


Eureka to Arcata, CA

Friday September 12, 2003

     6:23am  I just woke up behind the bushes behind the mall. I wonder what time the mall opens. Oh yeah, it's time for breakfast. My pizza.

     7:05am  Wow, the food court is open at 7:05! That's awesome. I can sit here all day and read. I'll go use the restroom later on.

     8:20am  I'm still in the bathroom. I just shaved.

     8:56am  I got hungry. I had three slices last night. I ate one last night and one this morning and I left the last one back behind the bushes. I made sure the bag it was in was sealed shut. So, I'm walking back to where I slept last night to go eat it.

     9:03am  I came over to where I left the pizza. I sat down behind this mall to eat it and some dude drives up and tells me, "Hey man, what are you doing here?" It's some kid I had met in Arcata. I forgot his name, but I was shocked. Damn, I known! That's awesome.

     10:00am  I am sitting here in front of Bayshore Mall and Nolan was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:40am  Dan was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:13am  I came in the bathroom at the mall again and shit some more. It's heating up outside, so I took off my army pants. I'm going to walk to The Raven House and do my laundry. I hope it opens at noon. It might open at five, I don't know.

     11:26am  Michelle was nice enough to give me a cigarette walking back into town. I appreciate it, Michelle.

     11:35am  I'm still walking to The Raven House on Myrtle Street.

     12:14pm  I'm walking down 101 through Eureka. Turning right on G street.

                     Turning right on Northbound 101.

                     Turning right on H street.

     12:43pm  I forgot to tell you I am at The Raven House already. I've been here for like ten minutes. I have my name on the list to do laundry. I'm just going to hang out here all day. Hopefully I'll get smoked out sometime.

     12:51pm  Man, I've got friends already at The Raven House. This girl I told my stuff to just invited me to go smoke with her. Sweet.

     1:03pm  Cute Tinkerbell smoked us out in Cooper's Gulch. That's very generous of you.

     1:16pm  Don't forget to mention Ton. Ton was the guy I met back when I was here like six months ago. He and this girl gave me a place to sleep in somebody's apartment last time I was here. Oh yeah, this crazy dude Matt is wearing tights and a girls shirt with shoulder pads for boobs. He's a wingnut kid. I think he's putting on a big act for the attention. I just ignore him. Oh yeah, and right before I got to The Raven House earlier, I had seen this dude with a backpack just standing there. I walked up to him and said, "Hey man, do you know what time The Raven House opens?" He was like, "What's that?" I told him, "Oh shit, you don't know about The Raven House?" So I brought him over. He's 27, but I told him to say he was 24 if anyone asked him. The Raven House house is officially only cool with people ages 10-24. Oh yeah, then Tinkerbell smoked us all out and this other dude was there and he was all interested in hearing my ideas. So, I've got an audience. I want to put on a show behind The Raven House.


                   Oh yeah, and right now I'm going to get smoked out again! By that 27 year old dude who I showed The Raven House to earlier. Awesome.

                   That Tinkerbell girl is cute as hell. For some strange reason I want a sixteen or seventeen year old girlfriend. It's not that I'm a pedophile or anything, just that I am at their level. I'm not saying I'm immature, I'm saying they're more advanced. It's evolution. They haven't had to worry about much in their life, just like I don't.

                   Ton suggested I look up the Unabomber's manifesto on the Internet. Ton thinks it's bullshit to kill people and so do I. Nobody needs to die. Violence only leads to more violence. It makes no sense whatsoever.

                   I skimmed the Unabombers Manifesto. It seems to be some pretty powerful stuff.

     3:48pm  I ran into Dave. The guy I showed the barn too. That's cool. It's a small world.

     4:18pm  I'm putting my stuff to dry.

     5:11pm  Noelle was generous enough to give me a cigarette and she's actually listening to me. I love Noelle. I need an audience. I wish everybody would listen to me.(Noelle is quite attractive.)

     6:13pm  The Raven House is closing up. I talked to this girl who works at The Raven House, Noelle. She's another beautiful girl with short hair. She listened to everything I said. She told me it was really nice meeting me and wished me good luck on my journey and everything. She said there needs to be more people like me out there. Gawrsh. Did I mention she was beautiful?

     6:18pm  I think I'm going to go back to Arcata. Oh yeah, I was able to back up all my stuff on a computer at The Raven House. So, if the feds take out my email, I'll still have it, hehe.

     6:24pm  I'm going to hitchhike back to Arcata.

     6:28pm  Just like two minutes ago, Colleen(9-9-03, 5:53pm) drove up and picked me up! I've been trying to get a hold of Colleen! I was out there for like five minutes and then I turn around and bam, there she is! Badass. She was just thinking about me. Awesome. Shit happens for a reason.

                   Colleen: "When people are really generous, others just think you're dumb or stupid and then they just want to take advantage of you. I've given to people hella and they turn around and want more. Like when people steal stuff I get really mad and I dwell on it. Then, I realize that all that energy I spent dwelling on it, I could've made like ten times the money. It frustrates me and I get really mad at the universe. Then I'm all, "Well, they must've needed it more than me." But then why is it like even though they know I would give it to them, why don't they just ask? I guess some people are too stubborn and don't want to ask for help, so they would rather steal. But, then I get over it after a while, hehe."

     6:36pm  We're in Arcata again, in the plaza.

     6:45pm  Josh hooked me up with some change for a donut. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:48pm  I'm out here spanging for a donut and this real pretty girl, I remember talking to her in the plaza, her name is Alisha, walked by. I think I have her email address(

     6:50pm  I couldn't understand the name on the recording, but someone just gave me some change. He just came up to see what I was doing. I told him I was trying to get a donut together. He gave me fifty cents and some pennies. Cool.

     6:52pm  Tim hooked me up with some change for a donut. I appreciate it, brother. Cool, I got enough for my apple fritter.

     7:00pm  Somebody else hooked me up with a cigarette. I couldn't make out the name, but he/she knows who they are.

     7:01pm  I ran into Geba. We're going to smoke some weed and I'm going to share my apple fritter with him.

     7:12pm  Oh yeah, and that Colleen girl said she was waiting for the check to clear on the fifteenth. So that might be my day to leave on the Greyhound.

     7:14pm  Geba said some gibberish into my recorder.

     8:07pm  Brent was nice enough to give me a cigarette in front of Everette's.

     8:20pm  Denise just hooked me up with some food, just like that. I was sitting in the plaza about to read my book and she comes up to me and hooks me up with some cookies, some fruit and a big jar of juice. Badass, I got all this food.

     8:45pm  I was in the plaza talking to this one guy who told me there was some Earth First thing tomorrow. I went and told Geba about it and we're going to get directions somehow.

     9:01pm  I had another good presentation. I talked to this one guy.

     9:03pm  Kyle just hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Toby and Jacks.

     9:05pm  Bam, that guy I talked to gave me a cigarette. I got this girl's email address that was with him, since he didn't have one. She said she'll share it with everybody.

     10:14pm  Waylon hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Everette's. Thanks a lot, brother.

     10:46pm  Tim just gave me a cigarette outside of The Alibi. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:15pm  I'm tired. I'm going to walk to the barn.

     11:45pm  I'm crashing at the barn. Goodnight, goodnight.

Next day..

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