


Arcata, CA

Tuesday September 2, 2003

     7:15am  Last night we got back to Arcata and I met up with Micah, the girl who had been flying that THC sign at the four-way stop that one day. She was about to crash with these other kids and I told her I was needing a place to squat, so I went with them. They walked over to the railroad tracks and we found a place. Right now it's so cold. Man, I miss San Antonio so much. So, right now since it's Tuesday I am going to walk to the school and see what time the library opens. I'll take a shit somewhere, then go back and type my shit up.

     11:15am  I've typed up four days already and I'm walking to go eat at the Endeavor. Because I'm hungry. This library is better than the one at UC Berkeley. The library opens at 7:30am Monday through Thursday and it stays open until 11:45 at night. That is so awesome. I can get my stuff typed up real quick. That's what I'll do.

     11:35am  I am at the Endeavor. I don't know how long it toOkay, like ten or fifteen minutes to walk here from the school. I'm going to eat and go back to school. I've got lots of work to do.

     12:03pm  I just finished eating. I'm going to go bum a cigarette and then back to school to type up my shit.

     12:32pm  I'm back at the library. Some girl is smoking a cigarette out here. I'm going to ask her if I can have one before I go in.

     12:33pm  Tracy has been generous enough to give me a cigarette. Thank you so much, Tracy.

     12:36pm  Cool, I got a cigarette off that girl. I changed out of my thermal and I'm going to smoke this cigarette. A Camel.

     6:00pm  I just now finished typing for the whole day. I got here at 8:00am, stayed until 11:30am, went to eat and came back and stayed all day again. I guess I'm going to go. Hmm, maybe I should go to the bathroom and shave. Should I shave or should I go now? Hehe.

                   Right now I'm at the bathroom 

at the library. I'm putting my thermal on. I can't figure out if I should shave my goatee or just grow out a beard. Maybe that's what I'll do.

                   No, then I'll look too much like Jesus. I gotta shave.

     6:35pm  I just finished shaving. I went up to this pretty girl working at the library and told her, "Hey, have I already asked if there are tennis courts at this school?" She said, "You haven't asked me, but I'm pretty sure there are." She hooked me up with a map. I'm going to go look for the tennis courts now. Hopefully somebody is playing outside.

     6:37pm  John(insisted I didn't call him Johnny) hooked me up with a clove cigarette. I told John all my stuff and got his email address.

     7:05pm  I'm walking to the tennis courts. I told John my whole story. My whole odyssey story. He seemed to be impressed, but he doesn't like technology. I told him, "Man, technology is what's going to save the world."

     7:15pm  Mission accomplished. I got my tennis ball. There were these Asian guys playing tennis up here and they hooked me up.

     7:35pm  I am feeling so great. I had a big long productive day today. I typed up seven days today. I am so much further along on my story now. Oh man, this is going to be so awesome.

     7:57pm  I asked these bitches for a cigarette in front of the Alibi and one of them told me, "Can you spare a voice for McDonalds? It's not hard to find a job, buddy." That dumbass gutterwhore can go ahead and work, waste her life away. I work harder than her lazy ass ever will. I have a job. I am self-employed, damnit. She looked all skanky, too.

     8:15pm  I lost Tim and he has my water bottle. I really hope he does.

     8:39pm  Tim has still not shown up with my bottle. Oh man, he couldn't have just swiped my bottle. Dude, I know he's still young, but does he not know how Karma works?

     9:08pm  Justin hooked me up with a hit of weed earlier. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:26pm  These two dudes were getting all aggro and yelling at each other, about to fight. Then this chick, she calls herself Freedom starts yelling at them. She goes, "Hey! What the hell? You're bringin' this shit on the whole fucking town! Cut your shit. Just smoke some weed!" I threw my hands in the air and went, "Yeah! Right on!" Badass. I am having a great night in Arcata.

     9:30pm  We are walking with Matt who is being generous enough to smoke us out. Tim wants to tell a joke into my recorder. Here you go, Tim.

                    Tim: "Alright, this is Tim and I'm wanting to tell a joke. I'm fried on mushrooms and I'm drunk and I'm stoned. Pretty much I'm fucked up, but uhh, here's my joke: There's this guy and he's walking to his girlfriends' house to eat some dinner. He gets there and his girlfriend has it all set up nice. It's got candles, fuckin' champagne, everything, man. It was just made perfectly. They sit down and they're getting ready to eat and the guys thinks to himself, "Aww shit man, I gotta fart. I don't know if I should fart, man. If I fart this lady might dogg on me. She's my girlfriend and I don't want to lose her. She's hot as hell. Aww shit, I'll just let it go." So he farts. ::fart: Ahh, there it goes, man. His girlfriend hears it and yells, "Rover!" and yells at the dog under the table. The guy's all, "Oh shit, she thinks it's the dog. That's pretty cool." They're eaten their dinner and the guy needs to fart again. He thinks, "I don't know if I should fart again. I don't know if she'll think it's the dog this time again. Ahh, fuck it. I'll just let it go. ::fart:: This time it's a little bit worse. She goes, "Rover!" and yells at the dog underneath the table. The dude thinks, "She thinks it's the dog. I've got it made." They're eating away and pretty soon the guy's gotta fart again. This time it's just horrible, the guy's about to shit his pants. He lets out a really nasty one(I told Tim to go around the corner and finish the joke, because I didn't want to hear it until I typed it up). It sounded like he shit his pants and the girl goes, "Rover! Get out from underneath that table before that man shits all over you!"

                     Haha, that's a good joke.

     10:06pm  I think I'm lost. Matt smoked us out rowdy. He kept wanting to smoke more. We got all stoned. Matt and Tim walked off and I took my time packing all my shit up. Matt forgot his tobacco at the picnic bench we were at, so I grabbed it. Oh yeah, I got my water bottle back, that was good. I lost it again, though. When I had started gearing up to leave from our smokeout, I set my bottle on the table. Tim said, "I'll take this," and he's got it. But, I still have Matt's tobacco. Since Tim and Matt might be hanging out together, it'll be a trade. I'm going to go to the plaza, but I think I'm going the wrong way again. Weird. I'm all stoned.

                     Haha, I got lost twice.

     10:16pm  I've just had a brilliant idea. To revise my papers, I'm going to let people read my stuff when I have my webpage up. I'll tell them, "Hey, ask me questions and I'll post the replies." All the gaps will be filled in when people ask me enough questions. It'll revise itself.

                     People will ask me questions and I'll answer them, then post the answers and everybody else can read them. They'll probably have similar questions.

     10:17pm  I am now back at the plaza. I hope those kids are still around.

     10:21pm  I have been reunited with my bottle, once again. I am so happy. I'm going to smoke this cigarette by the trash can. This is so cool.

     10:22pm  This is a damn good tennis ball I got today. I've walked a lot just right now and the top layer of fuzz hasn't even worn out. I need to remember the brand of this ball and go buy some. I've been walking all badass. Great grip.

     10:25pm  I'm just thinking that I have gone to school. I had to go work at telemarketing fifteen times, never longer than three months, but it was like a school. A school that paid me, in more ways than one. I sort of can't wait until these two months are up and I can go back to San Antonio and go back to work at West Telemarketing, squat in San Antonio and go sleep at friends' houses. It'll be awesome. I'll go back to, damn I can't remember her name. That's going to suck when I go back. Elva, that's her name. I can crash there. I have her phone number.

     10:52pm  Russell hooked me up with some change for a donut. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     10:55pm  Earlier I was thinking I wasn't going to record it. See, I wanted a donut really bad. I've got Muscle Blast 2000, but that's not a donut. I need some solid food. Err, I want some solid food. A donut would've just hit the spot right then. So, I went and stood outside the donut shop and started spanging. You know, asking people if they could spare some change for a donut, for an apple fritter. At first I was ashamed and had decided not to record it. What happened was that Tim and Geba came over and I was like, "Shit. We can't all spange at the same time." Then, I realized I didn't have my backpack on me. Shit, I left it around the corner, so I went to go get it. Damn, I couldn't believe I had forgotten it. I found it again though. When I went back, sure enough they weren't there. I asked this one guy and he stopped and said, "Excuse me?" I told him, "I was just wondering if you could spare some change for a donut." He reached into his pocket and gave me 66 cents. A penny more than exactly the amount I needed to get a donut. So, this donut was meant for me. It's good.

     11:00pm  Dan hooked me up with an after-meal smoke. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:11pm  I just blew these older guys' minds. They were like, "Wow." I had started telling this one guy and he stops me and goes, "Hold on," and goes to get his friend and says, "This guy's got something to say." I told them all my shit. They couldn't stop agreeing with me. One of them asked me, "Do you believe in God?" I told them, "No, I believe in Love. I think everybody has it in them and it's all the same love." The guy's face changed a bit, he said, "Yeah, it's all the same," and just walked off. That was weird.

                     Oh yeah, when I first started talking to them, they asked me if I was gay. I told them no and they asked me what I thought about sex. I told them, "I am holding out until I'm in a relationship, because there is a big difference between making love and having sex." They didn't pursue anything and it seemed like they respected me. I told them all my shit. It was really cool that I had nothing to worry about with these two gay guys. They saw that I wasn't one you should harm and should leave alone, I'm bringing world peace.

     11:15pm  I walked across the street into the plaza and Tim, Geba and these other dudes were all throwing shit at each other, hard. I thought, "I better get out of here," and I took off. I'm going to try and bum a cigarette.

     12:05am  Lurch just hooked me up with a cigarette.

     12:40am  I just totally owned this, well, I didn't really own him because he listened to everything I said. I was just standing there, thirty cents short for a donut. This dude came up and offered somebody thirty cents, coincidentally. He asked the guy he was offering the change to, "What's your cause?" The guy said, "I want thirty cents," and the dude just handed it to him. I butted in with, "Let me tell you my cause. With the Internet I'm going to get marijuana legalized and bring world peace." The guy ignored me, but this other dude close by smiled when I said it, so I asked him if he wanted me to tell him how. First, I asked him if he would listen and he did. To my whole damn story. That was awesome.

Next day..

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