

                                                                                                                                   San Antonio, TX

Thursday August 23, 2007

     8:23am  I'm having a good morning so far. I set my chronometer last night and I got a good seven hours of sleep. I just took a shower and I am ready to work. Whenever Mark gets here. I'm going to get on the computer and check my email.

     11:30am  I am going to go to Bob's. I called Mark, the guy I was supposed to help move the shingles with. He was supposed to show up in the morning but it was drizzling so he called it off. He's just going to drop the trailer off. I'm going to go to Bob's and get high. I brought my gloves to help him move some branches in his backyard.

     11:55am  I forgot to tell you I got to Bob's and he's not home. I'm sitting in his rocker smoking a cigarette on his front porch.

     1:08pm  Man, I waited a long time here smoking. Like over an hour. Oh yeah, I made a little friend. This adorable kitty cat. This orange and black tabby cat. He walked by and I cooed him over, "Come here, I'll give you some lovin'." he eventually jumped up and sat in my lap and let me give him the best scratching he'll ever get. I pet him a long time hoping Bob would pull up.
                   Man, I astound myself. I used my Leatherman to scrape my pipe and I got high, anyway! I got another good four hits out of my pipe. All I had was my Leatherman and I got myself high. I got tired of waiting so I'm going to walk around in the neighborhood and see if I see any kids and I'll try and score me a dimebag. I should go back to the house. It's not raining at all anymore. Mark probably dropped the trailer off for me. I'll get to work on the shingles when I get home. First I need to get some weed. That's all I need to move those shingles. Yesterday I was talking on the phone with Mark and I told him if he needed any help I was always down for a project. He told me, "Do you mind cigarettes?" I told him, "No, I smoke cigarettes." He said, "You don't smoke weed, do you?" I chuckled and told him, "Yeah, I smoke weed. Everyday." He said, "To each his own, just not around me."

     1:28pm  I just took Rachel's picture.


I'll recap this afterwards.
     1:52pm  Dude, I scored! When I got bored at Bob's with the kitty I walked down to the gas station, to the Citgo on Dover Ridge. As I was nearing the Citgo I saw this beautiful girl at the bus stop. I promptly crossed the street and approached her with my story. She immediately told me yes. Rachel, I'll show you her picture. She's so pretty. She had such a great, great reaction to my story. Then these fifteen year old kids walked by and I hit them up for a dimebag and we walked over to their house on Point's Edge, Bob's street and they sold me some weed!

                   That girl Rachel was beautiful, man. When I asked her the world's greatest problem question she said, "Everybody's ignorance." She hit the nail right on the head. Kids have always  known better.

                   I totally manifested that dimebag. Just think, if I would've taken off, if I wouldn't have waited for a whole hour with that cat, if I hadn't taken off when I did I would've totally missed my chance to tell my story to beautiful Rachel. First thing I did when I saw the pretty girl was cross the street to get on her side. I walked by her and asked her, "Do you know what time the bus comes?" She told me in like fifteen minutes. Sweet! I asked her if I could tell her my story and she was all, "Yeah, yeah." I sat down next to her and told her my story. She gave me a great big wonderful hug when her bus came. She was anti-smoking, though.

     2:34pm  Home, I am.

     3:38pm  Hell yeah, I'm all stoned. I totally manifested that weed earlier. I went to Bob's house to help him with his yard. He told me he'd smoke me out. I waited for over an hour on his chair on his porch. I got to play with a cat for over an hour. I gave him the best rubdown. He was loving it. That cat loves me now, hehe. Then after I decide to leave I walk down the street and turn left and see this beautiful girl at the bus stop. I got her picture and everything. Dude, the minute I asked her she was all yeah, yeah! Tell me! She scooted over and I sat down next to her. I told her my legend. She did have a couple things to say about smoking. I think a relative of hers died from lung cancer. I told her, "Well, I'm not perfect." Anyway, I came home all happy. I walked all the way over here giving all the cars the peace sign and everyone was waving back. Oh yeah, on the way home I walked by the Church's. When I was at the fifteen year old kid's house and scored my dimebag, I didn't get to tell them my story, I had bought some blunts for them at the store. I scored the weed and tried to stuff as much as I could into my little container that I've had since Arcata. They didn't have any baggies, o I put what I couldn't fit in my container into a napkin and folded it up. Well, I went by the Church's and AK asked me the usual, "Got anything for me?" I told him I would give him a hit off my fake cigarette. I sat down and rolled a cigarette and remembered I had that folded up napkin in my wallet. When AK came outside I handed it to him telling him, "Man, it's the least I could do. You always hook me up." I made his day. Anyway, I got these kids' phone number, and they live right next to Bob's house. That's badass. I came home and the first thing that I did was clean my weed and even cut it up with scissors and stuffed my little container. I also rolled two joints. Bob is always telling me, "You never smoke me out." After around six I'm going to go over there tonight and smoke him out. Actually, Mark is on his way with the trailer. I'm going to do some labor today. After that I'm going to go to Bob's and smoke him out even though he's got weed. I rolled two big joints after I cut up my weed and I put the rest in my little bottle. Oh yeah, and I walked up to the Church's. Not to get any food or nothing. AK is the only cool person working there anymore. He's all sad because none of his friends are there to smoke with him. I had a good day. Oh yeah, Mark is supposed to be on his way with the trailer. I'm going to clear off the sidewalk and get some more marijuana money, hehehe.

     4:43pm  Mark just came by and dropped the trailer off. I'm going to go outside and take pictures. He's going to give me fifty bucks to do it all by myself. Let's see how long it takes me.

     4:44pm  I just took two 



                   I'm going to go get ready for my work. I'm going to go get high on the back porch. I even have a big thing of mashed potatoes that my mom got me at Church's like three days ago. It filled me up. I'm ready to work. I'm glad I had such a good earlier today.

     7:22pm  I just finished off that mountain of shingles single-handedly. I finished it all, dude.


                   I thought I was going to just do half and wait for my mom to get home with food because I was hungry. I don't even know how long it took me. I had me a good system going. I was taking from the back and throwing shingles on the side of the pile closest to the trailer, so they wouldn't be all stuck on top of each other and hard to pull out. I was just grabbing armloads and chunking them in the trailer. I've got a big mess to clean up. I'm going to take another picture.

                   Look at the huge dead spot on the grass.

     9:05pm  Hell yeah, I just had a blast at Bob's. I just went to Bob's and smoked him out like I told him I would. Man, I need to stop going to Bob's and hanging out with his ignorant friends. Tonight there was this one kid there who was in the Marines and shit. He was all proud of himself saying shit like, "If you won't die for your country then I don't want to talk to you!" I was surprised, he listened to my story good at first and agreed with a lot of stuff. I was like, "Man, don't you want world peace too?!" Dude, nobody has to die. I found another way." He got all pissed off that I wasn't backing down. I was giving him rebuttals up the ass. He asked me, "How old are you? What? You want to live here for free??" I yelled, "Yeah! It's my fucking birthright! I'm a human being!"

                   I should've taken his picture, hehe.

                   This country isn't worth dying for.

                   Only the whole world is worth dying for.

Next day..

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