


Arcata, CA

Sunday September 7, 2003

     8:55am  I woke up at like 8:30am at our cool little squat by the highway. Jenna, Geba and I are walking to this church by HSU where Geba knows they're feeding breakfast. There's supposed to have breakfast at 8am and it's already 8:55am, so we are a little late already. Hopefully there will still be something there.

     11:18am  We just got out of breakfast at the church. Like, it wasn't a homeless thing and Geba and I were the only street kids there. Geba had heard that this church was apologizing to Native Americans and that's what brought him here. They were charging $1/person, but Geba went in and talked to them and they're going to let us eat free the first time. We are sure as hell going to help with the cleanup.
                      I think this is a good experience for me and I was somehow meant to be here. Before we ate, we sat down and they did a prayer/bible study thing. This girl sitting in front of me opened her bible to where they were reading from. I got a really good bible quote and I got a couple email addresses. This young preacher guy, I told him what I was doing, my platform. He had asked me how I was doing and I told him I was the happiest man in the world. I told him why and got his email address. I told him how I wanted him to think I was crazy like everybody else does, because no one is taking me seriously. At first, he didn't give me his email saying, "I am not too sure if I am interested in something you want me to think you're crazy about." I told him, "Well, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss." He goes, "Oh, I don't think I'm ignorant." I said, "Then why won't you give me your email address? It's harmless text. You can delete it if you want." He eventually gave it to me. So, I got a couple email addresses. I got the most important email address, the guy's running the show.
                      Oh yeah, and then me and Geba helped with the dishes. When I first walked in the kitchen I just looked around for something to do. Then, that preacher guy came in and asked me if I was still the happiest man in the world. I told him, "Yup, but I would be happier if I was in service somehow." They had me drying the dishes. Lots of dishes.

                      Now, I have to find the tennis courts which I think are up this hill. Hopefully, I can find a tennis ball.

                      It's raining right now. I've got my rain poncho on.

                      Oh shit, because it's raining there won't be anybody playing tennis. That sucks.

                      I'm walking up to the courts and I already see a ball lying in the court.

                      Oh shit, I see lots of tennis balls.

                      Oh, some guy is practicing with his daughter, in the rain.

     11:22am  I came up to the courts and it was raining, so I didn't think anyone would be playing tennis. Jeff is out here playing in the rain with his daughter and he's going to let me have a couple balls for my stick. I appreciate it, Jeff.

     11:39am  I got a couple tennis balls at the tennis courts and I walked to the library. I'm going to sit down and type up my stuff. Man, it closes at 10:45pm tonight. Cool, it closed at six or six yesterday, Saturday. This school rocks.

     2:46pm  I've spent all this time typing and I felt I needed a break. I went to the entrance to the library and hoped someone would be smoking a cigarette. Nobody was, so I got the idea to look in those tubes they have out here that you're supposed to put your cigarettes into. They have two and if you lean the tube over, it exposes the coffee can where they all fall into. There's always a good unfinished cigarette or two in them. I just discovered yet another resource at the library.

     2:49pm  I finished my smoking and went inside. I had put my rain poncho down next to my bag on a table near my computer. For my break I had just left my stuff on the table and gone outside. I brought my Adidas bag, though so I look like a regular student. I got my nice shorts, my army pants underneath, my blue uniform shirt and the red thermal underneath. I grabbed my toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving cream and razor and I'm going to walk to the bathroom, take a dump, brush my teeth and shave. I look like a regular student going to school.

     3:30pm  I just finished up in the bathroom.

     8:59pm  I'm typing a lot today. I am almost caught up. I can't wait until I am. I'm only like two or three days behind. As soon as I am, I can leave. Skip town. Man, it's going to be great. When I finish catching up, I'll have time to do other stuff. I'll have time to read some books and set some new projects. It'll be so cool. I am going to be so productive soon.

     9:17pm  I got to the part where Geba is telling me about the ascended hosts and what his name stood for. There's a couple things I didn't understand. So, I stopped there and I'm going to go try and find Geba and bring him to the library with me tomorrow and revise it. It'll be perfect. It's just awesome what's going on.

     9:30pm  I am still walking back to the plaza from school. I just remembered that today was a landmark day for me, I think. I had gone to that church this morning for breakfast. Geba and I just happened to be the only homeless people there. He had read somewhere that this church was apologizing to native Americans. I didn't stay for the service afterwards, I came to the library. I did the dishes and after that went looking for my tennis ball and scored two of them. After that I came to the library and I spent all day there. Umm, I think I did. I don't know what I did. For some reason I think I had come back to the plaza. Hmm, I'm not sure. I'll know when I type it up.

     9:38pm  I was just talking to some kid who told me that he had gone to jail last night and just walked six miles home. I figured he went to jail in Eureka. I told him it's a good walk and I was kind of getting used to it. Just then, out of the blue he tells me, "You remind me of a tree." I smiled and told him he wasn't the first person to tell me that. I asked him if it was just because I was tall and he said, "No, you just remind me of a tree." Geba told me something like that. He thinks I'm a tree, too. Trees are our brothers.

     9:40pm  I just spotted Ian in the plaza and asked him where Geba was. He's taking me to Camille's van again where Geba is hanging out.

     11:52pm  Let me tell you what's happened. Right now I'm out here in front of Don's. I'm going to score me a donut. We went up to Camille's van and I met Camille again. She's all broken up because her boyfriend Jason(who she calls her husband) just took off. We went to her van. She's got a really cool van. It's all she needs. Her and her dog, Dank. Anyway, I just hung out there. I mean she was really broken up. She was all asking, "Why did he leave me?" I tried reasoning with her and told her, "It's because people change. Sometimes you have to change with them, or sometimes the change that's needed is for you to part. If neither of you are happy in the relationship, none of you are." She said I was right, but was still broken up about it. Time heals all.

                     Oh yeah, I saw that spanging prophet guy again. Well, the guy who had heard me call myself that in Berkeley(8-23-03, 12:55pm). At first, he got all pissed off at me because he offered me a hug and I thought he was trying to give me a handshake. He went, "Hey, it's the spanging prophet," and I asked him, "Hi, got any spare change?" just joking around. He dug in his pocket and said, "Man, how can you ask for spare change before you even give me a hug?" I told him, "Man, note the sarcasm. I was kidding." He asked me, "So, what are you doing anyway?" I told him my mission objectives and all the things I had planned. I asked him, "Do you want me to tell you how I'm going to do it?" He looked at me and said, "No, I just want you to do it," and gave me a hug. Hehe, what a good night.

     12:10am  Trinity is being generous enough to give Geba and I a cigarette.

     12:26am  Simone, Ryan and Mateo gave me some change for a donut, or a cigarette. I don't remember exactly what. Thanks a lot guys.

     12:51am  I am looking at this Toyota Camry in front of the donut shop. Washington license plate 243NAB. There's a bumper sticker that says, "Ignorance is the most dangerous thing in society." Damn straight. You stupid hypocrite. You drive a car. Practice what you preach..

     1:30am or 2:30am  I'm not sure. It's dark and I can't see my watch too well. I told Geba, "Okay, I'm tired. Let's go to sleep." Geba says ok. He was a bit ahead of me just standing there. Once I catch up he starts following me. Then he stops again and starts digging through the trash cans in the plaza. I was rushing him, "Come on, let's go." He was still stalling and finally I told him, "I am just going to go crash by myself." I just took off and here I am at the squat Geba showed me over by Samoa/101.

Next day..

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