


Arcata, CA

Saturday August 30, 2003

     10:30am  I haven't been recording much this morning. Let's see. I got up, I found a place to take a shit, came back up and I heard this big vehicle close by. I woke Tim up. We smoked a bowl of trim. We smoked some weed. We waked-n-baked. We both had some MuscleBlast 2000 and I brushed my teeth. Now, we are walking to town. Whoa, Tim just found a full, unopened beer right on the ground standing in the middle of the trail.

     10:56am  There's a great big farmer's market in the plaza. There is a huge crowd of people shopping. It's still all about money here, but it's a really nice party. There's a live band and orchestra playing. Everything is cool. Tim and I are going spanging, now. This place is a spangers paradise.

                     Okay, this party is kind of lame.

     11:30am  About half an hour ago, Tim and I walked up and we heard bagpipes over by the Co-op. Tim said, "Oh, that's Ian." It was Ian. He was playing bagpipes over by the Co-op community message board where they leave all those Post-it notes. He had a hat laying in front of him and it was quickly filling up with money. People in the parking lot were hearing his bagpipes, they would come watch and give him money. He's banking it. That's cool. He's wearing a Scottish kilt with pants underneath. He's barefoot and looked like a Scotsman. He's got a thick dreaded blonde beard and everything.

     1:40pm  Wow, I'm having a great morning. I got coffee, talked to this one guy Paul for a long ass time. He wrote down a lot of my scripture about how I get free food. He's going to write an article about it and put it in a paper. It'll be awesome.

     2:46pm  I'm sitting in the Alibi bathroom, where I've written my email address on the wall before. Underneath it somebody wrote, "Protect us from the fascist force." Underneath that I put, "I will, email me and I'll tell you how," and I have an arrow pointing to my email address. Click here to see.


                   I hope somebody will mail me. The last time, when I wrote my email address on there I dated it 7-23-03. Some other idiot wrote, "The neo-fascist/commie/hippie/street bums have gone too far. They are fascist, that is obvious." Somebody else wrote, "Fuck the entire world." Somebody wrote, "Legalize life." I like that one.

     3:13pm  Walter hooked me up with a cigarette. Thanks Walter.

     3:44pm  I lost contact with Tim and Jenny. I don't know where they are. Tim told me he would be in the plaza, but he isn't. I don't know where they are. I'm bored. I really wish it wasn't labor day weekend. I wish I could go to HSU and type up my stuff. I'm going to walk to the public library and check my email.

                   Damnit, the library is closed.

     3:57pm  Aaron was nice enough to give me a good shag cigarette. A rolly. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:18pm  I was just sitting down at the picnic table here by the Safeway. I was looking through my pocket calendar at all my email addresses. All of a sudden a security guard comes up and asks me, "What's going on." I tell him not that much. He goes, "Can I ask you something?." I tell him, "Sure, anything in the world." He asks me, "Do you have any laundry in the laundromat?" I say, "No, I'm just sitting here smoking a cigarette." Then he tells me, "Oh, because we have a policy here that if you aren't doing anything around here you can't just be sitting there. But, you could just tell me you have something in the laundry." I told him, "No, I cannot tell a lie. Honesty is the best policy. I'll be on my way." He repeated, "You could just tell me that." As I was standing up to get my stuff together I hear him say, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I told him, "Don't worry about it, you're just doing your job." I got up and I'm leaving.

     4:48pm  John Doe gave me a cigarette. Good 'ol American Spirit. I appreciate it, brother. Justin right? Jake? Okay, Jacob gave me a cigarette.

     5:08pm  I found Tim and told him, "Let's go spanging, Tim." That's what we are doing. I'm going to carry this cat around on my shoulder and we'll ask people for spare change for catfood.

     5:20pm  Rosie and Lindsay were generous enough to give us some change for catfood for Jasper. He appreciates it.

     5:21pm  Josie gave me some change for catfood. Thank you, Josie. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     6:52pm  What was your name? Micah is standing up on top of this cement block at a four-way stop by the plaza. She's holding a sign that says, "The church of THC is now accepting donations, Thank you. Smoke chronic nugs and be happy." We were just standing here and this dude in a purple Dodge Caravan drove by and said, "Hey," real loud making sure to get our attention. When we looked over he gave us the finger, thinking he was funny and shit. His license number is TPMAE. California plate.

     7:00pm  JT just hooked me up with a little mushrooms. I've been waiting to eat mushrooms again for about three years. How awesome. I probably won't trip that hard or that long. It wasn't that much. But it should be enough to flip my switch. Thanks JT, how generous of you. For the cause, brother.

     7:50pm  Today was the first time I shroomed in over three years. I had some mushrooms. It's been cool.

     8:03pm  Michael spanged up enough to get some yogurt-covered cookies and gave us all some. I just got one more. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:15pm  I just asked Cory for change for a donut in front of the Don's and he gave me a dollar.

     11:15pm  I just got me a ticket for smoking a cigarette in the plaza. Stupid cops, dude. I smoke all the time here on the stage on the edge of the plaza. Now, they give me a ticket? Fuck them. Like three of us got a ticket.

     12:05am  Remember to type up about that guy across the street that's pretending to read a book to pick up chicks. We are all mocking him from the other side. Oh yeah, these girls walked up and told them, "Do you have a house around here so we can sleep in your yard? We keep getting ticketed for sleeping in the forest. Because it illegal and outlawed now to sleep outdoors and be homeless. Me and my buddy here(points to me), and it was actually my idea, we started up this adopt-a-hippie program. It hasn't worked so far, but we're hoping it'll work tonight. We'll see."

Next day..

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