

                                                                                                                    San Antonio, TX

Tuesday September 30, 2008

     6:00am  I just woke up. 6.44 hours of sleep.

     6:58am  Leaving the house walking. I had a good morning. I ate this Arby's roast beef sandwich my mom got me. I even have an extra one in my pocket for later. I'm going to walk downtown today. Break my boots in. Yesterday I was real lazy.

     7:13am  I just walked to the Citgo and filled up my ice. The Middle Eastern guys there like me. This one guy was asking me all these questions. I'm walking downtown now. Man, these boots feel great.

                   I've been fucking the system since 2002. I'm about to get mine.

     7:40am  Just walked to Bandera, turning right.

     7:48am  About to pass over Leon Creek.

     7:56am  Coming up on Eckhert. I just got honked at for the second time today.

     8:03am  I am going to take an impromptu smoke break. At the bus bench in front of Pet Town Dog Grooming on Bandera. Reindeer Trail and Bandera. I'm not tired, I just want to smoke. I am wearing my rainbow beanie until it gets hot.

     8:10am  I am taking off from my smokebreak. I'm all stoned.

     8:15am  I just crossed Huebner.

                   Stop littering. Spay and neuter your pets. That's a funny sign. I'm almost to Grissom.

     8:38am  I am almost to Loop 410. They're totally rebuilding the intersection here. I was walking by and these constructions workers looked at me from the highway above. I gave them the peace sing and they were all, "Hey, what's up, man, what's up?"

                   I should've totally worn my marijuana wreath today. That sucks. Maybe not because I've got weed on me.

     8:47am  Just walked underneath 410. I'm going to go take a meal break over on the cement block on the other side of 410 where I've rested before.

                   Weird, the big cement block is gone. Maybe there's another spot to sit down at.

                   Hmm, there's the big imprint of where it used to be.

     9:00am  Up from my meal break. I ate my roast beef sandwich. I have a thing of Poptarts for later on too.

     9:21am  The sun's up so I stopped and took my shirt off. A little bit after Evers I took my shirt off. I've got a plastic bag in my pocket so on the way back I can stop at the Oak Hills Country Club and harvest some tennis balls.

     9:28am  Just passed Broadview.

     9:32am  Walking in front of Fatso's, coming up on Hillcrest.

     9:40am  I'm walking by these really inviting benches in the shade that I'm going to stop and take a break at. I accept the invitation. I need to take a piss anyway. I'm taking my time today. No so much going for speed. I'm aiming for the main library downtown. I have to get a printout of more havethisbook.coms to give people.

     9:52am  I am up. I had a nice little break in the shade there. I'm all stoned.

     10:11am  Crossing Woodlawn.

     10:16am  Crossing N General McMullen.

     10:21am  I took a pause in the shade in front of this loan company place. I switched out a tennis ball.

     10:31am  Just passed NW 24th/Wilson.

                      I don't know nothing. That way my mind stays open and I am way more responsive to change.

     10:45am   Crossing Elmendorf.

                      I took another ten minute pause.

                      Did I tell you I just walked underneath I10 a few minutes ago?

                      Just got to Fredericksburg, turning right.

                      I just came out of the McDonald's by Cypress. I stopped in to take a piss. Hopefully I'll get downtown in time to get some free food. Eleven thirty they feed at the church. I've got Poptarts anyway.

     11:18pm  Walking under I35. There's the library. I'm going to stop there.

     11:56pm  Just got to the library.

     12:16pm  Coming out of the library.

     12:25pm  Travis Park.

                   Remember about a week ago I hit a bong in the Travis Park(9-26-08:4:03pm)?  Well, that dude with the bong was in the park again and I offered to load it.  I remembered the picture I took of it last time didn't come out, so I took another one.

                     Oh yeah, when I first got to the park I saw my friend Jade. I always forget her name. She was with her boyfriend and I finally got to meet him. We came to the 420 bench on The Riverwalk and smoked and I told my story.

     2:22pm  Stacey, she wouldn't let me take her picture, she gave me the most beautiful ear in the park.

                   This annoying preacher is screaming his bullshit at people waiting for the bus.  Nobody's listening.  He should ask everybody if they are willing to listen first.  So as not to waste anyone's time.  Especially his.  Duh.

     2:37pm  Hopped on the 91 to Medical Center.

     2:47pm  It was awesome, Jade hooked me up with her transfer. I didn't have any in my stash that were the letter of the day.

     3:14pm   Just got off the bus at Callaghan. I'm going to walk to the country club and see if there's any tennis balls.

     3:30pm  Just walked in the entrance to Oak Hills Country Club. My tape recorder messed up, but I scored lots of balls. Filled up my cargo shorts again. Then I walked to the big field in front of the dental school and took a smoke break in the shade under a tree.

     4:05pm  I walked to the bus terminal and there's the 606, perfect timing.

     4:48pm  I just got off the bus in front of the Church's. G's not here, so I'm not getting hooked up. I'm going to refill my ice at the Citgo.

     5:05pm  I am back home.

     5:07pm  I got seven balls today.

     9:01pm  I took some more melatonin and I'm going to bed. I didn't dream last night. Let's see if I do tonight. I've been stoned all day though, for years, hehe. So I'm probably not going to dream at all.

Next day..

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