

                                                                                                             Seattle, WA

Sunday August 9, 2009
     7:46am  I had another delightful morning at my camp here. I had another cutting session. I counted all the papers one by one that I have in my little cream cheese container. I have 403 papers. I had four stacks of 100 sheets, plus three more. I wonder how long it will take me to deplete my store.

                   I should walk into town. Hmm, I could be reading this book I have. It's all about money and stuff. Maybe I should finish reading that. Oh yeah, I wanted to go and take a shower and do my laundry today. I have to wash my uniform. Today is a green shirt day. Yesterday was a white shirt day.

     8:37am  I woke up. I'm stupid, it's Sunday. This place isn't going to open at eleven. There were all these kids there, but it was some booked convention or something. I went in and asked them if I could possibly do some typing but they said no. I even cleaned up all the cigarette butts in the little driveway there. I need to check my email really bad. I want to get in touch with this guy Flaco I met not too long ago who invited me to stay on his property, he's lives on an orgnaic farm. I forgot his name. I have to type it up and look it up.

     8:52am  I came to The Urban Rest Stop.

                     Crazy sign

     10:26am  Duncan hooked me up with a dollar for the cause. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit.

     10:33am  This is classic. I'm standing here with my breast exam sign in front of Talbot's again. I'll take a picture of my setup. These MID guys with the yellow shirts who I set up right in front of, they've gotten to see firsthand all the smiles I put on people's faces. They also get to see and hear me call people ignornat when they ignore me. I even overheard some lady walk up to them and ask them, "Can't you guys do something about him?" They told her, "It's his Constitutional right, freedom of speech."

                     Like I say, I've got me a permit.

                     Breast exams, ha, that's hilarious.

                     Most every person who walks in front of me and reads my sign laughs, if not they crack up after they pass me. All these different people all think it's funny. I also love telling people when they read it, "Give me some sugar." That's hilarious. "It's all a number's game."

     11:31pm  Mogi hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                     Mogi: "Okay, while you're on Vancouver Island check out Victoria. It's a rad place. All of the tribes are connected. Hippies are hanging out with punks and punks are hanging out with gangsters. Okay, Salt Spring Island, it's an island built on quartz. The energy is amazing. The Dali-Lama flew over it and decided to land there and built a Buddhist temple on it."

     1:40pm  Larry let me have a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Ha, these bible thumping Christians set up right close to me. I'm heckling them, yelling at them, "Talk is cheap! It's an old story, time's change! Do something! Walk the walk! How unlike Christ Chhristians are!" Hahaha, I'm having fun.


     2:47pm  Zack came by and brought me some snacks. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit. Thanks for feeding the peace machine, hehe.

     2:55pm  Another day at the office. Right now I'm in front of the concrete plaza here at 4th and Pine. The cops are here and watching me yell at people and giving out my website.

     4:02pm  Deegee hooked me up with two bucks for the cause. That might not be his name, I couldn't understand it. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:15pm  This nice lady, "We are flying back to Philadelphia and we can't take our pot or bowl with us, so we're giving it to you." Awesome! For the cause!

                   Marilyn was nice enough to give me a dollar. I appreciate it, Marilyn. Everybody gets credit.

                   Hands free

     7:49pm  I had an awesome presentation right now with these two kids. One guy had a camera and took lots of pictures of me and my sign.

     8:07pm  Jack was nice enough to let me borrow his cellphone so I could call my mom. She answered and I actually got to talk to her. Me and my mom appreciate it, Jack. Everybody gets credit.

     8:24pm  I didn't tell you, about ten minutes ago I started walking to my camp, early again.

     8:56pm  I am almost to my camp at the community center. I had changed my mind and walked back and hung out for a little bit more in front of the Nordstrom's. I tried to tell my story a couple of times. Now I'm walking to my squat.

                   I was really hoping I would find people to tell my story to for most of the night. I wanted to go to bed real late so I would wake up late and not have to wait that long until eleven, until the community center opens and I can do some typing.                  

Next day..

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