


Boulder, CO

Monday September 5, 2005

     10:41am  Last night I lost my pen. After Ivan smoked me out I went to Pearl Street and had some good presentations. Then I hiked all the way to the college. When I got to the Buff Bus stop there was a kid waiting too. He wasn't sure if the Buff Bus was still running. Some cops drove by and we asked them. Turns out they weren't running anymore, so me and this dude took off walking towards the dorms. I told him my entire odyssey on the way there and he was really interested. In the end he told me, "I'm sorry, I can't doubt you." Then I went to my tree and crashed out. This morning I woke up late, around ten. There was this black gardener guy there, but I don't think he saw me. I was able to stash my backpack in the shed. As I was walking through the dorm parking lot I realized I would need a new tennis ball today. Mine was almost worn out. Hannah has my big bag of tennis balls up in her dorm. Luckily, I checked the dumpsters by the tennis courts and found six balls! Then I went to the BP gas station in front of the dorms and took a shit. I'm supposed to meet Hannah at noon. I am going to end it this time. I have come to realize that Hannah is detrimental to world peace, or at least caring about her is. She made her choice last night when she went to that party without me. Fuck all those brainwashed, sold-out street performers. I'm going to tell Hannah, "All you want to do is have fun and you are getting in the way of my life's work. It's over. World peace is more important to me than you. You have more friends with the street performers. I have been replaced and you don't need me. Have fun living your artificial college life. I am keeping it real."

     11:50am  I stopped at the bandshell and bummed a cigarette. I just walked to the mall. I am at our meeting spot. I'm supposed to meet Hannah. I am breaking up with her today.


     1:53pm  Hannah's tardiness doesn't surprise me one bit. It's so over between us. It seems like she has been seduced by those fake street performers. She is straight up living a lie. She is and has been part of the disease. Once again, all Hannah wants to do is have fun. How can she want to have so much fun when so much is wrong in the world?? That just seems really ignorant to me. I wonder what her excuse is today. She's such a liar.

     5:01pm  Angie gave me a cigarette.


     6:10pm  Around two, Hannah showed up. I laid it all on her. She was visibly upset and crying. She pleaded with me,"What if I were to help you on your mission?" I told her I didn't think she would. I told her, "Caring about you is detrimental to my life's work. We have to stop." Crying, she asked me, "We can't hang out at all??" I even told her I had better things to do. That being in love could wait. Now that she knows and understands my rationale, I won't feel so bad about wanting to tell my story and flying my sign. She's even made up a sign of her own. Oh yeah, the mission has evolved once more. I'm flying all my signs at once on the mall. My WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA one, my classic sign with all my mission-objectives, and my ON MY WAY TO SAVE THE WORLD sign. Hannah's sign is there too. It says, "Slavery hasn't ended yet! You have a choice! Choose peace!" Let's see what happens with Hannah and me. This should be interesting.

     8:34pm  I'm at the Pizza Colore buying a slice of cheese pizza for Hannah. Right before, Hannah had found a box with some leftover fish. It was yummy, but she didn't want any. I'm buying a slice of pizza for her. She provided the two twenty five.

     9:01pm  This cool dude smoked us out.

Next day..

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