

Denver to Littleton to Colorado Springs, CO

Wednesday August 25, 2004

     6:00am  I woke up like five minutes ago in my room at the convention center. I slept perfectly. A long time. I gotta go find a place to take a shit.

     6:58am  I came to Central Station to take a shit and the stall didn't have a door on it. It sucked. I brushed my teeth.

     7:35am  I asked the bus driver for a courtesy ride and he said no. I told him, "Thanks anyway, greedy ass."

     7:36am  Robert just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:40am  Carl, the guy driving the #30 gave me a courtesy ride. Going South.

     8:20am  Earlier Carl gave me a courtesy ride on the #30 and we went down Federal.

     8:27am  Carl gave me three cigarettes! 

     8:34am  I am at the Avoca Park and Ride. I don't know where I'm going from here.

     8:49am  I'm still at the Avoca Park and Ride. I'm waiting for the #76 to Waddsworth going South.

     8:52am  The Waddsworth bus driver gave me a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:00am  I got dropped off at some mall. The Dillard's right next to the Marty Hutt's Golf Headquarters.

     9:15am  Tony is hooking me up with a courtesy ride a little further South. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Oh yeah, the driver told me that he always gives the scrub a free ride, haha.

     9:54am  I'm at the bus stop in front of the Statt City Entertainment Center at Coal Mine and Pekew. There's a Diamond Shamrock. I'm going to go buy a snack. I don't think the bus comes for another hour. Tensomething. I'm going to go over there and get something to eat.

     10:07am  I went to the store to buy a snack and right when I came out I saw the bus coming. I ran for it and he waited. I got on with the transfer Tony gave me.

     10:29am  I am in Littleton, Colorado. I have to walk down Santa Fe and catch a bus. Church Avenue.

     11:17am  I am at Littleton Minerals Park and Ride. I need to find me a bus going South.

     11:27am  I went up to the 403 at the park and ride. Hopefully he'll give me a courtesy ride. Wait, there's another bus. I'll go ask for a transfer.

     11:32am  This guy told me no.

                      I asked this one greedy ass if he would hook me up with a transfer and he said, "Now why would I do that? It's against company policy." I told him, "That's okay, maybe the next guy won't be such a greedy ass."

     11:58am  Mike is hooking me up with a cigarette here at the park and ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     12:12pm  This other driver wouldn't give me a transfer either.

     12:30pm  Ross hooked me up with a transfer finally. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:32pm  Kirk hooked me up with a cigarette here at the park and ride.

     1:10pm  I got on the 402L. I got on the bus and looked at the map on the schedule. It does pass Interstate 25. She told me that we should be near the highway around 1:35. I tried to tell the bus driver my story, but she was too busy driving and couldn't pay attention. I went to the back and tried telling this girl my story. Right before I got to the part about pirated software, the bus driver called her up to the front. Now she's just sitting up there not doing anything. I guess she's getting off soon or something. Damnit, I am trying to save the world here, hehe.

     1:45pm  I just got dropped off on Interstate 25.

     2:26pm  I was getting frustrated on the entrance ramp, so I walked down to the highway. Eventually this cop pulled over and told me I couldn't hitchhike on the highway, that I had to go back on the entrance ramp.

                  Man, the Babylon is real thick here. Just people speeding around in their death machines yapping on their cellphones.

     2:45pm  Whoa, somebody actually pulled over. Michael is the generous soul who is rescuing me from Babylon.

     3:46pm  My prayers to Love were answered. I got a ride. Michael said, "And it's hard to get a ride where you were." He brought me to Colorado Springs. I'm on Academy Blvd right now. There's an IHOP. There's a Denny's. I'm going to go score me some food. Watch.

     3:51pm  Deedee at the Denny's is hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach. Thanks a lot, Deedee. Everybody gets credit.

     4:26pm  I scored fat at the Denny's. I had told her to surprise me. She hooked me up with a big cut of meat, some bread and a baked potato. 

                   I am walking Southeast on Academy. I want to go downtown. There should be a square or something. I'm at some bus stop. Let's see if I can get a courtesy ride into town.

     4:50pm  The guy driving the 91 is giving me a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:16pm  I'm downtown. I'm going to use the restroom at the bus station.

     5:25pm  I'm in Acacia Park now.

     6:36pm  Man, the park here is crazy. This one black chick came up to me and called me tall, dark and handsome. She asked me if I wanted to have sex with her. I told her, "Umm, I'll think about it." That was weird. I was just hit up for sex. How crazy. Oh yeah, and I tried telling my story and these kids just wouldn't listen to me. This one homeless girl in the park listened to my whole story wide-eyed though. Then this other Mexican dude wearing a crucifix listened to my story too. He even shook my hand.

     6:42pm  I just had this badass presentation with this one girl walking down the sidewalk. I told her, "Hey, can I tell you a really interesting story?" She listened to me. She listened to me good. She didn't have time for the odyssey story. I captivated her. I'm sure she'll be telling all her friends.

     6:55pm  The kids at the park sucked. Then I saw this dude with a Grateful Dead shirt on and I asked him if I could tell him my story. He didn't have time to listen to me, but he pointed me to a coffee shop. That's where I'm at right now. Right when I got here I just told the kids my mission-objectives and one said, "Let's go smoke." I hadn't gotten into the story at all.

     8:31pm  George gave me a cigarette. Oh, I forgot to tell you how my mission has evolved. My stuff is going to be on the Internet soon, hopefully. All I need is a host.

     8:33pm  Oh dude, this guy's going to give me some food. I told him to surprise me. And I forgot to mention that earlier, while I was walking on the sidewalk and some guy said, "Yo, that guy has a peace tattoo on the back of his neck. Fuck peace. It's all about war, hatred." It's so cool that when my shit floods the Internet and his friends tell him about me, he will know exactly who I was.

                   Cool, Jordan bought me a veggie burrito. 

     9:20pm  Jordan gave me directions for a place to camp. He told me, "Go to Boulder Street Coffee House on Tejon and Boulder. If you go one block left on Boulder, then you go North on Cascade, take a left and go past Mesa. There's a big hill on the left hand side of the road. That's a pretty good spot."

     9:42pm  Julie hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Poor Richard's Restaurant. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I went in the restroom at Poor Richard's and put my pants on.

     9:52pm  Me and some other kids are out here in front of Poor Richard's Restaurant and Terry came up to us and asked me if I wanted some soup. Thanks a lot, guys. Everybody gets credit.

     10:08pm  Julie just came up and she's giving us all pizza. Wow, we're getting a lot of food tonight.

     10:34pm  Charles gave me a hit of weed. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:00pm  That guy Jordan came back and he gave me a ride to this hill. A place to crash.

Next day..

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