


11:18am  I am making my first entry of the day.  I woke up around seven or so.  I got plenty of restful sleep.  I was up copying tons of old pictures of mine.  I have a hug lot of work to do when I get back to Modesto.  I am wondering what I am going to have for breakfast.  I didn't have breakfast.  I went for a toking session in the morning.  I am still copying stuff.  I am really bumbed because I can't find any of my 2008 pictures, of the sidewalk and my East Coast trip.  I hope I didn't lose those forever.  But I have sooo many other pictures.  Everything is going great.  

3:13pm  I am going out for my first walk into town.  I spent a shitload of time on the computer.  I am typing this up on the 7th of October.  I need to fill in an important gap.  See, Edgar dropped me off right on Old Tezel, and my mom lives three houses from Old Tezel.  Basically I got a ride all the way in Chowchilla, CA to my mom's doorstep!  She was really surprised when I knocked oin the door.  The house was pretty clean, I just missed Diana visiting.  Anyway, towards the end of the night I asked about my mission box.  I opened the garage door and there it was!  Right then I got the urge to smoke, so I closed the garage door.   Stupid me I turned the handle after it shut and locked it!  My mom had no idea where the key to the garage was, shit!  She spent like an hour looking for it with no luck.  Frustrated at how close I had gotten to delve into my box of memories, I got busy looking up YT vids and how to pick a garage door.  I tried the bobby pin and paperclip methods with even more no luck.  I even called locksmiths and everyone was quoting me over a hundred dollars.  I texted a random place and told them, "I was only able to scrounge up sixty dollars, can you please unlock my garage?"   I got a reply saying OK and in twenty minutes this nice lady came over and unlocked it!  Woohoo!  I brought the box inside and it was packed with stuff.  The whole time I was hoping to find a random USB drive with all my pictures.  
        Anyway, I brought the box inside and started going through it.  My mom had a non-working computer that wouldn't boot up all the way.  I tried fiddling around with it, trying to recall all the formatting skills I used to know and in the end gave up.  I had been hoping one of the old pirated Windows XP cd's I had would work, but in the end I couldn't format it.

        I told my mom about my frustrating dilemma.  She told me that she had been saving points at Walmart for like five years and could spend like $300 or so at Walmart.  I told her that would totally be enough for a new laptop.  Well, the next day we got got one, and an external CD drive so I can read all of my backup cd's, which there are tons of in my mission box!  I grabbed a non used Vizio flat screen monitor she had in the garage room.  Now, on the glass dining room table I have a badass workstation with a huge monitor.  I am able to fold the laptop monitor all the way flat and I've got a badass terminal now!  

        So anyway, after spending so many hours copying pictures at my new badass workstation, mission-control.  I am all out of weed.  I don't have any cash.  I am going to see if I can trade a shirt for weed somehow.  

4:02pm  I am walking down Guilbeau.  As I was crossing the bridge here, almost to the HEB, by the Leon Creek Greenbelt, I saw this dude sitting down in the ditch.  I wallked by and waid, "Know where to get any weed?"  It ended up being this homeless dude David.  I had a good chat with him.  I gave him my blog and rolled him a cigarette.  He seemed grateful.  I told him, "If you are bummed out because you are homeless, just take off traveling and have some fun."

4:20pm  As I was walking down Guilbeau I noticed there were no bus stops anywhere.  I only saw the little red handicap buses drive by.  I thought maybe I could flag one down, but he didn't stop.  I hiked all the way to the Walmart and the 88 bus came.  I am going to go downtown and score some weed somewhere.  

5:19pm  I just got off the bus downtown.  It doesn't go to Travis Park anymore.  

6:41pm  It started drizzling and I was walking around downtown.  My Crocs have zero traction.  If I didn't have a walking stick I would've fallen on my ass a lot.  Man, I remember I could always score two dollar joints at Travis Park back in the day.  I actually miss that seedy brickweed.  I am talking to this brother here in front of the library.  What did you ask me, bro?  

"You know who it is, the sports messiah, ain't nobody flyer, all the way from here to North Carolina, San Antonio, Texas, reporting live and direct, the sports messiah, in Louisville attire AKA fourteen.  If you listen to this you probably caught the vision or caught the dream.  The government, they playin' with supernatural technology,  they hide behind mirrors of energy.  The money, they've got a ritual on it.  I'm coming out with a book, you need to go get that.  For a meal-ticket I will show you the real way.  This guy says it ain't about the money.  I say it's ALL the way about the money.  I don't know what he's on.  But I'm on that good stuff.  You dig it?  This ain't a free conversation.  It's two million dollars and up to talk to me.  If you ain't got two million then step the fuck out of my way, cause I am not going to pay attention to you.  Can I listen to this on the playback?"

8:08pm  Some magic happened!  I was all bummed out because they don't have two dollar joints in Travis Park anymore.  Hell, the statue of Travis is gone too!  Fuck that shit!  Anyway, I walked around went on The Riverwalk.  A lot of people liked my shirt, but nobody knew where I could find some world peace.  My transfer had expired and I had like a $1.25.  Bus fare is $1.30.  The cool driver let it slide and even gave me a transfer.  Then I saw some cool dude with a mushroom shirt on.  I got on the bus he got on, the 88, but I never asked him.  He wouldn't shut up with some other dude he was talking to.  
        Luckily, the dude he was talking to was the weed-man!  He said he would love to trade for a shirt, but that he only had fifteen dollars worth in his truck.  He was getting off at Woodlawn and his truck was like four blocks away.  Sure enough, he traded me for a shirt!  I didn't have a large but he accepted a medium and we stretched it out.  Mission accomplished.  Then he told me this morning he was thinking about getting a cannabis shirt somehow!  Dude, I got a story for you if you want to hear it, if you have time for it.  Raymond, the weed guy.  

        Shit!  My pouch of tobacco which is always in my back pocket with my wallet is missing!  I probably lost it on the bus.  Shit!  I want a cigarette.  

        Dude, I just had the most excellent story session!  I spit out my entire odyssey to him, showed him the picture of me holding my sign in Berkeley.  He was astounded and enraptured throughout the whole story, always giving me knuckles throughout.  We smoked two whole joints in all of my storytelling.  

9:30pm  I wasn't sure how I was going to get home.  I got lost trying to find my way back to Bandera.  It was dark and I've been gone for a long time.  I randomly walked to this gas station on NW 33rd, I think.  I had no idea where I was.  I had a five dollar bill so I went to the gas station to get change for busfare.  I really wanted a cigarette.  I figured I could get a courtesy ride on the bus so I spent all five on a box of Lucky Strikes.  After I bought the smokes I went outside to smoke.  There was this crazy homeless dude outside talking to himself.  I was going to ask him to point me towards Bandera, but decided against it.  Just then, the guy who was in line behind me at the store walked out so I asked him if he could tell me where Bandera was.  He pointed the way and I asked him if there was any possible way he could give me a ride there, and he said yes!  Woohoo!  Rescued!  When we got to Bandera I offered him a shirt if he could take me any further.  He said he was real busy and I told him thanks anyway.

        He dropped me off in front of Lisa's Restaurant.  There's a big lit up sign.  There, at the bus stop was a dude sitting down.  I walked up to him and offered him my free blog, it's not religious, I promise.  Patrick asked me what it was about and I showed him my shirt.  He smiled and handed me his vape and I took a hit and logged his generosity.  He told me he thought he might've missed the last bus, if he could borrow my phone and I for sure let him use it.  After he arranged his ride I said goodbye and crossed the street to wait for the bus.  Like twenty minutes passed.  

        I had grabbed a thing of scotch tape out of my mission box and put them in my cargo pocket.  I had had the idea to tape my blog papers everywhere.  While I waited I tried sticking one on the bus shelter, but it was so old the tape didn't stick well.  I looked across the street and the dude was still sitting at the bus stop.  He had complimented my shirt when we first met so I walked across the street and told him if he would give me a ride to my mom's house I would give him a shirt.  He kindly refused saying it was too far, that his mom was on his way with their down's syndrome brother, or something.  I told him thanks anyway, that I should probably start hoofing it, since I might've missed the last bus.  I started walking in the right direction and up ahead I spotted the next bus stop....with a couple people waiting!  I walked up and this tall black dude was on the phone.  I walked up and said, "Great!  I didn't miss the last bus!"  The guy on the phone said, "Nope, it's coming in two minutes."  I was so relieved!  
       With a big grin on my face I relax and look down.  Guess what I see just sitting there on the sidewalk.  My missing pouch of tobacco!!  The bus stop I ended up at just now was the same bus I got off with the weed guy earlier.  My pouch fell out of my back pocket when I stepped off the bus!  And there it still was, undisturbed on the lit-up sidewalk in front of the bus stop, TWO HOURS LATER!  Woohoo!  The bus came shortly and the driver gave me a courtesy ride!  
       I get off the bus and happily walk through the Walmart parking lot towards Guilbeau.  I had been in contact with my wife on the phone.  She was worried.  I talked to her as I was walking through the lot.  Right when I get to Bandera I run into that friend I had made under the bridge earlier!  The homeless dude.  I tell my wife that I have to go, I wanted to smoke my friend out.  I told her I would call her back in ten minutes.  My friend didn't want to smoke weed, but he asked me if he could roll a cigarette.  I remembered how I bought a pack of crappy Lucky Strike.  Since I got my organic tobacco pack I immediately offered my whole pack to my friend David.  He insisted on giving me three dollars.  How perfect!    

9:36pm  I am out here waiting on the wrong side of the street.  

9:45pm  What a magical time I am having.  Just like that, mission accomplished!  I got some weed!  Earlier I had called my mom and told her I had made a friend.  She was all, "I can imagine the kind of friend you made.  I hope you are not walking around with anything dangerous.  The police might stop you because of your shirt."  

10:08pm  I just got off the bus at the Walmart two miles away from my mom's.  I thought I would have to walk all the way from Woodlawn.  I had gotten lost.  It would be tough to know where I am in the daylight since I have been gone so long. 

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