

                                                                               Gardiner to Bozeman to Gateway, MT

Tuesday September 29, 2009


     7:52am  I'm talking with Joe.  I've had a really interesting time with Joe. 


                  Joe: "Go to the Temple Institute of  techno-spirituality.  They're related with Ken Wilber and that as a source for ???.  It's all off the map.  Very good stuff for the real heavy academic theories, like the four quadrant theories about the world.  As far as the world being at least in three different perspectives, the I, the We and the It.  You can sort of break those down real quick.  There's a perception has to do with how you view the world as I.  There's a different kind of one that comes in with We.  A different script to that, even in writing and the third, It.  Now you're looking at another relationship in the whole.  He gets into all that kind of stuff.  Once you have that it sort of crazy anything go go three times.  Our own personal lives seem to characterize that.  But then when you take your character out of it you get down to what's sort of what the universal experience.  Like, there is a point where everything turns back to universal, which is comforting.  At fist you feel like you're breaking open the egg.  Then you realize you're not, you're actually seeing that you already are a broken open egg.  Then there's a little bit more trust because some of it's really not going to be discovery, real hard work that you have to go out and get it, because it's already there.  All the information is there, just that your perception has changed.  What could you do to create massive changes of perception?  You could have maps that are well thought-out using meditation you can slow down what's going on in your everyday life and break it down to the processes so that you can then realize that these situations that you are having all these personal conflicts were formed way in your life behind.  Personally, these are just interdynamic of I Want This and You Want This, and it goes back to what you're saying.  The change in the tolerance.  You do your thing and I'll do my thing.  Why isn't that happening?  Because of that.  You look at that as a lot of substance needing to be digested by a lot of people."  All of that sounds really complicated.  I keep things simple.  I don't know nothing, anything is possible.  Surprise me.  This way, my minds stays open and is more responsive to change.  It's not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."  That's Darwin.  We have to regress a little if we want to progress a lot.  Joe: "I like that."


                  What was that movie called?  Joe: "It's called Kymatica.  That guy made a movie that's a great compliment to Zeitgeist. 


                  This guy Joe is awesome.  He knew all about the stuff I was talking about.  I traded him my Bermuda Triangle book for this Einstein Opinions and Ideas book.  I can always just download Bermuda Triangle. 


                  Joe left for work earlier and told me to leave when I wanted to.  I think I'm going to walk into town and find other like-minded people to tell my stories to.


     9:09am  I just finished giving myself this master shave.  Joe's got these razors.  They're from Target but they work great.  I'm taking two, Joe.  I hope you don't mind.  I can really use these.  I have an image to maintain. 


     10:38am  I'm leaving from Joe's.  I am so appreciative to Joe.  He hooked me up with a nugget and everything.  He was totally moved by my stories.  He told me, "I feel like my life is changed forever after meeting you."  Thanks, bro.  That's music to my ears.  I wish I could remember more stuff, but I've been stoned off of my ass.  This is my little adventure.


                    I've decided to change directions.  I'm not going to go South through Yellowstone Park.  I'm going to shoot back up to 90 and head East to Billings.  Then I'll go South.


                    It's really weird.  I just ran into Mattie.  That's the name of the older mom lady who freaked out and pulled over that one time.  The mom of the twenty year old street kid guy and his girl.  They just walked up to me and said hi.  Their car broke down or something.  They're stuck in this town, that's crazy.  I told you you would see me again.  I'm everywhere.  I'm going to go to the gas station and hit up the Subway for breakfast.


     9:48am  Beautiful Serena, at the Subway here in Gardiner, she's hooking me up at the Subway.  I went inside and asked if they had two dolllar omelet sandwiches here.  She said they didn't, do I told her how I was a journalist and was writing a book on generosity and she made me an omelet sandwich and only charged me two bucks.  I appreciate it, sister.  Everybody gets credit.


                  Hehe, I started telling Serena my story hardcore and had her hooked.  I am sure everybody else at the connecting gas station noticed me and I'm sure they plotted out my getting banned. 


                  Holy shit, the gas station manager came outside and started yelling at me!  I'm not asking for anything!  I'm exercising my freedoms!  Tough guy, big man, do what you can!


     10:03am  I just got 86ed from the gas station for no reason whatsoever.  That dickhead manager told me, "Just so you know I own the whole block so don't be going and hanging out by the car wash."  Good little slave!  See, I was busy telling this guy my legend out front.  He was really digging my story and then I swear, the dickhead manager marched outside and asked me, "Did you just hit him up for money?!"  I said, "No, I gave him my website.  He gladly took it."


                    Fuck that dude.  He was all hobophobic calling me a bum and stuff.  Screw that, I'm just doing my job.  I ain't asking for shit.  My website is free.  Damn, don't you want world peace?  Nobody wants world peace!


                    Pretty Yellowstone River


                    I just walked all the way up to the top of the town, close to the park entrance.  There's a gas station closeby.  I sat down in front of it and smoked a cigarette.  I took a hit of weed and then I saw these girls that worked here.  I offered them my website and one girl said, "You gave my boyfriend your site already in Emigrant.  What are you doing here?"  I told her, "If you don't make plans you never get let down.  I was going to go in the park, but there's fires going on."  Then I asked them, "Can I tell you guys what I'm doing?  It's a really interesting story."  They agreed to listen to it.  One of them had to go inside to work and I put it on pause and smoked one of the girls out.  I gave her a drag off of my special cigarette. 


                    Livingston sign


                    North 89


     11:14am  I gravitated over the bridge and ended up at this store next to a bar.  I smoked a cigarette and I got recognized!  I'm going to walk back the other way.  I'm going to walk by that Cenex gas station I am banned from.  I'm going to go find the edge of town and hitchhike. 


                    Holy shit, there's Mattie and them again.  I'm going to run into them again. 


                    I'm walking the other way again.  I'm bouncing all back and forth in this town, doing laps.  It sucks, I totally forgot where Joe lives.  Maybe I'll find it and see if he'll let me crash again.  Hmm, I'll ask him for a ride.  I think he's got a car. 


     11:46am  It was cool, I was walking by this hotel and I see these two dudes outside smoking.  I give them the peace sign and they give it back.  I walked up to them holding out my website to them.  I hit them up for my story and had an awesome presentation.  One of them went inside to work, but the other kid stayed outside and listened.  They've got my website. 


     12:06pm  I'm going to walk back towards Joe's.  He said he was coming home for lunch and I want to intercept him if he does.  I thought I'd try and hitchhike out of town, but there's barely any cars.  I can't get anywhere.  Hopefully Joe can give me a ride.


     12:26pm  I just came and sat down on the decking in front of Flying Pig Camp Store over close to 513, the building Joe lives in.  Hopefully I'll catch him when he comes home for lunch.  Hopefully he hasn't come back already.  All I've eaten is a breakfast sandwich this morning from the Subway.  I'm really grateful for beautiful Serena and that two dollar surprise she  made me.  I'm going to read my Dean Koontz book.  It's interesting.


                    Whoa, I was just sitting there reading and this girl Maya with a camera drove by, stopped and approached me and asked if she could take a picture of me.  I gave her my usual, "Document me, please.  That's what I'm here for."  She was all  asking me, "Are you homeless?  Are you hitchhiking?"  When she was done I told her to send me the pictures if she could.  I tried to tell her my story, but she kind of got freaked out.  Her husband came and they walked away.  I didn't get a chance to take her picture, that sucks.  [A month later she emailed me her blog address with me in it.

I put the picture she took of me on my website.] 


     12:45pm  Nina at The Tumbleweed, she's letting me get some coffee.  I appreciate it, Nina.  Everybody gets credit.   Thanks a lot.


                    Download the book World Walk.


                    See, I was walking by and I noticed a little cafe and bookstore called The Tumbleweed.  I went inside just to give her my website.  I hit her up for free food too, but she said I could only have a coffee. 


     1:01pm  I'm going to go hit up Helen's Corral Drive In.  Home of the Hateful hamburgers. 


     1:03pm  Man, they're all good little slaves here!  Nobody wants world peace!  They were ignoring me from the beginning.   I walked up to the window and stood there forever.  I started walking away yelling at them and then this dumb little girl walks up to the window and tells me they're closed.  Bullshit!  Everybody gets credit!


                  Ha, right now while I was making that last entry I was recording it making sure they heard it.  I even pulled out my camera to take a picture of the manager, then yelled, "Everybody gets credit."  She called me back.  She told me, "Do  you want some food?"  She gave me directions to the food pantry.  I thanked her for the directions then asked her, "Can I tell you what I'm doing?"  I'm trying to tell her my story right now but she had to do something real quick and said she'd be right back.  Right in the middle of that she told the girls to make me something to eat.  I told them surprise me and they seemed to like that.  Hell yeah, I'm hungry too.


                  I didn't get to finish my story at all but I was able to overhear the manager telling the other girls working,  "We're doing a good thing by helping him, Veronica."


                  At first when I hit them up one of the younger girls was all, "Oh, poor little wanderer."


     1:12pm  Hell yeah, hooked up.  I took a picture of it.  I'm hungry, too.


     1:22pm  I just enjoyed my wonderful surprise.  They made me a delicious fish sandwich and I'm stuffed.  I've got a happy belly.  Jean, the manager, she came outside and she volunteered me some money!  Oh, she's not a manager.  I appreciate it,  Jean.  Everybody gets credit.  Jean: "God bless you."  Praise LOVE, it's all we need.  Jean: "Amen!"


     1:20pm  Hell yeah, I got treated like royalty at that place.  In the beginning when I first walked up they were all laughing at me and making fun of me.  The girl came up to the window and immediately told me they were closed.  I walked off yelling nobody wants world peace!  Just testing you!  They called me back and told me directions to the food pantry.  Screw  the food pantry though, I'm stuffed.  I can go hit up the food pantry tomorrow.  If I don't get a ride out of town I am sure I can come back to Joe's.  If he comes back home.  I don't know, he might be spending the night at his girlfriend's.  Anyway,  I'm going to walk to the edge of town and thumb it. 


                  Where there's smoke there's fire.


     2:39pm  I walked over to right in front of the Garden Rodeo.  I'm going to try and catch a ride going north.


                  There's no traffic.  I'm going to sit here and read my book.


                  4921170, Montana plates.  This guy stopped and offered me a ride, but he's not going that far, so forget it.  Thanks anyway.  Thought that counts, brother.


                  He told me I'd get a ride.  I forgot to give him my website though. 


                  Sweet, I'm already getting a ride.  This girl pulled over.  She's going to Bozeman.


     3:58pm  I was sitting there reading almost done with my book.  All of a sudden I looked up and Susanne was nice enough to pull over for me!  She's going all the way to Bozeman.  I appreciate it.  Thanks for mobilizing me.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot.


     5:32pm  We came to the Kountry Korner Kafe.  I'm at Four Corners, 191 South.


     6:12pm  Susanne, this awesome girl.  She drove me to Bozeman and got me a buffet at the kafe.  I'm stuffed.  She totally fed the peace machine. 


                  I'm thumbing it on 191 South letting people see my shirt.  I love how cars bring the eyes to me.  Everybody's staring. 


                  Sweet, somebody already pulled over for me!


     6:36pm  Kenny Mack picked me up.  He's giving me a little hop South.  I was out there for like five minutes maybe.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit.


     7:14pm  I just got dropped off by Kenny Mack.  I didn't take his picture and didn't have time to tell him my story.  That's what the website is for.


                  I'm in the town of Gateway, I forgot to mention.  There's nothing out here.  I should've stayed at Four Corners.  


                  I think I've decided to walk the thirty miles tomorrow, to the next town.  I see all these billboards for hotels and stuff.  Half Moon Restaurant, 40 miles ahead, Hwy 199.  I loaded up on that buffet.  I'm going to find a place to camp for the night and then walk the thirty miles tomorrow.  Hopefully somebody will pick me up.

I crashed in this private property behind this big stack of wood and stuff.  I'll take pictures in the morning.  I walked behind the gas station and came up to this big construction place.  I just walked in and to the back where I saw  some trees and found a place real quick.  I assumed a perfect little spot by the rushing creek, like right next to it.  It'll put me right to sleep.  I'm going to smoke and read the last of my book.

Next day..

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