


Boulder, CO

Saturday September 16, 2006

                   742 visitors
     1:49pm  Last night we crashed at Lugena's. I went and transferred our entire camp with a Wild Oats shopping cart. Carol's bag is damn heavy. She needs to do some streamlining. This morning I woke up early, as usual. Carol had me go get her new Sprint cellphones at the Fedex place. I paid fare and rode the bus to Arapahoe. I overheard these two kids talking about the government and marijuana. I immediately walked to the back and gave them my webpage. They ended up getting off at Arapahoe too. All three of us went to the Jump stop. I threw a little bit of my presentation at them. They ended up getting off at 55th, where I was aiming for. Central Avenue is closeby. I went to the Fedex place and got the cellphones. I messed up on the way back and stood on wrong side of the street. At that bus stop I pulled out my WPTMJ sign and flew it while I waited. I eventually realized I was on the wrong side of the street and started walking the right way. I walked all the way to the Foothills hospital and waited a long time for the bus. I would've walked all the way to 30th, but it started raining. I stayed under the bus shelter until it came. The driver let me on with an expired transfer. I saw this Middle Eastern guy that knows my story. I told him my webpage was up and wrote it down for him. I finally got back to Lugena's and Carol had me go get change from the Denny's for laundry. Oh yeah, Lugena has a great quote in the bathroom.

                      "The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred...unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no one could have dreamed would have come his way."
- Johann Wolfgang von Goeth

                      "I express the love that is within my heart to all that I encounter. I walk with Spirit as my Source. I accept, receive and allow life to flow through my being. All that I need is mine now and I am open to receive."
- Stanley Otterstrom

     5:24pm  Three 'o clock came around and Carol called Dave about the checks. They came. We walked over to his house then got a courtesy ride to KS. First things first. I walked to Pearl Street and bought me a cigarette pinch hitter for five bucks at Mile High. I'm supposed to meet Carol back at Lugena's at seven. I did a couple laps around the mall with my sign. I had a great presentation with this couple who had a baby. In the end they told me thank you.

     5:31pm  I just got off the Jump at Arapahoe. All of a sudden this guy comes up to me and says, "Hey, weren't you just in San Antonio not too long ago?" I told him, "Yeah, that's where I'm from." He said he had talked to me for a long time on the bus from the Walmart by my mom's all the way downtown. His name is Kenny. Hell yeah! Recognized!

     11:36pm  Carol had gone to KS and bought some stuff to BBQ with. We had a cookout at Lugena's. Her neighbor Maria, Old Man Dave, Kent, Carol and I. Then we went to Kent's new apartment. We are back at Lugena's and I found a good poem in her bathroom.
By Our Thoughts by Francis Desloge

By our thoughts
We mold actuality

By our expectancy
We protect an image

By our courage
We focus manifistation

By our faith
We reveal its truth

By our freedom of spirit
We re-create God's mighty power

                      Oh yeah, since we got that money we are going to be able to pitch in seventy five bucks for gas and we're getting a ride to Portland tomorrow around one. Carol found the ride on craigslist's rideshare. Peace out, Boulder. It was really great and magical this year.

Next day..


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