

                                                                                                             Bellingham, WA

Sunday August 16, 2009

     6:17am  I got exactly that much sleep.

                   Did I tell you yesterday that I went to this thing called Salt on the Street, this big Christian bum feed. There were like two hundred people there. I got some extra layers and clothes and stuff.

     7:14am  All packed up and leaving.

     7:41am  I just walked to the Bellingham High School. I'm going to find the tennis courts.

                   I already see three on the other side of the fence.

     9:54am  I am leaving from the tennis courts. I had some good projects. I sewed a necessary patch on my camo shorts and scored eight tennis balls. My last one was almost worn out.

     10:03am  I walked to the Maritime Heritage Park. The library is closed on Sundays, that sucks. I'm going to walk to the college and see if I can use the computer there. I also want to go to that hippie house, the alternative library and talk to people there.

     10:34am  I started walking up the hill and walked up on a bus unloading. Today it's free so I'm riding it to the college.

     10:36am  Off the bus and walking to the library.

                     Damnit, it doesn't open until one. I'm going to go look for that house off Ivy Street, which I saw on the bus ride here. I'll go find that alternative library and see if they'll let me take a shit there.

                     I found a red small Nalgene.

     10:53am  I came to the alternative library, the hippie house. The sign says the library is open but it also said the hours today are 3pm-7pm. I have to wait until one for the library at the college.


                     I walked to the park. I walked Commerce and turned left on Broadway. I came back to the transfer center and I have to wait for the 205, the CAT bus to come.

     11:17am  I had a good presentation right now at the bus stop here and Mark shared a cigarette with me. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit.

     3:27pm  I haven't made an update in a long time, but right now I am so happy. I just got done catching up on my typing! I am completely caught up. Next step is to make HTML files.

                   See, I came to this alternative library. I didn't knock on the door or nothing. I just stood in front on the sidewalk smoking and waited for somebody to come outside. When somebody finally did I asked them if I could use the restroom and they were cool. I told them, "Hey, I got two hours to kill until the library at the college opens. Do you guys have any chores I could do?" Dude, I totally wiped out all their dishes, a huge stack of dirty dishes. It was pretty bad, the drainage system they were using for the two drying racks sucked. All this slimy ectoplasm had collected under them. I cleaned all underneath them. I washed tons of dishes. I detailed the kitchen.

                   I wasn't going to sit on their computers typing for hours without doing a badass job cleaning.

                   I left the house. I didn't tell you. One of the guys who lives there has arranged a story telling night at the house tonight, at nine. He said, "I know somebody who would like an audience," Hmm, who could he have been talking about? I'm going to see if I can get some food somehow. There's a Mexican restaurant across the street from the park.

     3:31pm  Oh shit, I am already on North State Street. The house isn't that far at all.

     4:20pm  I had an awesome little time right here. I walked by this tattoo and barber shop. I see this pretty girl with blue hair sitting there. I walked by her and she asked me how I was doing. I told her I was the happiest man in the world. "Would you have time for a really interesting story?" She agreed with all of it, shaking her head up and down the whole time. I forgot her name. She asked me if I was hungry and I told her I had only eaten half a bagel today. She brought me back some Trader Joe's crunchy little green beans. I'm also going to the bumfeed today. There's lots of them today.

                   When I walked over to where Food Not Bombs was serving this guy walked over to me and quoted me saying, "And our evil government turns it into a money making "drug." I hadn't even told him my story. He said he overheard me say that when he was walking by and I was telling it to somebody else. I'm glad that stuck out for him, evil government.

                   I am walking to the house. They have a house meeting at seven.

     9:22pm  I forgot to mention. I have to make an update. I came back to the house. Oh yeah, I checked my email and Amanda wrote me:

It's Amanda from Charleston,WV -- do you remember me? Just wondered if I held a spot in your memory. On the day I left you at my apartment, i was forced into a mental hospital for 10 days. My subsequent life has consisted of extremely high doses of psychiatric drugs. Drop me a line if you catch a momentary break from liberating... I will write you back when I get a chance. I don't have internet at home but I am staying with a relative for a few days. Keep the journey moving foward, Much luv, Amanda

Amanda is this girl I met in West Virginia. Remember that(6-7-08)? She was going to take off with me and everything. She told me that that day her parents came and got her and she spent ten days in a mental hospital on medication.

                   Tonight is going to be story telling night. I'm going to get to tell my story. I am excited. Oh yeah, before when I came back and was checking my email and one of the guys told me he was closing up the library. I loaded up and was leaving and this other girl who lives here Chloe she saw how good a job I did on the kitchen downstairs and she asked me, "Can you do me a favor? Can you clean the upstairs kitchen too?" Then she asked me if I need a place to stay. I told her I could keep camping at the same spot, but a place to stay would be awesome. She said she would host me! I went upstairs and slammed out the kitchen real good. It's all clean upstairs. Feeling welcome at a place you don't pay rent at is priceless, I told them. I'm going to tell my story. I am so excited.

     9:32pm  Story Time is starting up and we are starting it with a poem by Alex Grey by Dave.

The Plan

                   God creates the cosmos with love. When we create with love we align ourselves with the God-force. The cosmos and our world is God's evolving creation. An unfinished masterpiece we each co-create. Love will go to any length to fulfill it's creation. We are each a finite mirror of God's ultimate creation. To see through appearances that God's transcendent presence beautifies and transfigures our experience of God's eminent creation. Creating sacred space mirrors God's creation. Our challenge as co-creators is to mirror God's love and beauty in all of our creations. All action is creation, more or less conscious. The plan is to unmask the illusion of separation. The plan can only be enacted by becoming conscious co-creators. Reflection is the process by which we increase and unleash our higher, greater, deeper consciousness. Infinite consciousness is a mirror of God's presence, boundless and all-inclusive. Infinite mind knows the perfection of all as it is in each moment and feels the infinite love that feeds and acts on the unfinished masterpiece to create a world that more effectively mirrors God. The cosmos and our own lives are gifts of love from the creator. A permanent thankfulness for the gift is one of the benefits of realization. Realization is awakening more or less to the plan and our own roles in the evolving creation. Creativity is a sacred mirror and path to realization. A new alliance of spirit and humanity is being created through sacred art. Seeing and being is a creation. Creativity is holy, a path to recover our wholeness, a spiritual path capable of catalyzing our own self-realization. Become a worthy conduit of God's love and create power our of realization. Like a lightning flash when conditions are present the light suddenly fills us illuminating the world for an instant. Meet God in the storm of life and be a conductor of divine radiance. The example of your light can set off a chain reaction of Pentecostal soul-fire. Soul-fire is the passion to perform acts, to create in accordance with divine law. The timeless enters the creative field of history when called and human religion mirrors the evolving ways of spiritual alliance. Now, religion is the blank canvas of creative energy. So the new alliance has anointed creativity as a worthy conduit. Now is art. A blessed path to inspirational ecstasy. The fusion of spirit and matter for the uplifting. The great uplifting of humanity beyond its self destruction is the redemptive calling of art. So to remove the blocks to your creative plasma space, the heart is a safe container for such a power. The plasma state of soul-fire in the heart is the welding torch of love fusing God and human together. A well-lit soul-fire can burn away obstacles to the divine for thousands of years. So, sacred space mirrors the heart as a pumphouse for communal soul-fire. The creation of sacred space is a calling of the highest and the deepest urgency as a new model for possible future. Humanity must be awakened and creative spirituality has a vital and ???? role in the archetype of an un-dogmatic and the loving ecstatic religion. All, all calls to see their own divine beauty and unfinished masterpiece status. Building sacred space together is a task beyond our individuality to which we can dedicate ourselves and prove the possibility of people getting along and making something beautiful together. The dawn of planetary consciousness is up to each of us as artists of inner light can blast the psycho-evolutionary process into creative overdrive inventing new ways to save the temple of love, our earthly lifeblood. All creatures are holy and each are God's children. Revel and protect them and their home. Humanity grieve actively over your slaughter of nature by committing acts of collective-preservation. Preservation and renewal of what remains of the lifeblood is still a possibility. Science and spirituality must combine forces through art bridging knowledge with wisdom entering history through creative action. Forgiveness of humanity by the web of life will begin when rituals of confession of wrongdoing are enacted worldwide and prayer for healing the life web are collectively engaged. Whether or not the new alliance of collective intelligences can save the unfinished masterpiece of life on Earth is unknown. However, the plan is underway.

Next story

                   There's this man. This man is an archer. He is really proud of his ability. He heard that there was this Zen Master who was also an archer and who renown for his ability in archery. For this man seeking out greatness. seeking out high ability went to the Zen Master and challenged him. "Let's have a contest." They set up a target fifty paces away and the man being the challenger went first and he shot an arrow right in the middle of the target. But then, the same man took another arrow and shot it again and split the first arrow and looked at the Zen Master and said, "That's my challenge. Let me see your ability. Let's see who is the greater archer." The Zen Master looked at him and started walking out of the forest. This man follows the Zen Master, "What's this guy thinking? What's he going to do? How is he going to respond to the challenge?" He follows the Zen Master through the forest. They come to a canyon. [I couldn't understand the rest of the story on my recording.]

                   Chloe: "Let's put our hands together for David Zane! He's the guest on our show. Can I get you over here for a couple words? He says uno momento, ladies and gents but we all know he can't wait to get over here. My co-star over her just destroyed that plate of spaghetti. I'm little concerned. As soon as David Zane gets over here and we get a few words from him we'll dive right into the story of the head injuries. David Zane, I want to know what's it like to be David Zane. I just want to know. David: "It's pretty interesting." What do you do, David? What are some things you practice in your spare time?"
                    David: "Well, I like to play music and garden and find new things to do. I have a lot of spare time."
                                What's your profession, David Zane?
                               "Umm, I'm a natural healer. I do health consultation for people. That's my official job."
                                What's that like? That must be really rewarding.
                               "Well, you know, it's really interesting. It's really interesting to really spend some time with people and listen to their problems, I guess. I feel like I am more of a health coach, if you will. I try to get people to take responsibility for themselves."
                   Victor: "Can you give us an example?"
                   David: "I guess, the other day my friend Semage came over and his dog had this ear infection that was really bad. It was oozing pus and looking all gnarly. He was trying to get his dog to the vet, but he doesn't have any money so he wants to find out if there is a free veterinary service in Bellingham. I found out that there actually wasn't a free veterinary service here and the alternative humane society, they probably don't have enough resources to give out that kind of thing. Then I was all, you know, I know a thing or two about health issues. I asked him what are the symptoms. It just looks like the dog has this gnarly black thing growing in his ear and oozing pus. I looked it up on the internet and found that his dog had a yeast infection in the ear. That sounded like the dog didn't have a good diet, because usually those kinds of infections are diet-related. I asked him what he's been feeding his dog. He told me, "Well, I give him bread and spaghetti the other day, and treats." I said, "Okay, that's your problem." I mean, he gives his dog dog food, but all this other stuff too. It's like really high in carbs and sugar and dog's can't really handle that. Their carnivores, which means they eat meat. That coincided with this period of time when we got really hot weather in Bellingham which makes for a good environment for a lot of these little critters, you know. He said he's been taking his dog swimming. Funguses really like to live in warm, moist, dark environments like a dog sees, with lots of sugars. A dog, when he has too much sugar in his body, probably like humans, it tens to exude through whatever major blood orifices and the ear, there's huge amounts of blood circulation. That's how dogs cool off a lot of time, through all the blood vessels in the ear. I told him, well, okay, I can give your dog this anti-fungal oil, cedar oil, which is a strong anti-fungal and I've used it for many things. So I rubbed that in the dog's ear and then I did some Reiki for the dog. Animals, they are really receptive to any kind of energy healing. I told him his dog is going to keep getting ear infections until you feed him a proper diet. The infection is symptomatic of the dog not having a proper diet. Well, the next day the dog's ear got better. So I do that kind of stuff, really simple over the counter how to take care of yourself. Quick fix, but also looking at what are the deeper causes of our health problems.
                   Chloe: "That's great, David. Just a quick side note. I hear you are in a band. Can you tell us a little bit about that, about your band?
                   David: "Okay, we're called The Elements and we pay reggae/rock music. I play guitar and sing. I sing a lot so my voice is not doing so well lately, but I need a lot of practice. It's really fun. I think it's probably what I spend a lot of time these days. Just playing music, practicing, trying to get everybody together to practice."
                   Chloe: "Well, David Zane everybody. Round of applause from the audience."

                   Chloe: "I want to give a low-down of what's going on. Basically we all live here in a community house and it's really fun. A lot of people live here. We're not allow to really say how many, but technically there's nine people. In the middle floor of our house there's an alternative library run by Future Man. Can we get a whoop-whoop for Future Man? There he is on the computer. Future Man is an interesting fellow. He likes lots of sleep and lots of donuts and ice cream and cake and anything else his heart desires. He is always ready to eat sweets. There's Aaron everybody, he just walked in. Aaron is like the opposite of Future Man. He's a raw-foodist. Anyway, so we all gathered here tonight in the alternative library and we are telling stories. Right now we are about to hear a story about a head injury, so I'll hand this over.

                   John's cool tattoo

     1:29am  Dude, I've had the most magical night tonight. I got to tell my story to a big five or six person audience. everybody listened to me. Afterwards they had a lot of different stories. I should have recorded all of them. I recorded this interview this beautiful Chloe girl and David Zane. I'm all stoned. Right in the middle of my presentation another David hooked me up with a little nugget. There's some good people at this house. I love them all. There are some really smart and intelligent people here. I am grateful to be here. They have totally hosted the liberator in Bellingham. I get to sleep in the healing room upstairs and I am going to be able to do my update here. It's awesome. I am so happy. Everything is coming together for me here. Hopefully I have some more believers. They're going to totally help me. Hell yeah, welcome to Bellingham, Victor. I had a good welcome to Bellingham by Janie. They showed me this room upstairs and I get to sleep on this comfortable futon thing. I'm going to check my email before I go to bed.

Next day..

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