

 Missoula, MT

Saturday September 19, 2009

     6:39am  I got a whopping shitloads of sleep, 8.35 hours. I hope I'm not as sick.

     7:14am  I am already up and I'm halfway to the Poverello. I want to skip town already. The only thing tying me down is my blood test results. I'm going to get a phone number so I can call. I might skip town today.

     7:29am  I walked all the way to the Salcido center. I'm going to catch up on my typing today. I only have like four days.
                   John Stuart Mill quote: "One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interests."

     11:45pm  I just scored a shower at the Poverello. I'm a little bit less itchy, but still itchy because it's on the inside. I'm going to walk downtown and see what I can do there.

                     I'm going to go back and shave. I forgot to shave.

     12:03pm  I went back and shaved. I'm leaving again.

                     Good Mark Twain quote on Page 79. "The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation."

     5:24pm  I'm here sniping at the Poverello and Rhonda volunteered me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Rhonda. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Girl I told my story to and her bag.  I gave her my breast exams sign.

     7:43pm  I haven't made an update in a while. I'm going to crash at the shelter tonight. It's supposed to rain.

     8:44pm  All set up in the dorm, on a top-bunk, 11A.

     11:40pm  I decided to leave the shelter. I just packed up and left. I am still coughing a lot and I want to be able to cough to my lung's content. I'm going to find a place to set up my tarp somewhere. On the beach. I don't care. Also, now I don't have to do some stupid chore tomorrow.

     11:53pm  I stopped at the Pita Pit to get some ice.

     11:58pm  I've already made my waterproof camp at the beach. I'll take pictures in the morning, if I remember. I've been forgetting every morning to take pictures.

Next day..

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