


San Antonio, TX

Tuesday August 26, 2008

    7:21am  I woke up like ten minutes ago. I just got done taking a shit. I only got five hours of sleep last night. Today is Brandi's birthday. I'll probably take a nap after I check my email right now.

     10:24am  I am about to leave to get my tooth pulled. I was watching Matrix-Reloaded. I'm like halfway through. They were supposed to call me to let me know if I could come it at eleven, but they never did. When I called my time was indeed at eleven. The lady said she had left a message, but my mom never checks them, so good thing I called when I did, because eleven is in like half an hour. So I'm taking off walking right now.

     10:29am  I didn't tell you, but Dr. Covert already signed my guestbook!

     10:49am  I am at Dr. Covert's.

     12:03pm  Man, I got hooked up like crazy. Dr. Covert pulled my tooth and I got a tooth-cleaning and everything. I had tons of tarter all over my teeth that just got scraped off. He even let me keep my molar. I'll be sure to take pictures of it.

     12:40pm  I am back home. I walked all the way back home.

     9:21pm  I'm almost out of weed, so I called Billy up and asked if he'd sell me a nickel. He said he didn't have any weed..."but I got some mushrooms." I asked him if he would sell me five dollars worth of mushrooms. He said, "Where are you? At home?" He swung by and sold me some little pieces of shrooms for five bucks. I just ate a cap right now and I'm going to go see if anything is going on at the Perry house, because my mom is glued to the computer playing her internet dominos game. She's got to work in the morning so she'll go to bed soon.

     1:45am  I'm going to go to bed now. I'm going to go hang out with my new seventeen year old friend tomorrow. I think she's got a crush on me, but I can't be in a relationship. I can't cheat on my mission.

Next day..

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