

                                                                                                             Santa Fe, NM

Thursday August 21, 2005

     7:12am  Last night I ended up hanging out telling my stories all day on the sidewalk. What was your name again? I told Shay shitloads of my stories. We're going to walk to breakfast.

                    I'm talking to Brandon and Jennifer. They crashed with me under the bridge last night. They recognized me from last year. What was your email, Jennifer?

     7:35am  I'm walking to Sally's. Damnit, I lost my pipe last night. That sucks.

     7:56am  Carly stopped and gave us a ride to breakfast. We were just walking and she asked if we wanted a ride to breakfast. So we got a ride to the Salvation Army.

     8:38am  I just finished up at the Salvation Army. Man, that sucks about my one-hitter. I've got some weed and I want to smoke it, damnit.

     8:58am  Huguitt gave me a cigarette in the plaza.

     9:09am  I pinched the last hit of weed I had into a cigarette I bummed off this boring girl I talked to a minute ago. Right now I'm looking for people to tell my story to. I'm bored and all stoned.

     9:23am  Amanda gave me a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, Amanda.

     10:20am  Jeremy hooked me up with a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:07am  Haha, the funniest shit. I took a hit of weed and then saw this young girl. Her mom was up there with their dog and when I came over she came down. I told her mom, "Oh, do you want to hear the story too?" She tells me, "No, I want to hear what you're telling my daughter." I told her mom my mission objectives and she said, "Is this appropriate for a fourteen year old girl?" I told her, "Yes, it is. It's for everybody." They said they were just going to go. The girl all freaked out and shit. Ha, that was hilarious. They're never going to forget me.

                    Oh yeah, I got smoked out! This guy from England from this morning he smoked me out and gave me a little bit of weed. He said it was Columbian weed. He had just gotten into Santa Fe like three hours ago. He was on his way to South America. Oh yeah, I didn't tell you last night I crashed in the same place I had the night before. I woke up and there were people who recognized me from last year. We went to Sally's this morning and I got smoked out. Oh yeah, and this guy hooked me up with some Columbian weed. Then I ran into Shay again. Shay ditched his friend and we came and smoked a joint of this Columbian weed. This really good weed. I'm all stoned now. Oh yeah, then I see this girl sitting down. This girl with a dog.

                    Shay, from last night, after I told him my stories was all, "Victor Antonio from San Antonio. I'm never going to forget you."

     11:17am  Hehe, I went up to this coffee shop here. Zebay. I talked to these two girls and this other guy. I hit them up for my story and one girl told me, "Yeah, sure!" In mid-presentation one girl asks me, "Are you high?" I told her, "I stay high. It's essential for the storytelling." Then she says, "Oh, well then I think I'm finished." I asked them to do me the two favors. Haha, they're never going to forget me.

     11:44am  Susie hooked me up with a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, Susie.

                    I'm telling Susie my little story. What was your email?

     12:10pm  I am still talking to Susie and she's giving me a destination. Susie, "It's called Black Rock. It's a town based entirely on bartering. They don't have any money. They have basically outlawed money there. It's maybe like a thousand people. They just live there all the time. What they do is when they need something they trade for it. Like old fashioned style, like you need a chicken? It's a really cool place and every year once a year they have this huge art festival. Anyone can come and they do these crazy art pieces. Everybody is really chill and everybody smokes weed.

     12:30pm  Susie just volunteered me two dollars. Awesome. I gave her a CD. I would've given it to her anyway.

     12:54pm  That girl Susie was a cutie pie. I might have a ride to Denver already. Hell yeah.

     1:04pm  I went to the taqueria and the guy gave me a taco for two dollars.

     1:31pm  These kids were standing in front of the Santa Fe Arcade. I went next door to take a piss first and when I came back I hit them up for my story. They said sure. This one kid started pulling out all these technical fancy words. I stopped him and said, "All I know is I don't know nothing. Anything is possible." He got all mad. Why can't people learn? He's never going to forget me.

     2:01pm  I just told Joe my little legend and he volunteered me ten dollars! I appreciate it, brother. I can go buy a new pipe now.

                   Dude, I totally blew that guy's mind. He hooked me up with ten bucks. He told me, "Here you go, because you're story is good."

                   I asked directions to the nearest headshop and I was told Concrete Jungle.

     2:17pm  I am over here at Concrete Jungle. 126n Guadalupe.

     3:00pm  I just blew some guy's mind in the headshop. I got my pipe back. Mission accomplished. I blew Anthony's mind. He listened to my whole story. In between customers, of course.

                   He told me thank you.

     3:30pm  Julie gave me a cigarette at the plaza. I appreciate it, Julie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:28pm  Monica gave me a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, Monica.

     4:48pm  Oh, I forgot to tell you. I bought a hotdog at the snack bar at the Five and Dime. I ate it. Oh yeah, I went and took a shit and tagged Victor the Liberator again. Oh yeah, they tried to clean off the last time I tagged it yesterday but you can still see it good.

                   I'm going to the Salvation Army so I can get my socks washed.

     5:15pm  Antonio and Victoria hooked me up with a cigarette at the Salvation Army. I appreciate it, guys.

     5:21pm  I am leaving the Salvation Army. I am all full. I was already full when I got there. I just went to see when I could get my laundry done. Tomorrow morning, first thing. Hmm, maybe I should've bought some weed with those ten bucks. What am I saying? That pipe is mission-critical.

     5:50pm  I am talking to Buck in the plaza. What was your email, Buck?

     7:58pm  Man, I had this great presentation with this girl Farren. I think that's what her name is. She's this really cool fifteen year old girl. We came into the little mall in here and she sat down and listened to me. She was all ears.

     5:50pm  She told me, "Thanks for aligning me." 

     8:01pm  Javier me dio un cigaro alfrente del Allsupps. Gracias. Me dio dos! Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     8:44pm  I came and told Joel my story and he smoked me out! Oh sweet, he just volunteered me a twenty dollar bill! I appreciate it.

     10:15pm  Bruce just hooked me up with some food. I appreciate it, Bruce. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:16pm  I ran into Sandra and this other girl. These two girls I had hit up for my story before. I just told them my whole odyssey. I'm all stoned. Hell yeah.

     12:41am  I forgot to mention I already got back to my camp under the bridge on Alameda Street. Those people who crashed last night are here again. I forgot what his name was, but I smoked him out. Oh yeah, I never told you that guy Bruce not only gave me money but he also hooked me up with all this really good weed! What a blessing.

Next day..


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