

                                                                                                                    San Antonio, TX

Monday September 15, 2008

     1:11pm  I should make an update already. I took a nap earlier today. I've been spreading my ideas like crazy on the internet, on Undernet. #uspolitricks is the channel I've been hanging out in. All those people in there are always talking about Obama this or McCain that. Like any of it matters really. It's all smoke and mirrors. None of these people are elected. They're selected. Voting is a big waste of time.

     6:00pm  I forgot to mention. I was just wandering around trying to manifest some marijuana somehow. I've brought my tradables with me, hehe.
     7:00pm  When I was walking down Bowen Drive towards the EZ Mart I turned on Middlepoint and looked down the street. I didn't see Bob's truck, just his trailer full of lawnmowing stuff. So I walked down to the EZ Mart and smoked a couple cigarettes. When I was walking back I looked down Point's Edge and I could swear I saw someone standing in front of Bob's. It was far, so I wasn't sure. I started walking and as I got closer there was indeed someone there. Bob was there and he was cool enough to trade me all the kynd bud roaches in his ashtray for my mp3 player I got hooked up with in Huntington. Mission accomplished, sweet.  Bob was shooting any doves he saw with a pellet gun.  When I walked up he told me they were waiting for the police because he got in an argument with his neighbor.  Bob has a pitbull that was off the leash and his neighbor told Bob that if he didn't get him he would shoot the dog.  Bob simply explained to him that if his dog got shot he would return the favor and shoot him.  So the guy called the police and the cop is on the way.  I promptly took off my marijuana necklace.  You can still see my Thank You For Pot Smoking shirt.  
                   See, from the Citgo by my mom's I usually walk Bowen's Drive a little then walk up Point's Edge to Dover Ridge, to see if Bob is home. Last time I talked to Bob months ago we had a little falling out(12-25-07:6:14pm) because he got mad at me that I didn't smoke him out...with the weed I had just bought from him! I told him I wouldn't return. At first I was just going to walk down his street but I changed my mind and walked the main street instead, just for the sake of cars seeing me and improving my chances of getting recognized.

     7:15pm  I'm walking home. Right now I'm walking on my new sidewalk. The little block that it is. All these cars are stopped staring at me talking into my tape recorder. I've got my marijuana necklace on. Awesome.

     12:50am  Let me do another recap before I go to bed. I had a pretty good day. I spent a lot of time on the computer right now. My stats are messing up again and not refreshing right. I called Dot5Hosting and they took a long time and transferred me to a level two tech. Hopefully they'll fix it quick. Just yesterday I had the most visit I've had to my site all month long, 56. Then I am supposed to believe I only have 5 the next day, all day long. No, I don't think so.

Next day..

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