

 Boulder, CO

Thursday August 17, 2006

     8:03am  I just logged what happened last night.
     1:57pm  This morning I woke up around seven. Since Carol was sleeping I went for a walk. First I went to the Conoco on the corner to take a shit, just like my old routine. I just sat down at the bus stop and smoked a cigarette. I tried telling this pretty girl with wet dreads my story, but her bus came in a couple minutes. I went back to our camp at St. Andrews. See, lately I have been getting really frustrated with Carol. I still feel like she's slowing me down and I'm always trying to break up with her. It's all that I can think of lately. Anyway, I went back at ten and woke Carol up. I guess she noticed my stern mood because she asked me what was wrong. I told her, "Same 'ol stuff." She went, "What? You want to break up with me again?" I didn't respond. Then we started talking/arguing. I told her I felt my mission was a lot more mine than hers. I told her, "If you believe so much in my mission, you could work on it by yourself." I told her, "If you don't think you're slowing me down, just wait until after I am free again and just watch how fast I make it happen." See, we don't want to stay in Boulder too long. We are planning on going to California and Oregon. Well, I told Carol I would try us again. Carol and I caught the bus(courtesy ride) to the Wild Oats closeby. Remember, we scored at the other Wild Oats yesterday with pizza. We walked in and Carol picked out a vegetarian lasagna and some sushi. I got a donut. We went to the part of the store where you can sit down and eat. Carol put the lasagna in the microwave and we sat down and ate. While we were eating I saw the manager walk by and eye us. We got weird looks from everybody, but I thought it peculiar that the manager made it a point to walk by us. I finished first and went outside to smoke. Carol came out and we started walking towards the bus stop. We were well out of the store and everything when this little Asian guy comes out screaming, "You didn't pay!" Carol tells him we did and he asked to see the receipt. Carol said she threw it away. The guy motions us to follow him back in the store and Carol tells him, "Fuck you! Call the cops." The guy said he was and walked inside. Carol and I walked to the bus stop(with happy bellies). Right then this lady and her daughter pull up in a car and tell us, "You guys better get out of here fast. That guy said he was going to call 911." Right then, the bus pulled up! Carol had an appointment at two at People's Clinic to get her Depo shot. We rode the bus to Arapahoe and Carol had the idea to go to the library because we were early for the appointment. We walked to the library and who do we see? Bodhi, from the farm. We chilled out there for a minute. Then I went to go check my email. My "father" wrote me, so did Travis.
                   I left out a big part of this morning. See, when Carol got up this morning and we walked to the Conoco, Carol and I walked in to get some ice water. Then we went across the street to the bus stop. See, by the soda fountain in the gas station they had these Crystal Light On-the-Go lemonade and iced tea packets. Like little tubes of concentrated liquid that you can add to twenty ounces of water. Carol promptly grabbed two of them and put them in her cleavage. We went to the bus stop and Carol poured one into my water bottle. It was way too strong, so we spilled a little out and I went back to the Conoco to get some more water. When I walked in the nice lady Gail told me, "My coworker told me that you and your girlfriend were acting up earlier and that you guys aren't allowed to come in here anymore." Pissed, I told her, "Where is your coworker? We didn't do shit." She called the lady and the bitch came out and told me, "Your girlfriend was drinking water straight out of the dispenser." Like that she had seen Carol put her head under the dispenser, which was total bullshit. Now why the fuck would Carol stick her head under there to get water when I am standing right there with my bottle? I went across the street and told Carol. We went back there and confronted them. Hell, tomorrow I'm going to go there and take a shit, like I always have. I hope they call the cops on me. It'll be showtime.

                   Carol: "Then we went to the Best Western and got in the hot tub, took showers, etc. While we were there we ran into Lugena(, an old neighbor of Carol from Canyon Creek apartments. Vic told her his story. She gave us a blanket for our camp. I went with Lugena to get the blanket from her apartment. Victor went to McDonald's to get water. I walked by Alicia's, our old neighbor at 700 30th Baseline and I saw Victor through the open door, so I went there. They welcomed me in and David T and Jessie Smock were there too. Victor had stopped by for water. We chilled for a few and then David sold us a nug for five dollars. We walked back to our badass pad and got stoned and crashed."

Next day..

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