


O'Brien, OR

Monday September 27, 2004

     7:45am  I just woke up in my bus.

                   Not even government agencies have jurisdiction over the truth.

     10:10am  I just got dropped off at the O'Brien Store. I'm going to use the restroom and hopefully bum a cigarette. Then, I'm going to walk to Almost Heaven, the trailer park Fawn lives at now.

     10:30am  I gotta make an entry. I forgot to tell you, I watched more science fiction stuff on Shadow's TV. 

 Some Andromeda show. Shadow told me he'd give me a ride up to the O' Brien Store, four corners. I'm going to walk to the RV park where Lena and Fawn are at. I'm also going to see if I can get some boots from Barry. He said he had some boots I could borrow so I can go hiking in the woods.

                     Left side of Shadow's den.  

                    Shadow's kitchen in his barn.  

     10:44am  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you that in the bathroom, after I took a shit, I got my white marker, which still works miraculously and tagged the bathroom with Victor the Liberator over the door.

                     Now, I have to go back to the store and see how much a camera costs. I'm going to price it and hopefully I'll wind up with the money to get one today. Or tomorrow.

     10:49am  Amanda, this girl I just talked to is giving me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:00am  I'm taking off walking to Almost Heaven.

     11:05am  I am walking Southwest on 199. Just passed West Fork Illinois River.

     11:19am  Stopping at a yard sale.

     11:30am  I'm leaving that yard sale. It was lame. There was nothing good there. When I first got there I saw they had all these cars for sale there too. I went, "Wow, you got cars at your yard sale." Then the lady started going on and on about the cars. She was all, "There's three good ones," and started telling me about all the cars. I told her, "Umm, I never said I wanted a car. We have two legs for a reason and it's not to push the gas and the brake." She didn't say anything.

                     I told her, "I'm not in that much of a hurry. Good things come to those who wait."

                     Right before I left I went up to her and told her, "Here's a suggestion." See, I was looking for cargo shorts and they didn't have any. They had three tables with mountains of clothes on them. I told her, "Hey, if you really want to get rid of this stuff real quick, you should just tell people you're giving it away and accept donations. You'll make more money that way." I told her, "More than half the point is getting rid of it, right?" She told me, "Well, you can tell the owner. He's in that trailer right there." I told her, "Well, can you just relay the message?" She told me, "No, I'll say it was my idea," and laughed.

     11:38am  Passing mile marker 38.

     11:54am  Passing mile marker 39. Me and my sixteen minute miles.

     12:10pm  Mile marker 40.

     12:14pm  Passing over Elk Creek.

     12:18pm  Guess who I ran into? Lena and Barry. They just pulled over. They're giving me a ride back to Shadow's.

     12:35pm  We came to the Shop Smart Food Warehouse and Chris hooked me up with a rollie. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     12:58pm  I'm telling Israel my story here at the Shop Smart. When I told him, "I've been logging my life . . . like every cigarette I bum." He pulled out a cigarette and gave me one. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     1:02pm  No-go at the pizza place right here. The greedy ass chick gave me some bullshit excuse. "No, they got cameras. We can't give out free food." I told her, "I was just testing you guys. You failed." Hehe, she gave me a dirty look.

     4:35pm  Oh yeah, I've been chilling out in Tom and Cindy's trailer. Smoking cigarettes. They gave me all this leaf, so I got some traveling weed. Then I got the idea, "I'm going to go over to the gym." The place where the kitchen we were supposed to be building but never finished last year is. Shadow's got a weight bench there.

     5:05pm  I just stopped working out. I wasn't resting at all. I was just doing twenty curls and I'd lay down and do twenty bench presses. I'm just squatting a mere forty pounds. I did sit-ups in between too. I'm going to be all sore tonight.

Next day..

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