

                                                                                                             Missoula, MT

Tuesday September 22, 2009

     6:02am  All packed up and leaving.

     6:15am  Ah, I was already over by the Wilma theater and I realized my empty pouch of tobacco was missing and I needed it to collect some snipes. I backtracked back to my camp and found it. I'm going to head to Poverello again.

     8:33am  I'm going to go get in line for laundry at the Salvation Army.

     1:20pm  I just finished with my laundry. Stupid me, I thought I was going to be early showing up at 8:30. I was third person in line. My stuff is ready to be put in the dryer, but somebody else is still using it. I walked over to the Poverello at 11:30 to get a sack lunch.

                   Oh yeah! I got my blood results back! I am HSV-2 NEGATIVE! I knew I had HSV-1 because I've had a cold sore before. I don't have genital Herpes! Then I thought then what the hell is this outbreak on my dick from?? Things are still a bit crazy, so I'm going back to San Antonio to figure out exactly what it is I have. I need to figure out this mystery and find out what I have. The nurse said I might have scabies. I'm going to get online and look it up.
     4:00pm  I'm going to walk into town. I went to the drop-in center and looked up scabies on the internet. I looked at pictures of scabies on penises and that's exactly what I have.

                   I should make an update. I am standing in front of the Pita Pit smoking. I got some more ice and took a hit of weed. Oh yeah, I traded that Bob Marley hoodie I had for some weed. I know I promised Rob and Cody I wouldn't trade it for weed, but sorry, guys. I needed weed. I've been having some bad days. Actually, today was a lot better. I found out that I don't have Herpes after all! I probably don't have HPV either, even though I didn't get tested for that. The thing on my dick was scabies! I am so fuckin' happy I have scabies! I know that sounds weird and a little disgusting, but I would much rather have scabies than Herpes anyday! Scabies I can kill with this Prefrin Cream they gave me. I am supposed to put the cream on tonight before I go to bed. Full body application from the neck down. But, it was itching bad. I didn't scratch my itches, I rubbed the cream in wherever it itched and the itch would stop. My little pets are dying. Tonight I'll do the full-body application before I go to bed. Permithrin Cream, 5%, RX only.

                   I'm going to go to camp and read my Bermuda Triangle book. I stopped reading Unlimited Power. It just really felt like it was a self-help book. The first chapter was good, but I don't know if I'm going to finish reading it or not.

     7:14pm  Richard just came up to me and Raven and gave us some food. We appreciate it, Richard. Everybody gets credit.

                   Ha, when I pulled out my tape recorder and told Richard I was writing a book on generosity he was all, "I'm not generous. I'm not generous." Raven was all telling me to be quiet. Shit, I'm just doing my job. Oh yeah, first I walked up and I saw Raven. Earlier when I was hanging with her on the beach she asked me to try and get her a sack lunch so she wouldn't have to walk up there. I seriously doubted they were going to give me two sack lunches. That's all I eat anymore at the Poverello. I just get sack lunches so I can have food to-go. I don't want to eat any of that imitation meat they serve there. They gave me two apples today so when I walked back and saw Raven again I offered her an apple. She refused it all crying. She had just been talking to some fifteen year old girl and the girl's mom came up and punched her in the face! Raven has seen her mother punch her kid in public before. Anyway, Raven was all shaken up, because obviously she had been through something similar herself with her mother so it really affected her. After Raven refused my apple I was about to walk off to read my book before the sun came down and Raven pleaded with me, "Don't go, don't go." She started talking to me and stuff and I gave her a big hug. She needed fifty cents to buy a beer. Earlier some guy at the drop-in center had asked me if I had a spare lighter and I actually did and gave it to him and he gave me some change. As much as I hate supporting alcohol I gave Raven the money she needed. And that's when Richard walked up and offered us some food, even though he's not generous. I tried to give him my website but he said he didn't do computers.

                   Yay, I found my hat.

     8:50pm  Man, this Bermuda Triangle book is getting good. It's really interesting. I believe in the Bermuda Triangle. Earlier when the sun was still up I covered my whole body with this cream I got. I'm still itching a little, so I should probably retreat it. I am almost out. Hopefully the nurse will give me some more. Potion lotion, that's what I call it. The nurse told me that one application should kill all the scabies, that it's like RAID to them. I don't know. I'm going to go to bed pretty soon. I wish I had a cigarette to smoke. I should eat something too.

Next day..

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