

Boulder, CO

Tuesday September 5, 2006

     8:00am  Carol: "Need to call Cingular and cancel phones. Need to pay on the website and storage. Need to make one last doctor's appt. Need to get papers for SSI. Need to get online and go downtown and tell the story. Lots to do today. Better get up. Victor went on a snipe hunt. Going to King Soopers or Safeway for breakfast. Also call and check on foodstamps.

     8:30am  I dropped my phone in the pool yesterday. Dove right in with it on. Duh! Screw cell phones. I'm standing now topless waiting for Victor to return from his snipe hunt. Hope he was successful. There is something amazing about being naked in the woods. It's very liberating.

                   Victor came back. He smoked and then we walked up to King Sooper's and got free donuts and ate them, drank milk and read the paper. Then we headed for the bus stop to go to Boulder Workforce and I ran into this sk8'r friend of mine who's name I can't remember right now but he's way cool. He smoked us out and then we went to sit at the park by the creek. Vic said that he does love me and wants to give me a final chance. I don't want him to feel bound to me though. I want our relationship to be good and healthy. If we walk a lot and stay high we seem to be fine. Now that Vic is high he wants to tell his story. There are these two guys at a GoBo bike booth on the other side of the walk in the park here. They are "bike ambassadors." So now Vic is telling them his story. They seem to be listening but a little distracted from what they were doing. They do appear attentive. This park is beautiful. So serene. I feel like painting it. We need a camera. We had a hard time getting a courtesy ride on the bus, but we finally got one. Vic had a transfer from me that I scored earlier then this random dude got on and gave me his transfer cause he didn't need it. Now we are both set. On our way to Boulder Workforce.

     1:53pm  Boulder Workforce 301 unique visitors. Dot5Hosting 1-877-378-5349, #2 is Support, #3 Billing. Got Cingular to send me a new phone. What a pain in the ass. Our C/C was declined for the webpage so we went to ACE Check Cashing, but before we walked by the Taco Loco and got hooked up fat. Orlando hooked us up with a great steak burrito, chips and dip. Great food. Now on to Ace. There is a positive balance so I'm calling Dot5 again. Got some receipts to go to the store after this. We want to go to the thrift store too. It's across the street. Need to pay storage tomorrow.

     4:58pm  Dot5Hosting - payment made. Next payment due December 5th. They will send an email to confirm within the hour. Left Ace, which by the way has a courtesy phone with Long Distance, and walked to the thrift store. We both scored big today. Victor got an awesome new mission bag and long johns. He got a Gilligan hat too. We both got hoodies. I scored mine on lot during YMSB and Vic got his at Saver's the other day. We scored thirty dollar in receipts at Target today. The webpage was magically paid for for two extra months. We should be nice and warm tonight. What a great day. We also bought a camera at Target. Tomorrow we need to pay storage and go to St. Thomas' and go to the Mapleton Pain Clinic for my meds and get online and go to Pearl Street and meet that kid at the sk8 park for weed.

                   Cool day today. We went to Wendy's this evening for Frosties and took the bus home. Two kids on the bus recognized Vic and said they'd been to the site. Far out, man. I saw so many beautiful things today. Flowers, rivers and now this almost full moon. I love our camp. I love Vic and I love SueƱo.

Next day..


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