

                                                                                                             Seattle to Everett, WA

Tuesday August 11, 2009

     5:00am  I should make an update already. At 3am it started drizzling hard. I smoked a cigarette and some weed. I just moved all my stuff to the gazebo where nobody was since it was raining. I set my tarp up here in the gazebo. I'm going to try and go back to sleep.

     11:23am  I gotta make an update. I'm telling Ron my story. Earlier I was drip drying my stuff out and he volunteered me half of his Power Bar. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks for feeding the pece machine. Everybody gets credit.
     3:14pm  I had some more good productive time on the computer. I'm on July 31. Oh yeah, I'm missing a big chunk again and I have to research my cassettes good.

                   If I'm ever in Tennessee look for a place called Cosby's right next to Gatlin. Brandy and I love on a road back in the mountain in a camper. I came here on tour with the Dead.

                   Awesome presentation with Brandy. Entire Odyssey and everything. Beautiful girl.

                   McKayla was nice enough to volunteer me some food. I( appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:34pm  I've just been hanging out reading my book. I just finished reading It was alright. It was interesting, I guess.

     9:22pm  I forgot to mention. I've been hanging out with Sidney, I think his name is. I was hanging out in the concerete plaza and someone said they scored a lot of cheesecake! While I walked over to get some cheesecake this street kid walked up and said, "Hey, it's you. We ran you out of Portland." I said, "You didn't run me out of Portland. I do what I want to do. I played the town out and I took off." He tells the girl with the cheesecake, "He's undercover, he's a cop." The girl said, "He's not an cop. He holds a sign that says free hugs and/or breast exams!" His friend chuckled. The kids here seem to have my back.

     10:06pm  What an interesting turn of events tonight. I just got beat up, hehe, for no fucking reason. See, back in San Luis Obispo, it was around that time I got a ticket for weed, I think. The black dude that called me over, I think he's the one they call Trouble, he made up some big bullshit rumor about me being a rat, an undercover cop. I am assuming because I record everything and take pictures. This big rumor went around and they've even told me that people went to jail because of me, which is bullshit!
                   I told them, "That's all a big lie. Do your research before you pass judgement like any educated person. Check out my website already." Well, that bullshit rumor from San Luis followed me to Portland. Remember that night? [link]Well, right now that homeless spanger bum kid from earlier. Wait, see, just then I actually met a beautiful girl from San Antonio and I started telling her my story. I was excited to talk to someone from San Antonio, especially this pretty girl. I was about five minutes into it when those punks from earlier walk by talking shit to me. They walk up again and this fat punk girl slaps the dude the girl from San Antonio is with on the cheek, for no fucking reason. She said he looked at his friend wrong. I kept on going with my story with the SA girl.
                   Anyway, the stupid drunk spanger kid from the other night that thought I owed him thanks for him giving me food, he obviously didn't like me to begin with and would jump at an excuse to fight me. I guess that dude told him about me and he came up to me calling me a NARC and got in my face and started pushing me. He tried punching me and I blocked pretty good. He was pretty drunk. I didn't offend at all, just blocked. Man, I could've thrown this short fucker on the ground and stomped him good, but I wasn't going to stoop to his level. I could've even thrown him through the glass window of the store we were in front of, ugh, hindsight. Anyway, the instigator showed up and started swinging punches too. He landed a couple, hitting me in the jaw and in the neck demanding I leave town and walked off. I told him I wanted to leave anyway and that I forgave him. Oh, and also that justice would be done.
                   I stayed on the same corner. The girl from San Antonio hung out during the struggle and when they left I was eager to continue my story with her, even with the sore jaw and bloody mouth. The punch to the mouth split my lip inside, but I couldn't feel it. I just wanted to tell the girl my story. This dude came up to me and warned me that I should relocate, that these punks meant business. I told him I wasn't scared of them at all. Remember, no such thing as bad publicity.
                   It seems that slap to her friends face was just to try to get them against me. The slapper friend comes back telling the girl, "Let's get out of here, this guy's a rat and I don't appreciate that slap." I went to gather my stuff and I noticed my walking stick missing. "Where's my stick?" I asked the San Antonio girl. She said her friend had walked off with it to defend himself in case they came after him again, but his friend now didn't have the stick. I saw it leaning against a wall by the alley across the street.
                   The girl was really concerned about me with a sad look in her face wondering, "Why did they do this to you?" I told her because they didn't know any better. I told her that Einstein quote, "Great spirits have always received violent opposition from mediocre minds."
                   I walked across the street to retrieve my stick and those kids I just scuffled with were there watching me. "Why aren't you leaving already?" they demanded to know. I told him I was getting my stick and kept walking. I walked to 4th Street where the buses stop right next to the plaza. I stood there and waited and they walked by again, asking me why I hadn't left yet. I told him I was waiting for the bus to skip town. When the bus came he didn't give me a courtesy ride so I started walking East, up 4th. The punks saw that I didn't get on the bus and I just walked off. I walked a couple blocks up the street and this bus was loading passengers right when I walked up to the stop. I asked him for a courtesy ride and he said sure. So bam, I'm skipping town. He's going to Everett, North. I should wait until Hempfest, but I don't know if I'm going to do that. I've saturated Seattle with my presence for two weeks straight, from sun-up to sun-down.

     10:37pm  Let me elaborate some more. I should have told that gutter punk to get a job. First this girl punk came up to me yelling at me to get out of town. She started saying, "You're too clean! You're too clean!" I'm not a street kid. I'm working. I'm not lazy like you. See, that spanger drunk dude who didn't like me, a couple nights ago I walked by him and he was eating some good food and when I walk by he tells me, "Bet you wish you would've given me a cigarette when I asked you for one the other night." I didn't because I didn't have any. I told him I could care less. He walked by later and volunteered me some food. Then another time I walked by and he said, "What's up, hippie." I just gave him the peace and kept walking. He gets offended and tells me, "What, you don't even come and say hi?" I told him I acknowledged him. He said, "You could've at least said thanks for the food when you walked by right now." I told him, "I thanked you for it when you gave it to me." Stupid drunk fucker thinks I owe him more respect than I've given him. You gotta give respect to get respect, you know?
                   So they sicked that dude against me real easily and he came up to me and threw the first punch. At first I was blocking alright. Then the other guy came and hit me a couple times in the face. I'm a little sore and he busted my lip a little bit, but I don't care. I just scored me a courtesy ride to Everett, about thirty miles North. I don't have to go to Hempfest. They've probably turned everybody against me there. I want to got to the islands. I'm in Everett now and I'm going to find a place to camp. I'm tired.

                   Ride the bus to Anacortes.

     10:45pm  I'm in North Everett, and Patch who is directing traffic at the stopsign right where I got off the bus, she gave me directions to the islands I want to go to. I'm going to walk down to 33rd and take a right to the bus terminal. I'm going to see if I can find a place to crash and then I'll catch a bus to Anacortes tomorrow morning.

     12:34am  I wandered around Everett looking for a place to camp. I finally found a place behind these bushes. I hope I don't get woken up by a cop. I'm tired and my face is sore. It's hard to talk, that's why I haven't been too descriptive lately. I'm sure I'll feel better in the morning. It's not so bad. I didn't stoop to their level and offend. I can't believe nobody jumped in to help me. At first that dude even spit in my face. Stupid ass ignorant gutter punks. I'm going to show them. I'm going to show them all.

                   Oh, and I am a rat. I'm ratting out our evil government. I'm ratting out the pirated software scene. I'm a clean rat, though.

Next day..

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