


Boulder, CO

Friday September 8, 2006

     9:21am  Carol: "I woke up at our camp at seven. We crashed out around nine last night. Oh yeah, last night I scored thirty one beers in the Broker Inn dumpster. This morning I went back and got thirty more! We are going to rage lot this weekend. We hung out at the camp and left around eleven we got a free ride to the library on Table Mesa. I got a breakfast croissant and OJ at King Sooper's. Then we got a ride on the 204 bus to Boulder Station. It was raining pretty good. Rained all day and night. We walked a few blocks to the Skip and rode up to the People's Clinic to drop off my SSI forms for my doctor. Then we went to the Social Services to see if anyone could help with my prescription. They gave me a list of churches to call. Another lady gave me the Center for Disability, so I'll call them Monday. I got a cup of hot coffee and some chocolate kisses up there. Then we went on the bus to Ace Check Cashing to use the phone to check on rideshares. No one was home so we went to King Sooper's on Arapahoe and scored some fried chicken. We went to the skatepark to eat it and saw our hookup. We got a gram off of him. Then we went back to our camp. Things were basically dry and it was still raining off and on. SueƱo was happy to see us. Kent came by and we all had a beer and Vic and I got high. Then Kent went to his house to move his stuff. He and Joanna are getting a place. We took the Bound bus to Old Man Dave's. While we were waiting for the bus to come some kids smoked us out. Then at Dave's I was able to register my phone. I forgot when Kent came by he brought my new phone. We chilled and watched That 70's Show and got Dave high. Our checks from Greyhound weren't there yet, so we came back to our camp and went to bed around ten. Oh, before that Dave hooked us up with six dollars and two bus tickets so we went to Cosmo's for dinner. Then home to crash with full bellies."

Next day..


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