


Durango to Cortez, CO to Monticello to Moab, UT

Sunday September 5, 2004

     7:14am  I woke up around seven. I brushed my teeth and I got my stuff all packed up. Robert came up to me and said, "Do you want some eggs? How do you want them?" I told him scrambled.

     7:53am  We waked-and-baked in the back yard. Leroy is the guy who got beat up, by the way. Oh yeah, and inside on the table there's a cool hat. It's like a Gilligan hat, like my Natural Balance one, but it says, "Hobo," and has a little golf club with a bag at the end. It's an awesome hat. It has a little V on it, too.

                    I want that hobo hat, but it belongs to someone who lives here.

     8:03am  Angel is hooking me up with some traveling-weed. I appreciate it, Angel. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:17am  Robert is going to take the beat-up bum back to Durango. It's about seven miles away, so I can expect him to be gone around fifteen minutes. I'm going to go on a walk to kill some time in the neighborhood. Maybe I can tell somebody my story.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to look at the street sign to see what street they live on. I looked back and it kind of looked liked Oak Grove. I don't want to walk back to make sure. It would be cool if that's what the name was. That's the neighborhood where my mom lives in San Antonio.

     8:23am  I stopped and did my stretches. I'm ready to walk some more. I have about seven more minutes to walk.

                   Oak Drive, not Oak Grove.

     8:32am  I'm walking back towards the house now. 469, I think. Man, I can just swim through the Babylon here. This neighborhood is all high-dollar. There's some rich houses here. Oh man, it's scary.

                   Oh yeah, I never mentioned that last night I found a boomerang on the ground. A wooden boomerang. I always wanted a boomerang. It fits perfectly on one of the little loops on my backpack. It makes me look like I have wings.

     8:42am  I had a great presentation with these two people walking by. I asked them, "Hey, can I tell you guys a story?" They asked me, "Oh, were you in the rain last night?" I told them, "No, I crashed in this house right here." It was some older couple walking by. I had told them, "Can I tell you guys a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen. It's a free story." They listened to my platform. The guy walked off and at the last minute he turned around. He was impressed with my bags. He said, "It's interesting how your front bag just balances you out. How much are you carrying?" I told him about thirty pounds. I told him I kept things simple. That the less I have, the less I have to worry about. He was all impressed.

     9:18am  Robert dropped me off at some gas station. I went inside and asked Bo, the guy working inside if he minded me asking people for rides. He gave me permission and listened to my story. He doesn't agree with me, but oh well.

     9:33am  I already have a ride! I got dropped off like ten minutes ago. Larry is hooking me up with a ride to Cortez. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:05am  I am now in Cortez, Colorado.

     10:17am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm already in Cortez. I got dropped off at the Conoco. I just took some layers off. I'm going to go use the restroom.

                      I had gone to use the restroom in the Conoco and the dickhead cashier goes, "Sir, the restrooms are for customers only." He had seen me taking off my layers in front and automatically dubbed me homeless.

                      I told him, "Thanks anyway, greedy ass."

                      Man, Cortez is all ignorant so far. I was walking by and I gave some guy a peace sign. He shook his head and said, "No, I don't have anything!" I told him I wasn't asking for anything. I was just telling him hello.

                       I think them are signs to leave. Screw Cortez. I'm going to score some food at the Burger King though.

     10:27am  I went in the Burger King and asked for some gasoline for my stomach. The manager told me, "Oh no, I don't give anyone free food unless you do something for me." I told her, "Alright, put me to work. Give me a project." She told me to go to the back and they would give me something to do.

     11:20am  I did some good work at the Burger King. I swept the parking lot real good. All this gravel and dirt. I'm proud of myself. I got hooked up with a #10 combo.

     11:55am  Bud hooked me up with a cigarette for my after-meal smoke. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:12pm  I had an awesome presentation with the guy I got the cigarette from. He was some reggae dude and had a marijuana leaf on his hat.

                     I came in the bathroom and took my layers off. My army pants and stuff.

     12:40pm  I scored me a big Texas burger at Burger King. It was good. I told that lady, "Thanks for feeding the peace machine," and left. Since I have a full stomach, I'm going to walk as much as I can. Maybe someone will pick me up.

                     I'm aiming for Utah. I'm going to go talk to some Mormons, hehe. I came to this gas station and asked the cashier if I would get in trouble for asking people for rides. I saw some girl with a NOFX shirt on. I went up to her and told her, "Hey, I need to tell you my story since you're wearing that shirt." She wouldn't even let me tell her my mission objectives and she was all, "I gotta go." Hypocrite.

     1:00pm  I just had the most excellent presentation with this one girl Angel who works at the gas station. This young girl. She thinks I'm crazy, just like I want her to. She's got this cool Suzuki Sidekick 4x4 with a Grand Theft Auto Vice City sticker on it.

     1:19pm  Sherry and Eric are going to give me a ride to Utah. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:09pm  Guess where I am right now. At the junction of US 91 and 491. This way to Moab, this way to Blanding. I'm going to Moab. There's a taco place. I'm going to go see if I can score some food.

     2:17pm  I'm in the town of Monticello, I think. Across the street there's a sign that says Monticello High School.

     2:30pm  Steve is hooking me up with a cigarette at the gas station in Monticello. I appreciate it, Steve. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:52pm  Man, I had a good presentation with the lady at the Shell gas station. I asked them and they would run me off for asking for rides. This lady was all a bible thumper. She was all, "He put us here so we could please him. I'm going to be a spirit one day and I will please him." I told her, "All I have to call it is Love. How can you call it a he? You think God is a he? It's not a person. You need to stop personifying a human emotion. The human emotion."

     2:57pm  Oh yeah, earlier I was hoping I could get on the other side of the fence of the school. There's a big field and I wanted to go try out my boomerang. Then I noticed that in front of the gas station there was a park! Perfect, I get to throw my boomerang around. This will be fun.

     3:05pm  I started playing with my boomerang in the field. I messed up. There's some trees here and it's already stuck in one. I really hope it comes down. Please, I like that boomerang. I didn't even throw it that hard. I have to go on a mission and climb this tree. I'm not even sure what tree it is.

     3:25pm  Man, I'm already out of the tree. I didn't find my boomerang. Boohoo. That sucks. Please San Antonio, help me get my boomerang back. I liked having those wings on my backpack. I should have never played around with it in this field.

                    Please Love. Make the winds blow. I want my boomerang back.

     3:42pm  Roger hooked me up with a cigarette. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:25pm  I'm just about to give up on my boomerang. I've been searching around the field, hoping it's fallen. There's some people here throwing a party at the little building they rent here. I asked this Mexican lady smoking a cigarette for a cigarette in Spanish. She didn't have one. I didn't tell her what I was doing. I told her about my boomerang though. I was going to stay here until the wind blew it out. I went up in that tree a second time and I shook that tree from limb to limb. Haha, that's funny. I've never been able to say that. I did shake that tree from limb to limb. It didn't fall out, so I am going to give up. It's either not in that tree or just really stuck. I'm not meant to have it. I'm going to give up and go get a ride to Moab. It's like an hour drive.

                    I already got permission at the gas station.

                    It really sucks I lost my boomerang though.

     4:37pm  Marlena, here at the gas station across the street is hooking me up with a cigarette. And she doesn't mind me asking for rides.

     4:41pm  I looked and saw some girl in the park. I walked over and hit her up for a story. Her husband came and I told him my story too. They're on their way to Moab and they're going to give me a ride!

     5:34pm  I'm in Moab already! Man, if it wasn't for me waiting around to find my lost boomerang. I was just waiting around hoping it would fall out of the tree soon. I went to the gas station across the street and saw the girl in the park. I went and told her my story. At first I was contemplating sticking around for my boomerang, but I quickly changed my mind. It was just too perfect.

                    Monica me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, Monica. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego, gracis.

     5:54pm  Andrew hooked me up with a cigarette for my after-meal smoke. I got hooked up with some tacos. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Welcome to Moab, Victor. I got hooked up with a fat burrito. I went across the street to the Chevron across the street and went inside and asked, "I wouldn't be so fortunate as for one of you to have a spare cigarette, would I?" I got hooked up. After-meal smoke.

     6:03pm  I'm all loaded up and I'm going to leave the Chevron.

     6:15pm  Welcome to Moab. Visitor Center ½ mile ahead.

     6:17pm  I asked this one guy standing there on the sidewalk if I could tell him a really interesting story. He said, "No, no," and walked off real quick.

     6:28pm  I walked past this place called the Peace Tree. I have to stop and talk to these people.

                   They're closed.

     6:30pm  Hehe, these kids saw me recording myself on my tape recorder. These four kids. After I told them I was going to eliminate money one started walking off. The other ones followed. I yelled at them, "Thanks for proving me right. Have you always been that ignorant?" Two of them turned around and gave me dirty looks. That's right, kids. . think.

                    Publicity up the ass here. Everybody is looking at me here.

     6:32pm  I asked this one lady walking if I could tell her my story and she said, "No, no, I'm just taking a stroll."

     6:56pm  I am enjoying all this publicity I'm getting in Moab. I messed up and walked all the way back to the gas station I was at before. I'm looking for a park or something.

     7:00pm  I'm on the Mill Creek Parkway. Non-motorized path and trails. Slow biking. Warn people when passing. Beware of flash floods. Drug and alcohol free zone. Keep trails clean. Non-camping area. Stay on trails.

     7:17pm  I came out on the trails by the Moab City Hall. I'm getting such excellent exposure in this town. Nobody will listen to me though. Ahh, with the way I look, I don't even have to tell my story for people to know what I'm doing.

     7:26pm  Jessica hooked me up with a cigarette at the Ramada Inn. She's going to listen to my story, too. I appreciate it, Jessica. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:12pm  I am still here entertaining Jessica. I'm just talking her ear off. Man, she's listening to every word I say. Here at the Ramada Inn. At first I warned her I could talk her ear off and she said, "I don't mind, I don't mind. This job is boring."

                    I told her, "Well, before it gets dark, maybe I should go look for a campsite, unless you know a place where I can crash, like on the roof here or something. I would ask you if you could hook me up with a room, but I see you have no vacancies." Oh yeah, I had noticed the sign that said, "Hot tub hours 10am-11am." I asked Jessica, "Is the hot tub outdoors?" Because I would want to smoke if I got in a hot tub. She said it was. I asked her, "Well, could I get in the hot tub?" She said, "Sure, let me give you a key." Shweeeet.

     9:50pm  Oh man, what a magical time I had. I was just cutting through this hotel, the Ramada Inn. There weren't any cigarettes in the ashtray. Then I saw this young girl with a uniform that worked there. I bummed a cigarette off her and then asked if I could tell her an interesting story. She invited me into the lobby and I told her all of my stories. She hooked me up with a hot tub key! I spent like half an hour in there. It was delicious. Welcome to Moab, Victor. She even told me where there was a bridge close by I could crash at.

Next day..

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