

 10:07am  I dunno, maybe I should be upset, but I don't care.  I recently have been welcome to the #texans channel un Undernet.  The marine vet OP there likes me a lot.  I just got banned by somebody else.  I took that as a sign that I need to transition to another offline portion and get some balance with some exercise.  I have been glued to my blog a lot.  I'm going to go for walk into town.  Do my rounds, try and smoke people out, tell my story and pass out my blog.  I have my wrist weights and people will see me.  

8:40am  Let me give you a little update.  Lately I was warmly welcomed into #texans.  This is after all my trolling in #gulag and getting banned from #rebelyell and all these other channels like #politics and stuff.  I do it on purpose.  No bad publicity.  Anyway, #texans.  I met this guy Batman.  He's a marine vet and he totally welcomed me and my stance on freedom and stuff.  He liked my blog from the start and was impressed by the choices.  He was even looking forward to introducing me to other regulars from the channel.  Thank you for making me feel so cyber welcome.  I felt a possible bond.  But then there's this guy Pyro-Rob, who has been in other channels I trolled.  I had been warned about him by Badman, look:

[07:52.02] <@Badman`> the best thing about this channel is we might disagree but no one gets mad
[07:52.35] <@Badman`> as far as I know Rob is the only OP in the channel that will ban someone for an opposing view.
[07:52.43] <@Badman`> then I will come along and remove it

  Well, I guess Rob really is that predicatble because he banned me for no reason.  I quickly msged Badman that I would stay away, there were plenty of other places to pester people with my light.  I have tried to return, but I am after all banned.  I guess Badman hasn't reversed it like he said he would.  He's never online when I check either.  Weird.  I hope he didn't die suddenly.      Oh yeah, when I first got banned Badman indeed unbanned me and quickly changed the room topic to:  WE DON'T BAN PEOPLE FOR THINGS THEY SAY HERE.  I was elated and told him, I LOVE YOU FOR STAYING TRUE TO YOUR OATH AND UPHOLDING PHREEDOM!

    Now, today's project, see, when I check my blogstats with Google Anal it tells me I have more views from Ashburn, VA than anywhere else, even San Antonio.  Ashburn just happens to be a suburb of the evil country that's in our country, that's exempt from certain rules.  I have decided I am going to call up coffee shops.  I am aiming for the 420-friendly hipster crowd.  I want to see if anybody's heard about me.  And if they haven't, be sure to give them my blog.  So that's today's project.  I am going to telemarket for free again.  Like I did a couple of months ago in with San Antonio.  

571-442-8718 Blend Coffee Bar, Ashburn.  No answer.  Let me try the next one. Peet's Coffee on Belmont Chase Drive.  Zack: "Thank you for calling Peet's this is Jack speaking."  Hi Zack, my name is Victor.  I have a really interesting blog that for some reason has the most views in Ashburn.  It's kind of weird, because I am in San Antonio, TX(not really).  Umm, I am kinda wondering if anyone there has ever heard of me.  I am a journalist, a long distance walker.  Would you check out my blog, Zack?"  Zack: "Umm, I think I have, actually."  I am calling coffee shops because I am aiming for the 420-friendly crowd.  If you get my drift.  Will you check it out?  Zack: "Yeah, I'll check it out."  Okay then, I am just going to go down the list of coffee shops.  Zack: "Oh, no worries."  Do you guys ever have spoken word in town anywhere?  Ok, thanks anyway.  Have a good day.

Sweet!  He thought he had heard of me! BADASS!

I got the nice girl at Ridge Top Cofee and Tea to accept my blog too.


Session Start: Tue Aug 29 07:55:57 2023
Session Ident: #Texans
[07:55.57] * You have joined #Texans
[07:55.57]  Topic: WE ARE NOT ROMAN... YOU WILL NOT BE BANNED FOR WORDS YOU SAY.  "first ammendment and all"
[07:55.57] Channel Topic Set by: Badman` on 5:35 PM 8/28/2023
[07:55.57] Channel modes for #Texans are :+tnRl 18
[07:55.57] Channel Created on: 4:37 PM 4/18/2005
[07:56.10] <wptmj> >:O)
[07:56.33] * lynnn (~Android@ has joined channel #Texans
[07:56.44] <wptmj> >:O0
[07:57.28] <wptmj> <l:O
[07:58.13] <wptmj> <l:oj
[08:31.18] <GrayMouser> +, <-- I think this is an awesome idea
[08:31.19] <+weather_wx> [Title] ● Sending Public Officials Who Censor to Free Speech School | The Heritage Foundation
[08:41.22] * lynnn (~Android@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:42.31] <Webby> I think they should lose their office and be barred from serving ever again
[08:42.56] <Webby> schooling won't fix
[08:43.00] <GrayMouser> Webby - I can get behind that also...
[08:43.09] <Webby> like trying to break a pedo of their habits
[08:43.15] <Webby> just won't work
[08:43.28] <GrayMouser> Webby - Personally I think they should be shot. I have no love for anyone trying to determine what speech is allowed or not.
[08:43.46] <Webby> hey, I have no problem with the shooting idea either
[08:43.52] <Webby> line em up with the pedos
[08:44.01] <GrayMouser> Webby - Absolutely...
[08:44.25] <GrayMouser> I think you break your oath of office - there should be a very dire consequence
[08:45.22] <Webby> yup, you vote for a bill that is later determined to be unconstitutional... off with your head!
[08:46.10] <GrayMouser> Webby - Bills should be limited to 1500 words. If you cannot convey a thought in 1500 words - then its not a good bill
[08:46.51] <wptmj> Podiums!  
[08:46.56] <wptmj> Now that's a product I can stand behind!
[08:47.13] <wptmj> <l:oP
[08:47.33] <wptmj> good morning all you yellow ribboners
[08:47.43] <wptmj> ¿how goes it?
[08:47.46] * Webby tosses imodium at wptmj
[08:48.01] * wptmj gulps it down
[08:48.17] <wptmj> ::farts::
[09:07.27] <+JacklynAnn> morning
[09:07.29] <+JacklynAnn> yay work
[09:12.26] <wptmj> +,
[09:12.27] <+weather_wx> [Title] ● Wouldn't you rather be free than rich?  You can't be both.
[09:12.41] <wptmj> my old "manifesto"
[09:13.06] * wptmj wonders if anyone cares
[09:50.42] <Pyro-Rob> every bill should be a single topic. None of this multiple topic omnibus bills
[09:58.34] <GrayMouser> The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) confessed to being in possession of over 5,400 emails that had been sent by then-Vice President Joe Biden’s fake email account, as a lawsuit has been filed demanding the emails’ release.
[09:58.34] <GrayMouser> As Just The News reports, the Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) filed its lawsuit on Monday, amid reports that the emails from the account of “Robert L. Peters” included correspondence with Biden’s son Hunter about his various foreign business deals. NARA has also been confirmed to be in possession of emails from Biden’s second fake email account, “JRB Ware.”
[09:58.34] <GrayMouser> SLF had filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for the emails two years ago on behalf of Just The News, which broke the story that revealed the existence of the thousands of emails. SLF then made a second FOIA request in 2022, but NARA “has failed to produce a single one of these emails,” thus leading to the lawsuit.
[10:03.24] * lynn^ (~lynnn@ has joined channel #Texans
[10:03.25] * X sets mode +o lynn^ for #Texans
[10:07.49] <wptmj> HORNS UP!
[10:07.53] <wptmj> +,
[10:07.56] <+weather_wx> [YouTube] ● Title: The eyes of Texas are upon you! ● Video Size: 640x360 ● Uploaded: 09/12/2010 ● Genre: Sports ● Views: 26,922 ● Length: 00:01:37 ● Likes: 158 ● Uploaded By: chipperz18
[10:08.10] <wptmj> i am so homesick i am weeping ;[
[10:10.23] <wptmj> i miss you bexar
[10:12.14] <@lynn^> horns up will be up this weekend
[10:15.50] <wptmj> i had so many adventures just walking around the hill country
[10:15.59] <wptmj> and lost maples!
[10:17.33] <wptmj> i think i remember some bar in helotes that willie nelson was rumored to visit, but was never there
[10:34.02] * lynnn (~Android@ has joined channel #Texans
[10:34.19] * X sets mode +l 20 for #Texans
[10:36.27] <Aenima> hi
[10:51.21] <Webby> hi hi hi
[10:54.08] <Aenima> how goes it
[10:54.20] <Aenima> i see the market it rallying on bad news
[10:54.25] <Webby> bad news?
[10:54.38] <Aenima> job numbers were not great so it thinks the fed is done
[10:54.51] <Webby> that isn't bad news
[10:54.59] <Webby> you still have a job right
[10:55.08] <Aenima> i think so
[10:55.22] <Webby> you know the difference between a recession and a depression?
[10:55.27] <Aenima> yes
[10:55.30] <Aenima> you vs me
[10:55.32] <Aenima> heh
[10:55.35] <Webby> LOL
[10:55.50] <Aenima> boy the BTC shit losing its mind
[10:56.56] <Pyro-Rob> the fed has said they are not done
[10:57.16] <Aenima> yeah and no one listens
[10:57.40] <Aenima> only hears what they want to hear
[10:58.38] <Webby> I think they'll put in another 1/4
[10:59.16] <Webby> then I'm buying more bonds and CD
[10:59.24] <GrayMouser> Webby - They just need to stop the printing presses and let things settle out, then remove like 3 tillion in floating cash
[11:00.02] <Webby> oh you mean stop the IRA?
[11:00.22] <GrayMouser> Webby - Stop the non-stop printing of cash...
[11:00.39] <Webby> well the inflation reduction act isn't helping
[11:00.47] <Webby> it's kinda the opposite
[11:01.17] <Webby> kinda like when they called the health care act "affordable"
[11:01.23] <GrayMouser> Webby - Yes it is.. Its causing the monies to flow to the politicians pockets.. There was never anything in the Reduction act that was to help the common middle class
[11:01.52] <Webby> there will never be anything to help the middle
[11:02.17] <GrayMouser> Webby - Yes there is, and it travels at 3250 feet per second.
[11:02.27] <Webby> lol
[11:02.39] <GrayMouser> that is the middle classes politician reduction act
[11:02.45] <Webby> and they want to get rid of that too
[11:03.19] <Webby> PABRA.. has a nice ring to it
[11:03.44] <GrayMouser> Webby - Well, that will be the final straw for most..
[11:03.45] <Webby> Politician and Bureaucrat Reduction Act
[11:04.07] <GrayMouser> Webby - Amen
[11:04.29] <Webby> it'd help stop inflation
[11:04.43] <Webby> I bet it could be written with 1500 words or less
[11:06.34] * lynn^ (~lynnn@ Quit (Quit)
[11:11.34] * Aenima ( Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
[11:12.04] * X sets mode +l 18 for #Texans
[11:20.06] * Tony ( has joined channel #Texans
[11:43.49] *** Server disconnected on Miami.FL.US.Undernet.Org
[11:44.35] * You have joined #Texans
[11:44.35]  Topic: WE ARE NOT ROMAN... YOU WILL NOT BE BANNED FOR WORDS YOU SAY.  "first ammendment and all"
[11:44.35] Channel Topic Set by: Badman` on 5:35 PM 8/28/2023
[11:44.35] Channel modes for #Texans are :+tnRl 18
[11:44.35] Channel Created on: 4:37 PM 4/18/2005
[11:44.48] <wptmj> gmrng
[11:47.39] <Pyro-Rob> damn, I thought we were going to get lucky and you would leave.
[11:57.25] <wptmj> How American of you
[11:57.31] <wptmj> How have I offended you?
[11:59.17] <wptmj> What?  Maybe you like the way things are.
[12:00.38] <wptmj> i thought we might have other things in common
[12:00.42] <wptmj> besides play with fire
[12:00.47] <wptmj> +ing
[12:02.11] <wptmj> where in colorado are you?  ive been all over
[12:06.09] <wptmj> i remember being bummed out one day in downtown denver, bored because no one would listen to my story  all of a sudden i see a bus drive by that said, BE BOULDER BOUND.  that was my sign
[12:06.20] <wptmj> scored a courtesy rideto boulder
[12:06.42] <wptmj> and pearl street mall was the PERFECT place for me
[12:07.53] <wptmj> i was even around for "hippie christmas"  when all the students leave and all the dumpsters are RIPE with good stuff
[12:16.56] <wptmj> shortly after my cheap microcassette recorder stopped working(and i had no more batteries), I found a brand new sony microrecorder with plugs that would come out that you could plug into any wallsocket to recharge!  In a dumpster at CU!  camping gear, laptops, bikes, etc
[12:17.15] <wptmj> +,
[12:17.17] <+weather_wx> [Title] ● Sony M-19v Microcassette Recorder Voice Japan Plug in Rechargeable Parts Only for sale online | eBay ● Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Sony M-19v Microcassette Recorder Voice Japan Plug in Rechargeable Parts Only at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
[12:18.01] <wptmj> i bet it's like that in ANY college town
[12:22.41] <zonker> y'all know you wanna get with this:  +,
[12:22.43] <+weather_wx> [YouTube] ● Title: I GOT MY LIPS TATTOOED! ● Video Size: 1280x720 ● Uploaded: 08/24/2023 ● Genre: Entertainment ● Views: 91,906 ● Length: 00:01:33 ● Likes: 1,096 ● Uploaded By: Kathy Griffin
[12:30.16] <Pyro-Rob> you should go back to Denver. With all those homeless, they will talk to you fine
[12:31.14] <Pyro-Rob> if the Pearl Street Mall is your kind of place, this channel is not
[12:38.29] <wptmj> that was in 2007, its history
[12:38.35] <wptmj> i am a totally different person now
[12:39.40] <wptmj> are you doing anything to try and improve anything, Rob?
[12:42.38] <wptmj> dude, the first night i was in denver i got shown a secret room to squat in, at the motherflippin' convention center!
[12:44.25] <wptmj> you had to squeeze in behind a beam, and it was an unused store room, with the door locked from outside, but would open from inside.  in the morning i was one block away from the mall
[12:45.11] <wptmj> everywere i went everything went my way
[12:47.42] <Webby> LOL..  +,
[12:49.28] <Pyro-Rob> I'm sure your secret room is packed full of shit and is not so secret any more
[12:50.43] <wptmj> +,
[12:50.45] <+weather_wx> [Title] ● The whole world is cashed! I'm going to load another bowl!: 080104
[12:50.49] <wptmj> probably, its been ages now
[12:51.04] <wptmj> i was sure to tag it with my old website tho
[12:51.11] <wptmj> hopefully thats still there
[12:55.04] <wptmj> Badman vouched for you, he told me you were a nice guy.
[12:55.09] <wptmj> i want to believe him
[12:56.13] <wptmj> i asked him why you had banned me.  i hadnt even talked to you.  he just said to ask you.
[13:00.08] <Pyro-Rob> apparently, you haven't seen me in other channels you frequent. I know a bit about you, even from your poo posts here.
[13:02.24] <zonker> maybe you talk too much, and say too little, wptmj?
[13:06.27] <wptmj> i can only hope to be noticed even more
[13:06.49] <wptmj> it makes me smile you know anything about me indirectly, like that
[13:07.02] <zonker> you're from the "it's all about me!!!!1" generation, aren't you?
[13:07.06] <wptmj> -you +to
[13:07.45] <wptmj> it really doesnt matter who i am, as long as i have the younger peoples support
[13:08.01] <wptmj> becaause theres so much power in numbers
[13:08.33] <wptmj> the pure genius of children is about to take over
[13:09.58] <wptmj> so why do you not want to get along, rob?
[13:10.11] <wptmj> and your nick has always seemed way familiar
[13:11.52] <wptmj> i know i come off egomaniacal or self aggrandizing
[13:12.02] * X sets mode +b *!*@99.21.149.* for #Texans

Next day..

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