


Boulder, CO

Sunday September 10, 2006

                   Chris Low - The Gaia Mind

                   Chrissi -
                   Kaelen Russel -
     9:15am  Let's see, this morning I woke up early, as usual. Around seven. I scraped some resin hits and got resinated. Since I was high I felt like going out and finding someone to listen to my story. I got dressed but couldn't locate my rainbow beanie. I went in the tent to look for it and woke Carol up. She started bitching, as usual. That's the last thing I want to hear in the morning. It just really irritates me. Like fingernails on a chalkboard.
                   Last night was really cool. Kent was supposed to meet us here at three so we could go to the shows at Red Rocks. He never showed up, so Carol and I walked all the way to the church parking lot, where I had left a Saver's shopping cart that day we moved back from Lugena's. We piled both cases of beer Victor had found in the dumpster, about fifty of them into the cart and wheeled it to 30th and Boulder. Carol waited at the bus stop and I went to Boulder Gas and bought two bags of ice. I took them back to the stop and Kent, Carol's son had shown up. He went to the liquor store and bought a thirty pack of PBR's to sell at the show. When the Bound pulled up we loaded everything on it and rode it to Baseline and Broadway. We ferried everything across the street to the Skip stop. When the Skip came we rode it to the hitch spot. Within like half an hour, this old dude who graduated in 1962, he gave us a ride to Red Rocks. Beer and all. Carol: "We carried all the beer from the road to Shakedown. About half the way up we saw Nick(Frenchie), so we set up next to him. Victor walked around with his sign and had lots of good presentations, as usual. Kent hustled all of our beers and his. We saw Jack, this seventeen year old kid who raps and does the underground t-shirts. We got stoned a lot. Saw a lot of people we knew. Saw Skylar(he was tripping balls). Everyone made money and we all had a blast. We got a ride to Old Man Dave's house after the show from Frenchie. We bought Dave a sack at the show. We then walked to the bus stop and rode it to Cosmo's pizza where we all had dinner. Then Victor and I walked to our camp and crashed out."

                   Carol: "So this is to continuation of the day of Sunday and I'd like to make a note that when Victor woke me up this morning to find his hat...all I told him was, "Hey, leave me a alone!" Somehow Victor constitutes that as bitching. If it was the other way around though...boy, I'll tell you, he gets pissed when his sleep is interrupted. But whatever...(just sticking up for myself). So he came back all happy and all was well. We got high and had a great breakfast. Then we sat around. Kent showed up. Joanna comes home today form her sister's wedding in New York. They are moved into their new pad. When he left we walked up to Denny's and had breakfast. Actually, we had hamburgers and iced tea. Then we went by Lugena's, but she wasn't home. We came to the Best Western to chill at the hottub. It started to pour, so Victor went home to secure our camp. Now he's back and we are chilling in the hot water. It's nice here. Very relaxing. When Uncle Sam gets me an apartment I want one with a Jacuzzi. For sure. Or at least near one like this. I want a small greenhouse or a seasonal garden. I am hoping we meet some cool people here at the hottub tonight because I want to check my email. You need a room key to get into the business center where the computers are. Victor is sleeping. How cute. He has his head on his mission bag on the table and he looks like a school kid. Adorable. Awww.

     6:00pm  I am kind of bored. I guess we should go back to camp. There isn't much else to do."

Next day..


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