


Arcata, CA

Wednesday August 27, 2003

     7:03am  I just woke up. I found a place across the street from the Industrial Electric Services Company. Over by this big tall fence.

                   Okay, where I slept last night was over at the end of K street.

     7:57am  I'm at the plaza.

     8:46am  I'm walking to the school right now and I see Paul rolling up a cigarette of Top tobacco and he's agreed to let me roll one, too. Thank you, Paul.

     8:50am  I'm walking to the library. The college. To HSU. Man, it sucks. This place isn't as convenient as Berkeley.

     9:03am  I passed the footbridge. There are a couple of decorated bridges out here that have quotes on them. One is, "From the cultures of the past spring the dreams of the future." Somebody wrote with marker, "From the dreams of the past spring cultures of nothing." Umm, I'm not too sure I understand that. There's all these big murals everywhere. "Never ending war. Do you care?"

     9:05am  Whoa, I just found a lighter on the ground. How cool. I needed a lighter. Badass. Hey, now I can take a hit of weed. Awesome.

     11:32am  I caught up on a lot of typing and I have to go eat. It's a nice little walk. Let's see how long it takes me.

     11:48am  I'm finally at the Endeavor. I wonder how long that took me. About fifteen minutes or so. I need to take a piss bad.

                     Damnit, I'm the very last person in line. Let's see how long this takes me.

     12:10pm  The coolest shit. Some guy who recognized me from Portland came by and said hi. Athir was his name, I think. That's awesome, I'm known.

     12:41pm  I was sitting at lunch and that's another dude I remember. Remember that old dude who read my sign when I was getting water at the Mexican restaurant in Berkeley(8-8-03, 1:26pm)? You know, the guy who bought me the pouch of Mcklintock tobacco. That's the second person who has met me somewhere else. He told me, "I am really surprised to see you." That's weird. But, he offered me a cigarette, so I'm going to wait.

                    Oh hey, I saw Jenny. The girl who invited me to her party at a motel room last time I was hear a month ago(7-24-03, 11:30pm). She was with this dude, Tim. I don't know if they're together, but something tells me that they're just friends/traveling partners. She told me, "Hey, you have to come check out where I live." She's got a tent set up in the Redwood Park. I told her, "Man, I need a squat so bad. I was desperately looking for one last night." She said it's like a mile and a half away.

                    Jenny told me that she's going to be in the plaza, but I'm going to wait for this old man to finish eating because he wants to give me a cigarette. Then, I'll go to the plaza and if I don't see Jenny, I'm going to go back to the school and get back to work. I got a full stomach. I stood in line for seconds and everything. I'm full.

     1:35pm  Jenny had an income tax refund check and she needed to cash it. We tried one bank and they said she had to have an account with the bank or else you had a big charge. We tried the next bank, Humboldt Bank. Jenny didn't have her ID, which you need to get a checking account, so I told her I could open one. I'd open it, cash her check, then close it. Well, at Humboldt Bank we talked to Jean Scobee. At first she told us the same thing from the last bank, that you had to have an account. They have free checking and the minimum deposit could be Jenny's check, So, I told Jean, "Okay, I am going to open an account for the sole purpose of getting this check cashed without a very unreasonable charge. Then, I want it closed. Can I do that?" She was all, "You're not going to use it?" I told her nope. She thought for a minute and then let us cash the check, against policy. Good 'ol Humboldt. It's a tax return check. It sure as hell isn't going to bounce. Argh. See how money complicates things?

     2:50pm  I started telling Jenny aka _NV my story and she was liking it. Anyway, we went to Long's Drugs and I bought a spacebag(wine) for her. Jenny is nineteen. Breakin' the law, breakin' the law. We're going to go drink somewhere. She's a beautiful girl. She would make a great traveling partner, but I'm not going to pursue anything with her. She didn't let me finish my story. I think she has a boyfriend, anyway.

     3:06pm  We got the spacebag and Jenny, me and these kids came out to these railroad tracks. These tracks must be old. There's weeds all growing around the tracks. It's awesome. Oh yeah. Jenny is going to get some shrooms tonight hopefully. Man, I haven't done shrooms in like three years. I shroomed with Chasity once. There was absolutely nothing wrong with them. I can't wait to do it again. I might be shrooming tonight. I'm going to shroom out in the forest. They're going to show me where they crash. It's all going to be good. I can't wait.

     3:59pm  I'm out here smoking and drinking the spacebag. Party out by the railroad tracks. Hippie Geba has this book called, "A Thousand Such Nowhere." He calls himself the Soul of Sungod and he asked me to pick a number between 1 and 1,000. I picked 72, for some reason. He looked up number 72 and this is what it said:

                   Okay, just in case I can't make out the recording when he said it, I'm going to repeat it:

                   "When the purified river expands into the ocean of love, free given self will and the Free Will of the Self merge and only the one Will is. Thus being Will, the enlightened one moves using no will and is totally free."

                   Geba says:

                   "And then you release that the words spoken is actually a Lotus flower blossoming from the Phoenix of acceptance as well as listening to the tone of sunlight. Accepting the stance of guardian of Earth that would stand as host to sunlight. And that the Earth will host the Guardian of Sunlight and those two born can walk as Son/Daughter/God and experience the co- creation of Sun/Daughter/God through conception and birth. For whom is it that creates soul spirit egg and seed? Which is that which create and births all on Earth. Seed and Egg. The same thing as a comet landing on a star. It has to fly past thousands of them and choose this one. That would be the same essence as sun flakes from the daily sunlight which heats us. The man who sits in the local sun and when they hold and look at each other, the love they birth is the son of a filled warmth."

                   Jed Mercado: "I, Jed Mercado approve of dissension from the American government."

                   Geba: "I second that. Sky Deer, of the Deer Tribe. Granted Earth reality. Sun, Earth, Sun God. I can say that if I want to, because I just did say it.

                   Jed Mercado: "But still loving to 1789.4 percent."

                   Geba: "That's what he said. He's going to get it. Because if you cause harm to the innocent and pure, it is not right. That's the first law that can't be broken."

     5:32pm  We're walking from the smoking spot down 8th Street. We're going to get some coffee.

     7:09pm  I haven't been recording. Tim and I are walking to their camp. I haven't been on this side of the highway much. It's cool. The big trees, the nice neighborhood. You can still feel the sell-out in this neighborhood, though.

     7:14pm  Mission accomplished. We walked to the top of the neighborhood. This big ass hill.

     7:21pm  We just got to this picturesque part in the Redwood Forest. I took a picture. Tim told me that they've been logging closer to their camp, so I gotta take a picture of that, too.

     7:23pm  Man, this is a magical place. It's like a real forest. Like Peter Pan, hehe. Reminds me of an Ewok Village. It's really cool. Redwoods.

                   Man, I miss my mountain bike so much. This reminds me of the time when I went to Stamford, CT. I had to buy a box for the bike so I could put it in the plane. I went mountain biking in Stamford all by myself. I met up with other bikers in the forest and made friends. Wow, this place is just awesome. There's just nature everywhere. For now. And forever, if I have anything to do with it.

     7:43pm  We stopped for a smoke break at this little bench. Tim was telling me about how he climbed all the way to the top of this big tree, that's missing the top of it. It's been in a fire, or something. I was like, "Man, that's crazy. It's just one straight stump. There aren't any footholds. I told him, "Back your shit up." He told me he would after he finished his cigarette. He told me he would climb to the middle of it and he just did! Ha, he's all dirty now. He took a shower earlier at the Endeavor, too. Sorry Tim.

                   Wow, this is so awesome. It reminds me of a Star Wars videogame.

     8:50pm  We found camp, but now we are walking through the forest headed back to civilization. I'm hoping there's a water fountain somewhere soon, so I can eat my MuscleBlast 2000. Coming down is a lot easier than going up.

     9:35pm  We met Jenny, Rennick and Geba right when we got to the paved concrete at the top of the neighborhood. Jenny needs some warmer clothes, so we are walking back to camp. Geez.

     10:07pm  We are up at camp. Jenny just busted out with some Espresso Beans. Some really good coffee candy. She's going to make some English Muffins and cook.

     10:30pm  Tim just peeled an orange in one piece. Jenny has some yogurt-covered raisins, too. Tim had forgotten he left his cigarette behind his ear and it was still burning. He burnt his hair. Tim is seventeen and Jenny is nineteen, by the way.

                     I used to dream about getting my old dog back from my ex-girlfriend in Florida and he would be my traveling partner. But, he's dead. He died in Florida. Brain tumor, or something. I miss Stuart.

                     Until recently I used to have this five inch long hair on my leg. It was blonde, too. I had another one on my calf. Blonde, as well. I had them for years, but recently I lost them both. They were on my right leg. I'm hoping they'll grow back. Jenny just asked me if I liked soymilk and gave me some. Cool, I can smoke a cigarette to it. She offered Tim one and he said no. Jenny told me Tim didn't drink whole milk and he said he only drinks 2% milk. He's all, "I'll drink whole milk." I asked him, "Why don't you drink soy milk? It tastes the same." He said, "Because it's not real milk." I tell him, "Sure it is. It's all natural."

                     We were talking about mushrooms and acid and I told Jenny, "I've tripped acid about five times and I've eaten mushrooms once. I smoke weed. Tim asks Jenny if her food stamp card has any money on it and Jenny says she has to check.

                     That reminds me of one time when I was younger and I was trying to start the fireplace. My sister and I wanted to roast marshmallows. I couldn't get the wood burning, so I went to the garage and grabbed the gas tank. I started soaking the log. I hadn't realized that I had gotten it started a little and there was a glowing ember at the end of the log. Once the gas hit that, the fire blazed and blew me back. It burned eyelashes and brows. Later, in the shower my hair was all crispy.

                     Jenny: And this one time at band camp. I got this phat rain jacket I got at the Endeavor.

                     Some guy on Telegraph gave me a cloak. I can sleep on top of that.

                     I didn't mean to record all the gibberish. I forgot it was recording.

Next day..

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