


                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Friday September 14, 2007
     6:56am  I got six hours of sleep last night. I woke up around five thirty. I'm going to court this morning. I am trying to decide what shirt I want to wear. I want to wear my WPTMJ one. My mom doesn't want me to. Ah, it kind of stinks, so I probably shouldn't. I haven't washed it yet. I've walked downtown twice with it on. I haven't washed it so it wouldn't blur. I think the ink has dried enough now and I'm not going to wear it to court. My mom wants me to wear my shirt that has a peace sign and says "Because War Will Never Be The Answer" in Spanish

     7:11pm  I just got on the bus. I'm on my way to go deal with this court bullshit.

     8:12am  I had a great presentation on the bus. What was your name? Pat. He just volunteered me two cigarettes at the end. I appreciate it, brother. I couldn't tell him my whole story, but I told him the important part.

     8:41pm  I just got downtown. I took that guy's picture on the bus. I'm walking to Frio now. I have to find a place to stash my weed. Last night I didn't record much because I didn't want to go through the trouble of advancing it to where I left off. I was typing up the same tape I was recording on. Then I realized I could just put a new tape in. Last night my mom took me to Johnny Carino's. My sister and her son came too. It was damn good.

     9:05pm  I just stashed my contraband in a brown paper bag in the trashcan by the bus stop in front of the courthouse. I should take a picture of the Municipal Courthouse.

     9:15pm  This sucks, the ticket isn't even in their system. The officer hasn't turned it in yet. I'll have my mom take care of it. I'm leaving tomorrow.

     9:41pm  What a big waste of time that was. I'm back on the 88. I'm going to go all the way back home. Actually, I've decided I'm going to take the nature hike and take pictures. I'll hike all the way to my mom's, then I'll start cleaning house. Hardcore.

                   Be sure to add on my website, "It's simple math, people. There are more of us than there are of them."

     10:32pm  I just got to the Walmart on Mainland. I just gave this beautiful girl my webpage.
                     I'm going to go to the McDonald's and fuel up for my nature hike home. Hopefully I'll be home before noon. I've got plenty of time.

     10:45am  I just came out of the Walmart. I ate a burger and I have another one in my pocket for later on. I took a picture of the bus circle. The entrance to the trails.
     10:55am  I was looking desperately to find a place to smoke my after-meal smoke. I spotted this tree. I took a picture of it. I'm going to take a smokebreak. I'll take another one on the platform after my other burger.

     11:01am  I am up from my smokebreak. I'm going to keep walking. I'm taking a lot of pictures. A lot of them are just boring trail pictures.

     11:13am  I am here taking pictures of this hike. I'm going from the Walmart. I ran into Joe out here surveying stuff. He's got a, what's that thing called? A data-collector. He's surveying land back here. Are they going to build something? Wow, a paved walking path. I took Joe's picture.

     11:52am  I've been taking pictures up the ass. I filled up my camera right when I got to the foot of the cliffs. I went through and deleted like eighty pictures that I already copied onto the computer. I'm going to keep taking pictures of the cliffs.

**** Luckily, the cassette inside my recorder did not get ruined when I jumped in the creek. Oh yeah, read what I logged when I got home later that night.***

     10:53pm  I am typing this up on the computer because I ruined my tape recorder today. Let me tell you about today. This morning I woke up early and caught the bus to the courthouse to get get that ticket dismissed for illegal dumping. I had five photographs as evidence that it got cleaned up. Anyway, I woke up around the same time my mom did. I had already decided I was going to leave traveling tomorrow. My mom had been all sad and doesn't want me to go. She kept telling me, "You can leave next weekend," and stuff like that. I love my mom so much. Anyway, I caught the 608 bus at 7:09 and rode it to the Walmart on Mainland. There I caught the 88 and went downtown. On the way downtown I had a most excellent presentation with this one dude on the bus. He let me take his picture and was all about my story and appreciative for me telling it to him. When I got downtown I got off on St. Mary's and Commerce and hiked about a mile to Frio to the Municipal Court. I stashed my dugout and pipe in a trashcan at the bus stop in front and walked to the court. They had me empty my pockets out and shit and when I went to go talk to the lady at the front desk she told me that my ticket wasn't in the system yet. Argh, I'm all taking off tomorrow. I'll have my mom do it. Or, I could just ignore it so when I come back I have an excuse to go to jail, have a little fun, then get out easily because I have photographic evidence. Not to mention my mom would probably bail me out.
                     Anyway, I left the courthouse and caught a bus to Travis Park. At Travis Park I got on the 88 and rode it to the Walmart. I had decided I would take the nature hike through OP Schnabel from the Walmart and take LOTS of pictures. It was cool, almost every single turn of the trail I snapped a shot, so it's like a movie when you look through them. I hiked all the way through the greenbelt. I came upon a huge marsh/shallow lake. I got to the cliffs at OP then it wouldn't let me take any more pictures. So I stood there deleting the ones from yesterday to make more room. When I finished I returned the camera to its pouch and continued hiking up along the cliff. I break through these branches and all of a sudden all I hear is buzzing and I saw yellow and black striped wasps darting at me.
I broke through their nest! Holy shit! I could immediately feel the stings on my neck and my left leg. Since I was at the base of the cliffs right next to Leon Creek I carefully slid down some rocks and stepped into the water. I frantically struggled with my belt trying to take it off because the digital camera is attached to it. I ended up yanking it real hard and breaking the belt loop that my little carabineer with my keys are on. Lost the keys. Anyway, I quickly threw my belt with camera and sat down in the water and leaned back to submerge my whole body. I sat up and I could still see little wasps in my boot laces. They were everywhere. I picked them off my arms and legs. Wasps leave their stingers in when they bite you and leave it attached to you pumping venom. I picked like three of four off and searched my arms and legs for more embedded stingers.
                     I was freaking out. All these thoughts started darting through my head. "Am I allergice to wasps?" "I've been stung like thirty times. Am I going to die from all that venom?" "Am I going to pass out?" "Go into anaphalytic shock?" "Am I going to be able to walk the more than a mile home?" "Umm, am I going to be able to hike up this cliff and walk to the entrance of the park without passing out?" "Should I go to the hospital?" I was a nervous wreck. All along an increasing burn was flowing through my back and leg where I had been stung. It was quite uncomfortable, but hey, I've been bitten by a wasp before. It's no day at the park. Umm, but not like thirty at the same time. I'm going to hurt for a couple days.
                     Oh yeah, I had bought an extra burger at the McDonald's. I had put it in a plastic grocery bag and wrapped it and put it in my cargo short pocket. Well, I didn't think to empty my pockets out before I got in the water. Remember, there were still wasps buzzing around and trying to kill me. Guess what else I didn't take out my pocket before I submerged myself. My tape recorder! Very luckily I had switched to a new tape in the morning when I had left, so I didn't lose that much history.
                     So back to my situation. I had to hike through knee deep water to go around and get on the trail that went up the cliff. I walked up and stopped at the pavilion they have at the top and checked all my pockets. I grabbed the burger all bummed out because I thought it was be soaked an totally unedible. Well, I did a pretty good job wrapping it with the plastic bag so it didn't get wet!
                     When I finished my burger I walked all the way down the paved path to a parking lot. I had taken my shirt off down by the creek. I walked by this older lady walking her dog and asked her, "Hey, can you look at my back and tell me how many stings I have?" She seemed really concerned and wanted to make sure I was alright. I told her, "Yeah, now I've got to hike a mile home in this sun." She immediately offered to give me a ride. Her name is Pat. Oh-so-generous Pat. She asked me where I lived and I told her Old Tezel and Braun Road, just up the street. I borrowed her cellphone and called my mother. She freaked and called my sister to come over to me.
                     First we drove to my mom's house and that's when I discovered I had lost my keys. I went around and checked for open windows to no avail. Pat told me she'd wait to see if I could get inside. When I saw there was no way in I walked back to Pat and asked if I could borrow her phone again. She said sure and told me, "I don't live that far. You could wait for your ride at my house." I happily agreed and we came to her beautiful house on Pertshire, which I've been walking in front of for years now. She gave me some coffee and ice water. I asked her if I could take her picture and she said sure, but only if she could take mine(don't know what happened to the picture).
Laura eventually pulled up and drove me to the ER at University Hospital. My mom showed up soon afterwards. We sat in the ER for a couple hours until I said screw it. It had already been like three or four hours since I got stung and I was still alive and coherent. I figured if I was going to have an adverse reaction to the stings that it would've happened by now. Plus, fuck hospitals and their capitalizing on saving lives and getting people hooked on drugs. They're evil. I just told my mom we should go. So we came home and I took a good shower and crashed out. My mom put some Benadryl on my stings and I fell asleep until about an hour ago.

                     So how's that for not having a tape recorder?

                     Dude, she ended up living like three blocks from me in Braun Station off of Wickersam and Pertshire! What a coinkidink, eh? Now I have to do my pictures.

                     Actually, I'm going back to sleep.

Next day..

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