


Manitou Springs to Colorado Springs to Pueblo, CO

Monday August 30, 2004

     6:54am Jackie walked me to Manitou yesterday and rode her bike back. It was kinda late, so I didn't go sight-seeing. I just took off walking and randomly found a perfect place to crash.


Behind this house being sold. I took a picture of it. I'm cold.

                  That house is at 350 whatever road this is.

                  Ruxton is the street.

                  I walked down the street and I'm passing the Miramonte Castle Museum.


Established in 1895.

     7:30am  I walked all the way up Manitou Avenue. I see a sign pointing to Cave of the Winds. I'm going to check that out.

     7:51am  I walked up this street. The Cave of the Winds is way up there, so I'm not going to go there. I'm walking along this creek. I saw a couple caves, but they're on the other side of the creek.

                   I'm going to walk back into town.

     8:21am  I had me a good presentation with this kid Patrick in the park. He told me, "Yeah, I'm not going to go to school. I'm going to be home-schooled." He listened to my story all the way through the spirits part and everything. Then he told me he had to go and take his dog home. I told him, "Okay, you'll see me again though. I'm everywhere." He told me, "Me and my friends always hang out at this park and if we see you again maybe we'll smoke you out." Perfect. He'll be telling all his friends.

     8:54am  I came over to Yute Creek. I saw these two benches and I tagged them with Victor the Liberator. It'll be there for a long time.

                   I just took a picture of Manitou Avenue and Charles Parker Place.  

     9:32am  I'm going to go into the Uncle Sam's Pancake House and see if I can score me some breakfast.

     9:38am  The greedy asses at the restaurant didn't hook me up. The lady all said, "I can't help you today."

     9:45am  They told me no at the 7-11. The lady told me, "Oh no, 7-11 is not generous."

                   Hmm, let's see. Subway is the next one. If I don't score there, I'll take off back to the soup kitchen.

                   Third time's a charm. Scored at Subway. 

     10:37am  After I ate at the Subway, this black guy walked by and I told him my whole story. Kim came outside to smoke a cigarette and she gave me one.

     10:46am  I had a good presentation with the black dude who walked by in front of the Subway. Oh yeah, I told myself, "If Subway doesn't hook me up, I'm going to skip town." Well, Subway hooked me up, so I'm walking back into Manitou Springs. That kid I talked to at the park earlier said he might smoke me out. The guy with the dog.

     11:00am  I saw these TV news guys setting up a camera and stuff. I walked up to them and asked them if I could tell them my story. One guy said, "Hold on, I have to call my reporter." I told him my mission-objectives, but he wouldn't listen. He told me, "I'm working on my own story." I got his email address though.

     11:55am  I came into the public library and checked my email. I told the librarian my story. She agreed with everything I said. I didn't see her shake her head once.

     12:22pm  I had a great presentation with this guy Tom who was walking down the street. He listened to the whole thing.

     12:39pm  Quentin gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     1:00pm  I had a great presentation with this guy Neal, walking down the street. He listened to the whole odyssey story. He was eating his lunch and I put on a little lunch theater for him. I put on a good show.

                   It's going to happen soon. It's going to happen soon.

                  Ahh, I'm probably going to head back into town.

                   I had asked Neal, "What do you think would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed?" He said, "Man, that's been a dream of mine for a long time now."

     1:09pm  The nice girl at Marilyn's Pizza(I think that's the name. I could be wrong) is hooking me up with a slice of pizza. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit.

     1:25pm  I had some good presentations at the Yerba Mate coffee shop. I didn't get to finish a couple of them. I saw this young girl that walked by. She sat down to eat her lunch. I asked her if I could tell her my story and she said, "I'm sorry. I just want to be alone."

     1:29pm  Sweet! I saw a bus coming and I ran to the stop. The nice driver is hooking me up with a courtesy ride back to Colorado Springs. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:39pm  Not only did I score a courtesy ride, but I got to tell this guy on the bus my story and he listened to me. Awesome, awesome.

     2:05pm  I'm back in Colorado Springs.


Courtesy ride.

                   I'm still playing with the idea of going to Durango.

                   I'm going to go back to the on-ramp and try to hitchhike to Pueblo.

     3:17pm  Please Love, let somebody pick me up. Mobilize me, please.

     3:40pm  Some guy pulled over and asked me how far I was going. I told him Pueblo and he said he was only going three exits up. I told him thanks anyways and it's the thought that counts. He's the only guy who has stopped.

     3:49pm  Eric, finally somebody pulled over and is giving me a ride. He's going to Pueblo. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     4:25pm  I'm in Pueblo already, how awesome. Eric hooked it up with a ride. He's even going to take me to eat. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:27pm  The coolest thing happened! This guy Eric picked me up in Colorado Springs. He even bought me lunch when we got to Pueblo. I ate a Slopper at some bar. He showed me where the trains are and stuff. He opened his trunk and said, "Let me see if I have anything else for you." In his truck he had a Mexican falsa blanket!

                   I think this rainbow is in Pueblo.  

                   Things happen for a reason!

                   Damnit, I can't get the blanket in my bag at all. It's way too big.

     6:33pm  Tori gave me a cigarette in front of, uhh, I don't know. On Main and Abriendo.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. I had to sacrifice that blanket. It was way too big. It didn't fit in my bag. I shouldn't have accepted it from Eric. I ended up giving it to some girl outside her house in front of this park where there was nobody there. I tried to tell her my story, but she wouldn't listen. She was taking care of her baby, so that's cool. I had told her, "Do you want this blanket? It won't fit in my bag."

     7:22pm  I'm walking down Grand Street. Some security guard told me there was a park over by the hospital. Like ten or twelve blocks away. I think I saw a bus running.

Next day..

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