


Berkeley, CA

Tuesday August 19, 2003

     8:40am  Jason hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Have a good day.

     1:39pm  Man, I spent a good day at the school typing up my shit. I've got six more days typed up. I'm doing real good. I got all the way to Redcrest, the Eternal Tree House. I'm almost to Berkeley. Oh yeah, I have an appointment at 2pm with Zone about my webpage. Alright

     1:46pm  I am at the meeting place with time to spare. Now Zone, be a man of your word and show up, please.

     1:59pm  Emily gave me a cigarette. Badass.

     2:40pm  Man, I just had an awesome little meeting with Zone. This might be my big break. He makes webpages for all these people. He told me, "Yeah, I'm the same way. I don't pay rent." He also told me, "Just know that when I make this page it's going to be like my page. It'll be part of my self-expression also. I don't deal with, "I don't like this, change this." I told him, "Dude, as long as all my text is there." I told him, "Like I always say, everybody gets credit in my game. Of course you'll get your props if you're the webmaster. My site will be a big, giant beam of light for everybody to see." Zone told me that he was currently working on someone else's site, and that I would have to wait around three weeks before he could get started on mine.

     4:18pm  Amber hooked me up with a cigarette.

                   Oh yeah, and Jessica let me pet her pussy(cat), hehe. Score!

     4:57pm  I'm going to the MLK building, the email station. I'm going to forward all my important text files to my Linux address, which has now become my primary address. See, I talked to this girl earlier and she told me, "Hey, you never sent me anything." I told her I was still waiting to put my webpage up. Then I started thinking, "Hey, I've got all these people who I've already contacted and individually asked me to send them stuff. So, I'm going to send them some of my stuff before my webpage goes up." So, I'm going to forward all my stuff to my Linux address.

     5:15pm  I just had the greatest idea after I smoked some weed. I forwarded all my stuff as planned. Now, I'm walking to the Doe Library to play on the computer there until 9pm, four hours. I'm going to get a lot of work done, badass. I've got like four hundred addresses almost. All the people I have already followed up with are waiting in suspense for my stuff. I've been telling everybody lately that I'm going to wait until I get my webpage up before I send the mails, but these people I've already made contact with are waiting. I might as well send them my story, so they can get ready for my webpage.

     5:20pm  I just found out that the Doe Library doesn't close at 9pm anymore. That sucks. That's going to mess everything up. Time to skip town. On the door it said the new schedule would be effective August 25th and it's like the 19th. Dude, it's not even time and they already started closing early. What a crock. Man, that ruined my whole plan..

     5:25pm  Man, I love these nature hikes at UC Berkeley. I never go on the sidewalk where all the other drones walk. I always take a different hike every time. It's cool. It's beautiful. I really like the location of this school. I like how they kept it natural. This place is awesome.

     5:35pm  Jill spared some tobacco for three of us brothers. Thomas, Benito and me.

     6:28pm  I was in People's Park and Joe, some guy who gave me a cigarette listened to me. That's cool. I love an audience. And to top it off, he also offered me a slice of pizza. Shweet.

     8:38pm  I just got out of the shower at the pool. Man, I feel great!

     8:42pm  Jennie was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Jenny.

Next day..

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