

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Thursday August 16, 2007
     6:57am I just woke up. I'm still a little freaked out about this address shit. I'm really liking this setting my chronometer before I go to bed thing so I know exactly how long I slept.

     1:45pm  I didn't tell you. I just took the last resin hit from my hydro. Right now I'm taking my mom's car to the mechanic on Bandera and Broadview where I walked the other day(8-1-07-7:35am). Ramiro is the mechanic she's always gone to for years and years. I told her I could just drive the car there and ride the bus back. She had first told me, "Victor, could you drive the car to Ramiro's and then Luisito will pick you up?" I told her, "No, I don't want him driving in this rain if he doesn't need to. I'll ride the bus. It'll be easy." It's pouring right now. I should be out walking, but I have lots of work to do on the computer. I told her, "Wait, let me talk to Luisito." I called Luis back and asked him, "Hey bro, do you think you could get me ten dollars worth of weed?" He told me to let him make a call and he would call me back. He called back and said he could get it to me tonight sometime. He told me to call him back when I got home.

                  I don't know what time it is because my watch is wrong. I drove my mom's car to Ramiro's in the pouring rain. I'm waiting for the bus to go back. I've been waiting for like fifteen minutes already. I'm sticking my thumb out as the cars go by, hehe. Lots of people should recognize me. I've been walking up and down this street a lot recently.

                  Police officer: "Call 311 for an out-of-cycle pickup. Somebody will give you an estimate to get it all picked up. Save your receipt and that will dismiss the ticket."

     10:42am  Oh yeah, this cop just came to the front door. He banged on it hard like they taught him at the police academy. I guess somebody complained about the big pile of roofing junk we have blocking the sidewalk in front of the house. got a friggin' ticket because I was the only person here over twenty one.

     12:15pm  I'm walking back home from Katt's house. Katt was there! I finally got to see her again. I missed Katt. She wasn't there when I got there. She got there eventually. I smoked a lot of resin with Humbplick and Keebler. Anyway, I'm walking back home now. I don't know what's going to happen with that mountain of shit in front of my mom's house.
     5:07pm  I'm going to ride the bus and go get my mom's car from the mechanic's. It's all rush hour and shit. Anyway, I brought my walking stick with me. I should leave it here. I'm walking back to the house. I'm driving the car back.

                   Screw it, I'm going to take my walking stick. I still need to stick out. I even have bus fare. My mom gave me a five dollar bill. Oh wait, I need to go back and get my raincoat. It's supposed to rain today. Wait, I don't need my raincoat. I'll stay dry in the car. Duh.

     5:32pm  I ran into Casey on the bus at the Walmart. He told me he hooked me up with a joint one time. I'll try and look it up. When was this? Two or three years ago. Where was this? (5-22-04-8:02pm)

     6:02pm  I jumped on the 82 bus. I'm taking it to Broadview to get the car. This lady sat down next to me on the bus. Shelly and her daughter True. True. Great name. The truth shall set us free!

     6:51pm  Dude, I just had a stupendous presentation with this Casey kid, hell yeah. He asked me if I had any weed and I told him, "Yeah, I'll smoke out out, dude." My little brother hooked me up today. Oh yeah, my little brother came by today and gave me this nice little green dugout thing. It's not wood. Hard green plastic. It has a little fake cigarette that pops up. It's friggin' cool. And it had a little weed in it so I smoked this kid Casey out. I came to get my mom's car. Shit, I think I lost the keys. I'm hoping they're in the car. This sucks.

     6:54pm  Red alert, red alert! I can't find the keys. I think somebody stole them. When I first got off the bus with Casey, he was getting off at Broadview too, we walked over to the Habib mart and I rapped my story to him. Great presentation. Well, I remember putting the keys down in the payphone cubby when I first walked up. Then I moved to the side to tell my story. I kind of remember some people coming to use the phone in mid-presentation and I think somebody ganked the keys. I searched all my cargo short pockets a million times. I thought they might be in the car but it's is locked, so I must've had them when I stepped out because I locked the doors with the remote thingy. Holy shit. This is crazy. I guess I'll just call my mom and tell her. I'm going to go check the car again, but I don't know where the hell they are.

     7:20pm  I just called my mom. I remember Casey telling me he was headed to some Dandyland piercing place nearby. I caught up with him and asked him to search his pockets, just in case. They let me use the phone there and I called my mom but it was busy. I called my brother and he didn't answer. I called my sister Laura and luckily she answered. She was at my mom's house. I talked to my mom and at first she didn't think it was a big deal. She thought I had locked the keys in the car or something. I told her, "Mom, you don't understand. I lost the keys. They're not inside the car." She flipped telling me it was going to be like four hundred dollars to replace the keys with the remote, that she didn't have an extra pair. So we're all paranoid that whoever took the keys will later steal the car. I don't think anyone saw me get out and cross the street. I don't know. It's some crazy shit.

     7:33pm  I just had an idea, a thought. A valid point. Maybe somebody swiped the keys and are waiting around to see which car I go to. My mom's is the only car in the mechanic's parking lot. I went to it, unlocked and put my walking stick in and then went to tell my story across the street. So, if they've paid attention to me then they know what car the keys go to and can unlock and drive it away, so the car's not safe there unattended. I got to talk to Laura and told her that and she agreed with me. So Laura is going to drive down here in her car and pay for the towtruck guy when he comes. I think it's only going to cost two hundred dollars to replace the keys, I think. Hehe, like that's pocket change for me or something.

     8:39pm  What a shitty night tonight has turned into. The towtruck guy came eventually. When he pulled up I told him I was still waiting for my sister. I didn't have any money to pay him. When he first pulled up he had asked me if I knew what the quota was. I told him I didn't know, so I went to the bus bench to wait for my sister. I smoked some weed and got the idea to tell that guy, "Hey, I remember what the quote was. Five dollars." He laughed and everything. I asked him, "Hey man, do you smoke?" I smoked this dude out right in the cab of his truck! I tried to tell him my story. He talked a lot. My sister showed up. It was a good way to kill time. I smoked the towtruck driver out! That's hilarious. He was probably a little older than me. Then my sister came and she had all this shit in her car, so there wasn't any room for me. So I still had to ride the bus back home. I'm sitting here waiting for the bus. What a shitty night tonight has turned out to be. Well, shitty for my mom.

     8:42pm  Here's the bus.

     9:01pm  I just landed at the Walmart. I have to walk now. I don't think the buses are running this late up the hill.

     9:27pm  Oh yeah, I haven't told you. At home to kill time I've been busy spamming. Mass-mailing all the emails I have finally. Sooo many kickback and are dead, but a lot is getting through. Right now I am still working on mailing all the AOL addresses I have. Today I went through and made a list of all the people who have signed my guestbook. I sent them all a reminder email about how my site has been revamped and updated, to check it out. It's a lot easier to read now.

     9:31pm  I waited at the Walmart for a while, hoping I hadn't missed the last bus. Then I said screw it. I'll just walk to the HEB grocery store and score a ride home from the parking lot like I do all the time. I bought a chicken sandwich at the McDonald's. I brought it to the HEB and I'm going to sit down and eat and smoke and ask for a ride. Let's see how long it'll take me tonight.

     9:51pm  I'm out here with Ish the Fish and what was your name? Onomo. These kids I ran into at the HEB. How old are you guys? Ish: "I'm nineteen about to be twenty!" Onomo: "I'm eighteen and I'll be nineteen in May." Ish just volunteered me a dollar. I tried to tell them my story, but you guys can just check out the website. Thanks for the dollar.

     10:04pm  I am finally home. Mo and Brit gave me a ride. I got a ride pretty soon. I was just out there telling my story. Everybody recognized me.

Next day..

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