


San Antonio, TX

Saturday August 16, 2008

     6:32am  6.23 hours of sleep. That sucks. I can take a nap later.

     8:18am  I'm going to try to go back to bed.
     11:48am  I just got up from my nap. I wonder how long I slept.

                     Three more hours.

     1:08pm  Ah, I've had a pretty good time at my mom's. I drove her car to the store and got some bread for her. She made me a couple sandwiches. I'm going to rest a couple days before Monday when I start walking Loop 1604.

     3:12pm  I'm coming back home. Humplick smoked a bowl with me and I got tired. I'm going to go back home. I'm still tired from my bigass walk yesterday. It was like thirty friggin' miles. I figured it out on Mapquest, it was a bitch. I only figured out how far the walk to downtown was. It was like fifteen, so I've just doubled the figure. I'll look up the way back later.

     8:29pm  Once again I am coming back home to my mom's house. I went over to Humplick's again and he smoked me out. I scraped his pipe for him which he hadn't cleaned in a long time and he let me keep the big resin ball I extracted. That's awesome. For my walk around the loop.

     11:02pm  Monday I am planning to start walking around Loop 1604. I am really wondering if I am biting off more than I can chew with this walk. I have never in my life walked that far on purpose in one direction nonstop. Well, I'll rest, of course. I mean, just from those thirty miles I walked yesterday I am still tired as hell. I've taken two naps today. I hadn't done that in a while. I've got a lot of work to do on the computer tomorrow for sure. I hope I can get some time on it.
                     My little nephew pisses me off. I need the computer a lot more than he does. I even told him, "You don't live here anymore. Your mom moved out, remember?" I've got a lot of typing to do. I want to update my website right before I leave the house to walk around the loop. I'm going to post it right when I leave, so I won't have it nearly as proofread as I want it. I'm all super stoned.

                     Oh yeah, Little Billy, hehe, I keep calling him Little Billy, I went to Humplick's and got his number and called him up and he just drove up and sold me a twenty sack. Tomorrow I'm going to go to the Christian store and buy me another tin of Scripture Mints. I'll put my weed in it.

                     See, my sister was supposed to pay me today, but earlier she called and told me she wasn't going to be able to give me all the fifty bucks, that if she could pay me the rest later. She said she could possibly give me twenty five or thirty. I told her that I was leaving Monday morning to start walking around Loop 1604 and that I'd probably be gone for a week or so, and that I was counting on that money so I could buy a new tape recorder(and some weed, hehe), and that she totally ruined my plans. Then later on when she came by I told her I needed thirty for the tape recorder, at least. She said she couldn't do it. I scowled at her and told her, "You've got shit for integrity, Laura. Without your word you are nothing." She ended up giving me only twenty four. She eventually conned my mom into fronting her twenty five and my mom gave me the money.
                     So all's well that ends well. I'm not going to buy a new tape recorder. I'm going to walk around the loop with thirty bucks to start with. I don't really need it, but just as insurance in case my recorder dies. I'm sure there will be a Walmart when it does. I don't really need money to walk around the loop. All I need is weed. :]

                     I'm going to bed now. Or I'm going to try and go to bed. I've been trying to go to bed all day long, but my nephew has been making noise and shit. It really frustrates me how wrong my family is. How wrong this world is. Damnit, something has to be done. It just gets to me so much how backwards people are. I still can't believe this tape recorder still works. It's the same one I got wet in the creek in Morgantown.

                     Did I tell you I went to the Health Department the other day? I have the slip of paper I have to call later on. They don't screen for Herpes of HPV unless I have an outbreak, which I have never had. I'm sure there's a test you can take that costs a lot of money, so I'm kind of stalemate on that. I'm pretty sure it's less contractible if you're not having an outbreak. I should be safe to have sex with. I've already loaded up my backpack. I should take a picture of it.

                     *I'm typing this up on Sunday at 11:28pm. My sister just called me and she thinks she's in labor. She's only been pregnant six months. Holy shit.

                     Shit, my batteries are dead on my camera. They were just freshly charged too. I guess these rechargeable ones are so old they can't hold a charge anymore. I've got to buy some batteries for my walk. I've got thirty bucks.

Next day..

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