

                                                                                                  Moses Lake to Spokane, WA

Saturday August 29, 2009

     8:03am  I had a nice relaxing morning at my camp here. I'm going to pack up and leave.  I've got weed!

     8:35am  Up and at 'em. Leaving from behing the Moses Lake water tower behind the truckstop.
     9:11am  I'm standing in front of the gas station smoking and this white van full of Christian kids just pulled up and are gassing up. I walked over to them and said, "You guys want world peace, don't you?" One of them said, "Who doesn't?" I should have told them our evil government doesn't. I gave them my website. I'll take their picture too.

                   Back at the stoplight with my SPOKANE sign.

                   These guys pulled up in a truck right now and asked me which way I was headed. I showed them my SPOKANE sign. I crammed my pack and frontpack into their loaded bed. I thought there was a backseat to their truck, but there wasn't enough room. I told them thanks anyway, thought that counts.

     9:54am  I just got this sudden urge to leave from the stoplight and walk over to the Conoco. I was going to fill up my bag with ice and go on a snipe hunt. I walked to the gas station with my SPOKANE sign exposed and this brother pumping gas saw me walk up. James asked me, "Do you need a ride?" Just like that, I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot for mobilizing me.

     10:59am  I had an awesome presentation with James right now. Whole odyssey and everything. Remember on my website on that lame quote I have that says "it's the friends you can call up at 4am that matter," scratch that out and put, "Everybody matters."

     11:13am  Here's James' alien song. James: "Anal probing aliens in your face, some say they're from outer space. The thirteenth planet some might say, all's I know is they're on their way. The government is trading us for a fee, aliens giving them technology, invading your bedrooms late at night, erasing memories of the flight. Three thousand sightings every year, pushed aside to the rear. Are they really from outer space? Genetically engineering the human race. or are they something much more written about long before, demons in the sky, a strange birth, the real reason God fled the earth."

                   Holy shit! James gave me thirty bucks when he dropped me off!

     11:42am  Welcome to Spokane, Victor. I just got dropped off over by the train station. Wow, James hooked me up with thirty bucks. Bless that dude's heart. I told him just about all my stories too. I didn't tell him any jail stories, but I have to leave something for him to read on the website. Anyway, I'm going to walk into town. Spokane, here I am. I've done my paranoid checks and I still have everything. I'm a one-man organization. Non-profit.

     11:50am  I just had an awesome semi-presentation with Carmen. She had to go to the bathroom. I gave her my website. She was all smiles. I took her picture. I'm walking up 1st Avenue now. I want to find a park. Turning right on Washington.

                   Oh yeah, right when I got dropped off at the bus station some homeless guy walked by and asked me for a dollar. At first I told him sorry then I remembered I just got hooked up with thirty bucks. I called him back and gave him a couple bucks.

                   Skyridelisteners on wall, gazebo I got smoked out at,

     1:47pm  I'm going to go on the skyride since I have money. I just got to town and I'm going to do the tourist thing, even though it's $7.25. 

                   I took lots of pictures on the lame skyride

                   Beautiful fountain

     2:18pm  That totally wasn't worth it. A big waste of money. I've decided to go buy some supplies now. Some mouthwash.

     2:41pm  Scrubby, Mason's friend, Jordan and Mason, he just recognized me in Downtown Spokane. He said he saw me in Seattle.

                   Vegetarianism on Page 50. Thoreau  "I cannot fish without falling a little in self-respect...always when I have done I feel it would have been better if I had not fished."    Henry David Thoreau

     4:22pm  Two minutes late. For no reason whatsoever I got on the 91 bus, just because there's a 91 in San Antonio. Also, it says MISSION on there. I'm on a mission. Let's see where it takes me. I just got into town.

                   Somebody warned me that there were a lot of crazy people in Spokane, that I should fit right in.

     4:29pm  Hmm, this bus goes to a college. Maybe I can get some typing done. I knew there was a reason I got on this bus.

     4:47pm  I walked through the campus and it's dead. I came to the Spokane Community College map here and I don't see the library anywhere on this map. Hmm, this college might not have a library, I'm thinking. That'd be strange. I'm over here by the tennis courts. I'm going to go check for tennis balls. There's a gas station nearby, maybe I can hang out there. I've got to do some laundry too.

     5:01pm  Damn, the library is closed for summer break. That sucks. Scratch that. I should skip town.

     5:13pm  I met this girl Jasmine at the bus stop at the college. She had just broken the strap on her purse and was sad. I told her not to worry about anything, I had a sewing kit. I started telling her my stories and had her captivated. I thought I was going to catch the 31 because it goes to East I90. But, she felt like showing me around. We rode the bus to the mall together, but the mall was pretty lame. Then we rode the bus to Walmart and I got some stuff I needed. Oh, she just gave me a bar of soap. Thanks a lot Jasmine. I bought some supplies. I bought me some mouthwash and another compass for my walking stick. I even got me a chicken breast.


     5:23pm  Jasmine was pretty crazy. She was a little younger than me and she was real pretty, but she wore her lip gloss weird, all smeared and crazy looking. We hit if off good at first and she said she would let me crash at her house with her roommates. But, after I showed her that picture of the dead dog face I've had for years, she freaked out and changed her mind.


     8:29pm  I had a good presentation with Jeff and Courtney. They listened to me great. Oh yeah, earlier I ran into this girl Jasmine. Crazy girl with her lip gloss all smeared. I had been warned about all the crazy people in this town. It turned out to be true. Earlier when I was trying to hitchhike I saw some guy walk up to the sidewalk and take off his shoes, sat down for a couple minutes, then put them back on and walked up and down the shoulder of the highway. Then I ran into Jasmine who had some great cleavage, hehe. I met her at the bus stop and she listened to all of my stories. She was a great listener even though she was so scatter-brained.

                   Back downtown I came to this plaza where they have all these metal figures walking by. I saw all these cool punk kids hanging out and I approached them with my website and story. This one dumbass cuts me off and says, "Wait a minute, do you believe in God?" I told him, "Nah, I believe in LOVE." He told me to get out of there and got all mad and left. I told him ignorance is bliss.


     11:05pm  I have a little magical update to make. I hung out over by all the metal figures. I had a couple good presentations. I told this one pretty girl my story. It got late. I was crossing the street and this brother in a car asked me if I had any weed. I told him no, but can you give me a ride somewhere? He said sure and asked me where. I told him I didn't know, to surprise me. I told him I wanted to find a place to camp.

     11:29pm  What a weird, crazy night I've had. I just got dropped off, I don't know where the fuck I am. I told him my story while we were driving. I'm going to go find a place to crash now.

     11:46pm  I just went to the Cenex gas station on Sprague Avenue and University and got some ice. I'm going to go find a place to crash soon.

Next day..

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