, I found another log I was able to uproot that should be good for tonight. It's even bigger than the last one. I had to haul it on my shoulder all the way back to camp. That's what I'm going to do all day. Just find stumps to uproot, hehe.

     8:42am  I'm just walking around, getting lost on purpose. I found this cool chair they made with stones.

     9:35am  I came out on Highway 72, by the Peterson mailbox. I don't know if my directions have failed me or not, but I think I turn left.

                  Okay, I yelled and somebody yelled back, cool.

                  Oh yeah, that guy who was calling back was Eric, who I ran into yesterday. He's going to give me half a cantaloupe. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:17am  Aaron gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it.

                   He says he's not that generous of a person, that's sad.

     10:45am  I haven't been recording much on my whole stay in these woods. Man, I have to get out of here today. Oh shit, my tapes running out.

Next day..

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