

                                                                                                                    San Antonio, TX

Day three: 21.1 miles

Wednesday September 3, 2008

     4:05am  6.21 hours of sleep at my camp. That's enough.

     4:42am  Up and at 'em. All loaded up and leaving. I feel great on Day Three. Let's see how long it takes me to get home. In the woods behind the Walmart is where I crashed. Over by Nacogdoches.

     4:46am  I'm on the access road walking West.

     4:55am  Passing Mountain Vista Street.

     5:31am  Coming up on the Judson Road Valero. I'm going to ask them how far it is to Bandera.
     5:32am  Walking in the Valero. I'm going to take a shit.

                   I still had that extra honeybun I pocketed at the Rocket Mart. I ate it. 340 calories. I also found I had two trailmix bars left and I ate one of them. That's another 140 calories. That's how much I had for breakfast. I'm going to keep walking now. Next is Bulverde Road. Exit 1 mile.

                   I'm all stoned, resinated. That resin has lasted me all around the loop. That's so awesome. I still have a couple hits left. Then I get to scrape the resin's resin, hehe.

                   I tagged the grout in the bathroom with, hehe.

                   The cashier told me it was about fifteen miles to Bandera.

     6:02am  Crossing O'Conner Road. I see another Valero down at Bulverde Road. I'm going to stop there and fill up my ice.

     6:37am  Walking in the Valero.

     6:41am  Leaving from the Valero. I filled up my ice.

                   I am an agent of change. Change for the better.

     6:38am  78 degrees right now. That's what it says on the Northern Hills Church sign.

     7:07am  Walking across the highway from Laurel Ridge.

                   Coming up on Redland Road.

     7:13am  Redland Road, crossing. I'm going to take a break pretty soon.

     7:15am  I researched my recording. I think I left at 5:32. I'm going to keep walking and I'll take a break at Gold Canyon Drive. I'm going to keep going.

     7:19am  Walking in front of Melrose Canyon. Some new neighborhood.

                   Canyon View. Melrose Canyon Street.

     7:22am  Crossing over Mudd Creek.

     7:28am  I'm going to rest in one of these tractors here. These field mowers. I am only half a mile away from 281. Hell yeah, then I10 then Bandera. Nice.

     7:45am  Leaving from my smokebreak and rest in the tractor seat. Man, I am all stoned. Resinated.

     7:51am  Crossing Gold Canyon Drive.

     8:03am  About to cross over 281. I'm waiting for the light.

                   Nine miles to UTSA.

                   Whoa, I see a Tequila Mexican Grill. I'm going to go hit them up.

     8:11am  Roberto en Tequila me esta dando gasolina para mi estomago. Te lo agradezco, Roberto. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     8:25am  Man, that taco was so good. It totally deserved another cigarette and resin hit. I am full and stoned and mobile.

                   La Arcata is where that dentist office I stopped in the rain was at.

                   I've been giving the peace sign to cars like crazy all morning ever since the sun came up. My arm has just been up and down, up and down.

     8:50am  Waiting for the light at Stone Oak Parkway.

     9:00am  Coming up on Blanco.

     9:05am  Fiesta Texas 7 miles, Sea World 18. I'm going to stop at Blanco and smoke this cigarette I found.

     9:14am  Leaving.

                   It wasn't La Arcata. It was the building behind Carino's where the dentist office was at. Next to Aziz Oriental Rugs.

     9:30am  Just walked underneath Roger's Ranch Parkway.

     9:39am  I'm going to take a breather under Bitters.  I took a picture of a little seedling sprouting under the bridge.

     9:53am  Up and walking.

                   I walking up to the Hill Country Plaza. Where Freedie's Famous Steakburger is. Where they turned me down on my last walk around the loop. Man, there's a Academy Sports and Outdoors place here. I've got an idea cracking. My boots are almost dead. I'm going to go hit up Academy for a new pair of boots. Let's see what they tell me. It never hurts to ask. There's nothing like a dream to create the future!

                   I'll tell them, "I'm on my second walk around the loop for world peace. I don't suppose you guys would be so inclined to write a pair of Magnums off for my cause?"

     10:31am  Hehe, Robert the manager told me no. I told him thanks anyway and gave him my website. Man, that messes up my time getting home. I have to hurry up and haul ass now. That sucks.

                     Lockhill Selma is next. The Academy at Military Highway and Loop 1604. I'm going to the Exxon and get me some ice and water.

     10:42am  I'm coming out of the Exxon. Right when I went in there I asked the lady if I could fill up my bag with ice. This mean Mexican bitch told me, "You can buy a bag of ice." I didn't say anything and she walked away to check out a customer. Then I thought to myself I'm walking a hundred miles around the city and this bitch wants me to pay for ice. I said screw it and grabbed an Icee cup and loaded up my CamelBak. I put my bags on and walked up to the cashier and said, "Your greedy ass trying to charge me for ice, fuck that," and just kept walking. She yells, "That's a dollar!" I told her to kiss my ass, bitch, to call someone with some authority, I'm walking around the loop. I just walked out of there. She yelled, "Don't you ever come back!"

                     Now that I think about it I should've told her, "Okay," and walked up to the register and pulled my middle finger out of my pocket and walked out. Damn, I should've done that. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty. I wish I would've gotten her name.

                     Argh! I should've stolen a hotdog too!

     10:58am  Walking in front of the University Oaks Business Park sign. City of Shavano Park.

     11:05am  Sweet! I10 half mile! I'm going to rest there and smoke for sure.

                     Oh yeah, I'm going to stop at the Tanco and get my marijuana wreath. I am still bummed that I wasn't wearing it on this walk.

     11:09am  Crossing Tradesman. I already see Fiesta Texas down there. I'll take a picture when I get closer.

     11:12am  I stopped for a piss-pause. Past tense.

     11:13am  I took a better picture of Fiesta Texas in the background.

     11:25am  Taking a breather under I10 in the shade.

     11:40am  Leaving from I10.

     11:49am  Walking past the Valero Energy Corporation. I took my last resin hit underneath I10. It lasted me all the way around the loop. I was taking hits at every smokebreak too. All the way around practically.

     12:06pm  Crossing La Cantera, Feista Texas.

     12:13pm  I'm going to go hit up the Subway across 1604 at the second entrance to UTSA. I've scored there before. I think Babcock Road is the next street, not that far.

     12:20pm  Manuel me ofrecio un dinero en el Subway. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

                     Rad, I was standing in line waiting to hit up the Subway and all of a sudden this Mexican dude gives me two bucks! Just like that. I was just standing there. I'll tell the Subway I at least have two bucks now.

     12:41pm  The greedy ass manager at Subway won't hook me up. Nobody wants world peace! I called her a good little slave, haha.

                     See, when I first got in line there were these Mexicans sitting down eating and talking in Spanish. In Spanish I told them I was walking around the loop for the second time. They were pretty impressed. Then when it was my turn to order I told the cool dready black dude sandwich artist that I was walking around Loop 1604 for world peace, if they could give me some gasoline for my stomach so I could finish. He smiled and told me to hold on and talked to his overweight
manager and she said no right away. I told the lady greed shall be her downfall and walked out. I told her I was just testing her. I really hope she noticed me taking her picture too, hehe. Everybody gets credit.

                     Oh yeah, I got two dollars. I can get something at the gas station attached to the Subway. I'm going to get me a 500 calorie chocolate pie.

                     Sherry, her name is. I asked the cashiers at the gas station, hehe.

                     Me in bathroom.

     12:55pm  Walking in front of Altex Computers and Electronics. At College Park.

     1:08pm  Bandera exit 1¼ mile! Sweet! Almost there! Getting closer!

                   Random highway shot.

     1:21pm  Helotes, Leon Valley, next right.

     1:23pm  Les Farris Athletic Complex.

                   Shit, I was crossing 1604 to be on the side of the Tanco. I was walking through the grass and I lost my tennis ball! That sucks! I need to find that thing.

     1:38pm  Walking in front of the new Springs at Bandera Apartments. Almost there.

                   It sucks I lost my tennis ball. I have to hold my stick now. I can't use it.

     1:50pm  I walked past Home Depot and Gold's Gym and I am coming up to the Tanco now.

     1:54pm  I got my marijuana wreath and I came to the Quizno's and I'm going to rest in a plastic chair outside. Afterwards I'll go to the Tigermart and fill up my ice.

     2:10pm  Leaving the Tigermart. I filled up my ice. I took a picture of the poster on the back of the Exxon.

     2:14pm  Just walked under 1604 to the other side of 1604. I've got one mile left to Braun Road. My finish line.

     2:26pm  Passing the Stonefield Place Neighborhood entrance.

     2:30pm  Passing Addersly Street.

     2:41pm  At long-last I am coming up on Braun Road.

     2:44pm  I just crossed the finish line!

     2:46pm  Samira en el Shell en Braun y 1604 me esta comprando comida. Te lo agradezco, señora. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     3:09pm  I walked to the Shell station and told all the employees I had just walked all the way around 1604, all ninety four miles in less than three days. Could you guys hook me up? This pretty Mexican girl Samira bought me a huge burrito. I couldn't even eat it all. I filled up my ice and water and I'm walking home now.

                   I'm thinking it's probably close to three miles to walk home from 1604. Three miles when I left too. So I can safely say I just got through walking a hundred miles in less than three days.

     3:31pm  I'm going to go see if there is anybody at the Perry House. Humplick's car is there.

                   I knocked on the door and his window is closed, so I guess he's not here. I'm going to go home and take a cold shower.

     3:37pm  The eagle has landed. Home sweet home. I feel so accomplished. It's about time for a cold shower.

                   The one shirt I wore all the way around the loop.  Back too.

                   Right before I got to Bandera I lost my tennis ball. I am so amazed I had exactly enough for the walk. I only brought four with me and I used them all up. If I wouldn't have lost that one in the end it would've been perfect. Remember, I had found a tennis ball on the ground? What a blessing.

     6:56pm  I am going for a walk in the neighborhood. I took an hour nap earlier. My mom gave me those fourteen dollars I didn't get before I left and I went and called up Little Billy and he had some. I told him I just walked around the loop again and am hurting real bad. That I needed some medicine. My mom had given me a twenty and told me to bring her back six bucks in change. I went and hung out with Humplick and Erica, but when Bill pulled up he didn't have any change. I told him I guess my mom would just have to understand and he sold me a twenty sack. Sorry, mom. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

                   My poor worn boots.

Next day..

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