


Berkeley, CA

Saturday August 9, 2003

     11:50am  Dude, my dream is going to come true, much sooner than I thought. After Eudemonia, we walked over to the apartment where he lived. It was a big mess and I just couldn't wait to clean it up like I did Carlos and Bob's. You know me. Dude, he was talking to me and he thinks just like me, but on a whole other level. He knows how to hack and stuff. He was telling me about all this shit he could do like popups. Man, I feel like I am among brethren. People who think like me. This is like the best day of my life. It's really going to happen soon and I'm going to be laughing at everyone who doubted me. Haha, I told you so, I told you so.

     12:48pm  I just had me the greatest revelation in the world. I went inside and told Thad, "I need to be able to update my webpage from any computer on the web. Like I need I want to be able to update my site from any library in the world." He told me he could set it up like that. I told him that's what I needed because then, they would never be able to catch me. I would just leave it a week or two behind.

     12:57pm  I'm out here making another entry. I had to excuse myself. I just found out that Thad's birthday is February 1st. I was born in February 2nd(Groundhog's Day). I simply do believe that this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, hehe.

     1:20pm  I am walking to Telegraph. Damnit, I want to fly my sign, but at the same time I need to go type up my stuff. I don't know what I'm going to do.

     3:31pm  I went to the library to type. I ended up typing a lot of stuff I had already typed up. I decided I would go get another tennis ball for my stick, then go eat. Then, I'll probably go type up some more.

     3:40pm  I came to these tennis courts up Bancroft and this dude hooked me up with a tennis ball. Awesome.

     3:52pm  I walked to the church, but nobody's there. I am assuming they don't feed the 4:00pm meal on Saturdays. I walked to People's Park.

     4:22pm  I found me a hammock in the Free Box! Of all things. I brought it over to a shady spot in the trees and DJ has taken over on setting the hammock up. Sweet. I made that guy's day. He loved the hammock. He said he was going to take a nap.

     5:44pm  I had an interesting conversation with Mosha. He's got some problems. He's using the whole bipolar-excuse but his problem is obvious. It's drugs.

     6:00pm  I walked by these homeless kids spanging and they were saying, "Spare change for drugs! I want to get a hooker!" Hehe, that's some funny shit.

     6:49pm  I walked back and got my sign. I keep my signs stored on top of this shed on my corner. It's really convenient.

                   I was walking in front of the Wet Seal and I saw these dudes sitting on a car about to spark a bowl. I asked them, "Can I smoke some of your marijuana?" and this one kid on the trunk told me sure and motioned for me to sit down behind the car. After I took the hits, I told this dude Michael that I was going to walk to the college and check my email. Michael asked me if he could walk with me. I told him sure. On the way to the library he kind of freaks me out and tells me, "It is fate that has brought us together. I am your servant." I told him, "Only if you choose to be." Whoa cool, this guy will listen to me. We walked in front of the MLK building which ended up being closed and we sat down in front to talk. I started talking to him, but he refused to give me any eye contact. You all know how much I hate wasting my time. It gets really frustrating when I am talking and I don't get people's undivided attention, for the stuff I am saying can save this world. This dude started spazzing out all weird on the sidewalk. Like spacing out and having convulsions and shit. When he was done freaking out, he asked me, "Do you know who I am?" I told him, "Wasn't an angel named Michael?" He said, "Yes," but didn't elaborate or anything. At first it seemed he was thrown off by my suggestion, but later I found it was because I didn't answer, "No, I don't know who you are," prompting him to finish his usual script. I caught him off guard.

                   I suggested we go sit by the fountain and it seemed like he got a bit more interested in my stuff. Then he tells me he thinks he is the antichrist. It clicked with what he would've told me if I had told him I didn't know who he was earlier. I just flat out asked him, "Okay, what makes you think you are the antichrist? How has it been proven to you?" Silence came over him and he could not answer. I told him, "Back your shit up. Talk is real cheap." All he could say is, "I was told I was going to get a jealousy-complex soon."

                   I told him Michael, "Who is to say that if there really were a Jesus and he were sent back, that he would be called Jesus at all? What if he had another name? What if it's a test by God to see if we have learned yet?"

                   I made it clear to Michael that I didn't think I was Jesus at all. I am Victor. I am just following his same path, trying to bring peace to earth. Anyone could do what I am doing, if they go through the same learning experiences I've been through. I am not special or divine, just less ignorant to the truth. It's all logic and common sense. I sure as hell don't know, but I have a feeling I'll find out in my lifetime. Everyone will.

     7:15pm  I just scored a lighter on the ground. I need a lighter.

                   Hmm, it looks like I have some competition. I was talking to that Michael dude who thinks he is the antichrist. Just then, I saw a group of college girls and I excused myself from Michael. I asked them if they would read my sign and they did. One of the girls told me, "Wow, that's pretty ambitious." I said, "Yeah, you can't say I am thinking small." She gave me her email address. So, until Michael starts doing something more than that, I have absolutely nothing to worry about. Michael did make it a point to talk to those girls after I did. I wonder what happened.

     7:34pm  These guys walked by and didn't even read the whole thing. One idiot just read, "eliminate money" and quickly said, "That's communism." He kept walking, so I yelled, "Why call it anything but freedom?"

     8:00pm  That girl I bought the marker from the other day walked by and read my sign. She went, "Oh, you already told me about this." I remembered her and gave her a hug. She said, "I remember all my cool customers."

     8:08pm  Otto was nice enough to give me something at the Common Sense Cafe(I couldn't make it out on the recording, but thanks for something Otto, hehe).

     8:32pm  Brother John gave me some suggestions on some reading. He told me to read the Earth Island Journal. It's in the library. I asked him if there was a webpage and he said no, that it's a magazine. The front article is The End Of Oil. There's another article in there about alternative energy and it talks about how the whole monetary system has to change.

     8:55pm  Arlene from the Bay King let me have some donuts for cheaper than a dollar. Thanks.

     9:13pm  Jerry was nice enough to give me a dollar after reading my sign. I appreciate it, Jerry. Nobody is paying me to do this, so every little bit helps. Right after I said that Jerry goes, "What goes around comes around."

     10:35pm  I came out and they were actually celebrating HateCamp. They just bang on pots, pans and trash. Seems pretty pointless to me, but I walked up and starting pounding on a pot with my walking stick, just to be cool, hehe. Then these cops yelled, "Stop!"

     11:35pm  Paul was generous enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Paul.

Next day..

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