

                                                                                        Wichita, KS to Kansas City, MO

Friday September 28, 2007

     4:35am  Look at what time I woke up. I woke up at four twenty eight. I crashed around eight thirty or nine. I got lots of sleep. Like eight hours. I'm going to get stoned and then walk into town. My trust in the universe protected me last night.

     4:57am  Hell yeah, I had a good little wake-and-bake session behind my dumpster here. 

     5:20am  I am up and at 'em.

     5:21am  I'm up and at 'em. Did I tell ya? Did I tell ya? I'm all stoned, hehe. Wake-and-bake!

     5:32am  I walked by the Marriot Hotel. I spotted a Conoco but it's not open right now. I walked by the Courtyard Marriot here. I went in and asked the guy at the front desk if he had a water fountain I could borrow. He said no, but if I didn't mind tap water I could go in the bathroom. Hey, it's a bathroom! I went and took out my toothbrush and brushed my teeth and took some vitamins. It was all good. I'm going to keep walking now.

                   Oh yeah, I guess I took too long because this other employee ran me out of there. I told him, "I was just getting some water." He said, "We can't have you brushing your teeth here." I went, "Oh yeah? Well, I already did, ha." I told him, "I'm a journalist. A long-distance walker." He was all, "Oh really?" I gave him my website and everything.

     5:37am  I'm walking down Washington. I see a Quik Trip gas station. A QT. Maybe it's closed too. Umm, I don't know where I'm going to walk to. Nobody is out right now.

                   I guess I was taking too long in the bathroom for me to just get water. I was standing there about to pop all my vitamins in my mouth and this dude opened the door and told me I had to go. I told him, "I'm just taking my vitamins, man."

                   That's right, be afraid.

     5:40am  I am at the QT at Washington and Douglas. Cool, let's see if there is anybody here to tell my story to.

     6:34am  I spent all this time walking for no reason turning I don't know where and I'm back at the QT. That sucks. I'm going to walk downtown eventually. I stopped to rest in front of the QT and smoke. I'm almost out of weed again.

     6:46am  I'm walking downtown.

     6:52am  I'm walking in front of this old train station, I think. I would take a picture but it's too dark right now. I'm walking under this bridge. Underneath the railroad tracks.

                   Oh wow, I'm walking by this beautiful park. I need to take pictures when the sun comes up. It's a nice park.

                   I walked by this big Spaghetti Works building. It's an old run-down restaurant. A vacant building.

                   I asked this black dude walking by about it and gave him my website.

     6:57am  Passing Emporia. It sucks, I lost my industrial strength Fiskar scissors the other day. I think yesterday or the day before. I remember them falling out of my cargo short pocket and I didn't pick them up when I left. Oh well, I have another pair of Fiskars. I still have the one I use to cut my little papers out with.

     7:00am  Passing Broadway.

                   Cool, there's all these little statues and sculptures everywhere. I walked by a metal squirrel earlier. I should take pictures.

                   Wow, downtown is loaded with statuettes. They're everywhere. I just came up to this concrete plaza here. It's Friday so today's going to be hoppin', hopefully.

                   I have three dollars left.

     7:03am  I just crossed Main Street. I thought Main Street would be busier than it is.

     7:05am  I just took a picture of this big convention center. There's enough light out, I guess. There's a cool moon too. I'm going to take a picture of it.  

     7:08am  I just took a picture of the Wichita Frederick County Historical Museum.  

                   I just figured out if I turn the flash off these pictures will come out a lot better.

     7:10am  I took a picture of the walkway connecting three blocks on William and Market.  

                   The sun is up now so I'm going to go take a picture of all the people and animal statues. Ooh, pretty girl. Let's see if she'll listen to my story.

                   On these shots I was playing around with the color settings on the camera. 

     7:15am  I just took a picture of the little animals, the statuettes.  

     7:28am  I came to that cool park with the gazebo. I took pictures right now. I took a lot of pictures of this park. Please Love, send me somebody to listen to my story.


     7:59am  All these homeless guys were sitting at this table. I hit one bum up for my story who was reading a book. He immediately shook his head, "No! No! I don't want to hear it!" I yelled, "Man, NOBODY wants world peace!"

                   I hit this other guy up for my story and he was on his cellphone. I didn't want to bother him so I told him, "I do have a website if you would just rather read it. There is a lot to be said for the presentation, though." I told him to do me the two favors and everything.

     8:07am  I came to the corner of Douglas and Broadway. I see a badass horse in front of a bank. I'm going to go take a picture of it. It's all shiny. It looks like a Transformer.

                   What beautiful welds, man. Hell yeah.

                   Kansas Sports Hall of Fame

     8:17am  I was aiming for the Old Town Center and I walked by that tall wall where I slept behind the dumpster last night. I'll take more pictures since it's light now.    

     8:22am  I just took a picture of the Kansas Fortalsan, to honor, to educate..  

                   Downtown is everybody's neighborhood. It says that on a trashcan.

                   Warren Plaza in Old Town. I'm going to take a picture.  

     8:38am  I forgot to tell you, but I ended up back at the Quick Trip gas station and bought a burrito for two dollars. I have one dollar left.

     8:40am  I came back to the Quik Trip and I was standing there eating my breakfast burrito. Tony walked by and he just volunteered me some cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks."

     9:12am  Oh yeah, I left the QT. There had been some guy walking out of the store and I asked him if I could tell him a really interesting story. He got all flustered, "No, I gotta get to work." Then he had to go back in the store so when he walked by me again he said, "I'm sorry, bro. I'm in a hurry." I held out a little paper and said, "I've got a website," and gave it to him and started walking down the street. He eventually pulls over and talks to me, "Are you just walking around talking to people?" I told him, "Yup, that's my job." He smiled and told me, "Wow, I'm really interested in looking at your website."

     9:13am  I made my way back to the park.

     9:43am  Had a great presentation with Douglas and Frances. Across the street from the park. These guys listened to me a lot. Well, he had to go to work, but I got to ask him to do me the two favors. He directed me to the transit center.

     9:48am  I just had a good presentation with this pretty black girl on the way to the transit center.

     9:52am  I have to go North. I'm waiting for the bus. Half an hour this guy told me.

     10:16am  This black dude at the transit center, he saw my shirt and asked me, "Do you need some?" I told him I only have like three bucks. Two dollars in change and a dollar bill that I was going to use for busfare. He told me to go to some park and ask for the Naked Lady and that she would sell me a three dollar joint. I'm going to go look for the Naked Lady. Maybe I'll find someone to tell my story to. Man, nobody wants to hear my story in this town.
     10:43am  The stupid ass bus driver. He wouldn't let me on the bus with my pack on. And he had a problem with my stick too. Hehe, I called him a greedy ass to his face and walked off. I'm going back to the transit center.

                     Sweet, a public library. I'm going to go check my email.

     10:49am  I walked back to the transit center. I have to wait until eleven fifteen for the bus.

     10:52am  I walked over to William and Market. I'm going to stop here and wait for people to walk by and hit them up for my story until eleven fifteen. In front of the State Office Building.

     11:06am  Beautiful Sandra, I took her picture.


I just told her my story on William and Market. Thanks for listening, Sandra. Everybody gets credit.

                     Thank you Love for granting me that fairy Sandra.

     11:29am  I didn't tell you. I'm on the bus getting out of town.

     12:02pm  I just got dropped off at I35. I'm going to walk to a gas station.

     12:10pm  I walked up to the Kansas Turnpike Entrance. I'll stick my thumb out on the ramp right before the tollgate.

                     I stood there with my thumb out. Then I started walking to the tollgate to ask the lady some questions. When I started walking up I hear the lady yelling, "You can't walk on the pike!" I yelled back, "I wasn't going to! I'm walking up there to talk to you!" She told me to walk to Kellogg Avenue which runs perpendicular to the highway, and turn left.

     12:39pm  I walked back a little. I'm going to cut over to the highway again. I'll walk on the pike. Hopefully I'll get pulled over. And get a ride. What are they going to do? Throw me in jail? I don't have any weed. I smoked it all.

     1:09pm  Well, there's no outlets to the highway. Looks like you have to pay to drive on it, or else. So I'm just cutting through woods and stuff on the other side of the fence of the highway. I need to keep going East.

                     Ahh, I'm giving up on getting out of town this way. I'm going to catch the bus back downtown. I'll go eat at the Lord's Diner at five thirty. I need to find out how much a bus ticket is and spange it up. Manifest it somehow.

     1:20pm  I told my story to some Jamaican dude who was walking down the street. It's cool that here you don't have to be at the bus stop for the driver to stop. You can flag the bus down anywhere and they're supposed to stop.

                    I'm standing here on the corner of Rock Road and Harry.

     2:03pm  The stupid ass bus driver.


I got on the bus and paid my fare. I sat down in the front and scanned the passengers for pretty girls to tell my story to. I spotted one and got up and hit her up for my story. She quickly agreed to listen to me and everything. All of a sudden the driver gets on the intercom and tells me, "Move back to the seat you were at or get off the bus." I told him, "But I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just talking to somebody. It's a free country." He told me to stop bothering his passengers. I snapped at him, "Why don't you ask her if I am bothering her?" He ticked me off so I threw him my 'ol why-don't-you-call-somebody-with-some-authority line. He's on the phone with the cops right now. Showtime.

                    I got that greedy asses picture and everything. Zoomed in on him.

     2:16pm  Oh yeah, the cops finally got here. This one cop walked up to me and said, "The driver tells me that you were causing problems." I told him, " I wasn't causing problems. Investigate. That's your job." He took my cue and walked to the front of the bus to talk to the driver. A couple more cops showed up. Backup.

                    When the cop was done talking with the driver he asked me where I was headed to. I told him the Greyhound station to get a bus ticket. Then he offered to give me a ride there. I quickly agreed, telling him I had nothing to hide. I got off the bus and they patted me down and ran my ID. They even looked through my pack and found my green dugout with one-hitter combo that my little brother gave me. I told them, "I paid sales tax on that. I bought it fair and square. And, it's not even resinated. I've scraped it clean." They took all my weed stuff. My one-hitter, my dugout and that pipe I have with a cap that I got from Aaron from Portland. The cop told me, "You should feel lucky we're not taking you to jail for paraphernalia." Then when he dropped me off at the Greyhound station he handed me all my stuff back.

     2:51pm  I just got dropped off at the Greyhound station by the cops!
                   Oh yeah, I'm going to call my mom. I don't really have to. I'm going to see if she'll get me a bus ticket.

                   Haha, I took that greedy ass' picture and everything.

                   Oh yeah, this one cop had told me, "That's why I'm letting you go. I like your story." Shweet, unscathed. I wasn't scared for a second the whole time. It was fun as hell.

     3:32pm  Curtis let me borrow his cellphone at the transit center. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:40pm  I'm sitting here telling Mary my story in front of the Greyhound station. She just volunteered me her other half of sandwich. I appreciate it, Mary. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:18pm  Hopefully someone will celebrate with me. I'm going to walk back downtown. The bus doesn't come until 3am. I borrowed a cellphone and called her and she agreed to get me a ticket to Kansas City, Missouri. She hasn't called the Greyhound station yet. I'm sure she will. I'm gong to walk into town and tell my story. I'll go to that park again. At five thirty I can eat at the Lord's Diner.

     4:43pm  Lupe me dio un cigaro en el transfer center. Te lo agradezco, Lupe. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     5:10pm  I just took a picture of the big line at the Lord's Diner.


I'm going to eat.

     6:17pm  Bobby gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Bobby. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Dave is the name of the guy I told my story to and took a picture of. On Emporia and Douglas. I had a good presentation with this guy at the stoplight. I told him the spirit's part and the favors.


     7:41pm  Adam's picture I just got. I had an awesome presentation with him. I was trying to tell him my First Attempt jail story but his friend drove by and picked him up. Seven hours to go until three. The Greyhound station reopens at 2am. I guess I'll pull an all-nighter and sleep on the bus.


                   I want to get off in Topeka, but I don't know if I'll be awake.

     8:20pm  I had a good presentation with Dirk from Belgium.


He listened to my story. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Other people I told my story to.

     8:42pm  The greedy asses at McDonald's told me no. I was just testing you!

                   I went in there and told them, "Hey, I have to catch the bus at 3am. I don't suppose I could clean up your parking lot or do any labor for some food?" This dude told me, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to do that." I asked if there was another manager there. She said, "No. It's our policy." I told him, "I forgive you, brother. Thanks anyway." I was just testing your ass. You failed.

                    Told this brother my story at the bus station.  

     11:11pm  I made my way back to the Greyhound station. I'm going to crash right here close to the door. Nobody can see me around the corner. I'm going to put my rain poncho down and crash out in my sleeping bag. I'll try to get a couple hours of sleep before the bus gets here. I'm sure somebody will wake me up at three when the bus comes.

     1:30am  I just got woken up by a Greyhound lady, awesome. They're going to open up in about an hour. I'm so hungry and I have no money.

     3:12am  I'm on the bus. We're about to leave. It's about three hours to Kansas City.

Next day..



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