


IM with Gypsycry:

Gypsycry: yer name is sick
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: its a joke..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you see, ive been living off of stolen aol accounts for years now..
Gypsycry: i assume but it's still  sick
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so ive gotten in the habit of making really offensive screen names
Gypsycry: r-u-fuck the police
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: cuz if they get reported and die, i dont wasnt mine to begin with
Gypsycry: kool hold on
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: whats cool is that when the aol sn dies..the aim stays alive forever
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so ive got a collection
Gypsycry: thats kool
Gypsycry: iv had the same screen name forever
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thats an attractice screen name, by the way
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no random numbers..very unique
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im gonna go get an apple..brb
Gypsycry: thanx about the sttractive screen name. . . my dad was part of the gypsy's when i was kid
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no shit
Gypsycry: attractive*
Gypsycry: yea
Gypsycry:   where should i send this
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: haha you messed up on attractive like i did
Gypsycry: =)
Gypsycry: sent
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: what do you mean part of the gypsys?
Gypsycry: there a group of naturalists
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: woooo i love nature
Gypsycry: hold on it wouldent let me send there

SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey, do you like to walk?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: drink water?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: smoke weed?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: crazy music?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: actually, send it to FAWK THE POLLCIA
Gypsycry: i like all of the above. . . sorry my mom came over
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thats cool
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: badass
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: do you have a car?
Gypsycry: yea but i cant use it untill frieday i have a gas limit
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: is there a bus that passes closeby?
Gypsycry: i can only use 10 a week on gas
Gypsycry: the clos3es is rolling oaks mall of the forum
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how far is it from you?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah..the number 10 runs out there
Gypsycry: 5 min
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: walking?
Gypsycry: if i have my car
Gypsycry: like an hour im sure
Gypsycry: why
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just wondering..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: if the bus were any should sell your car
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: if i have it my way, which i most likely will..the buses will be running anywhere where there is a residence in town
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: what would you need a car for?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: cars will be the death of this planet
Gypsycry: then i wouldent need my car. . . its fuckin expencive. . . whats the address. . for fawk the . . .
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey, guess what i intend to do soon
Gypsycry: @ what
Gypsycry: what are u gonna do?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: im going to eliminate money..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and bring world peace
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: with the internet
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: wacka wacka wacka
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hear me out please..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: what are some of the common problems you encounter when you have a new idea and youre trying to get it out?
Gypsycry: no one listens
Gypsycry: or takes u seriousley
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: well, if youre telling it orally, you sometimes dont remember the whole story, thus youre not as effective as you want
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: secondly, ignorance..people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways..are deathly afraid of change
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and like you said, they wont even listen to you
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: well, ive found a way to jump both of those hurdles with the internet
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: what ill do is run an FTP server off my computer, enabling anyone in the world to access my hard drive
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: on my hard drive, ill have my text files and documents containing my ideas
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: which anyone can look at with any browser
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: this way, people can read my ideas at their discretion, uncensored, finish them when they want to, but the whole story will be told
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: every time
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just think, if things didnt possess a monetary-value..would people steal?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so many less people will die
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: money truly is the root of all evil
Gypsycry: do you work
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: not at the moment
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ive put in applications at these computer places
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and theres always west telemarketing if need be
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey, would you work for free if all your needs and wants were already taken care of?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so you wouldnt be bored at home all day..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: provided you had a job you enjoyed
Gypsycry: yea. . . like prostitution
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i hope youre not speaking from experience
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: well, if everyone else was working for free..what would we need money for?
Gypsycry: no im saying that a pimp gives it's hoes all her need and all she has to do is anything he sez
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: umm, i dont think thats a good comparison though
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: as different as everyone in this world is..we are all still human beings..and you cant tell me that doing good doesnt feel good...
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: humans are nice by nature..and i prove this every day out on my walks
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: anytime i get hungry, i walk into any restaurant and ask to speak to the manager
Gypsycry: thats perfect comparison so if we do what your plan is the goverment becomes are pimp. . . it's called comunisim
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i tell them, "hello, my name is victor and im a long-distance walker.  i dont suppose youd like to donate any gasoline for my stomach?"
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i get hooked up everywhere
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no, my plan will murder the government
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: get them out of everyones business, like they should be
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: whats the root-word of communism?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: community
Gypsycry: there will always be a government
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: anything is possible
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i want you to do me a favor though
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i want you to one, think im crazy and delusional
Gypsycry: huh. . . what
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and also, i want you to doubt me..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: itll make my victory so much sweeter
Gypsycry: k . . . what
Gypsycry: im a verry patriotic person
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so am i, not so much to america..but the entire planet
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ALL people are different, and thats a fact supported by science..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: we have to stop trying to make everyone the same
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: itll never work
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: we have to accept all the diversity already
Gypsycry: no shit
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thats whats keeping us in the stoneages
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i mean, the technology is already here...lets make america modern already
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: then the whole world
Gypsycry: you mean there is nothing in theis world that is diffrent that bugs you. . .  hate is a naturally human emotion just like diversity
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: the human emotion hate doesnt need to exist
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: most hate in this world can be traced back to money
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: things have value other than money
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: lets do it like we did in the old and barter
Gypsycry: oh. . . u mean when thewrew was 5 times as many people in poverty than there today
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: with todays urban sprawl, there werent nearly as many people even living
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and the technology wasnt there to support everyone
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: like it is today
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just think, of all the ideas that people have had that have died with them because they didnt have the money to get any publicity
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: here, let me show you a demonstration of my method
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you know how to copy and paste right?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: copy this link, hit ctrl+k for keyword, then ctrl+v to paste, then hit enter
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ftp://Gypsycry:Gypsycry@
SUCK A DOGS DlCK:  "The trouble with the world is not that people know too little, but they
know so many things that ain't so."
                            - Mark Twain
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: whoa..just read your stuff
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i like, its from the heart

IM with Jewel495:

 Jewel495:  hi sorry i was booted off earlier
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  ill let it slide this time
 Jewel495:  i have been trying to download a program for a presentation i have to do  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  whats the name of the program?
 Jewel495:  i lost it so now i have to redo it
 Jewel495:  SmartDraw
 Jewel495:  it has tons of medical pictures  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  is there a certain version you need?
 Jewel495:  no i just want some nice pictures .....something original compared to powerpoint
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  let me see what i can do
 Jewel495:  i need pictures of the brain and the systems
 Jewel495:  no i have it covered
 Jewel495:  don't worry about it
 Jewel495:  thank you though :)
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  you already have the program?
 Jewel495:  i've already done my research ahead of time and i just need a few pictures to download
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  so did you already download the program?
 Jewel495:  yeah i finished it earlier but i want some pictures from that program and in order to get the ones i need i need to download them from the net
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  download the pics? or the actual program?
 Jewel495:  the pics
 Jewel495:  there were a few that are not available
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  for free
 Jewel495:  yes
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  dont pay for shit
 Jewel495:  it has a 30 day trial period
 Jewel495:  lol
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  let me find a serial number so you can crack it
 Jewel495:  then if i like it i can decide to purchase it
 Jewel495:  nah that's ok lol
 Jewel495:  i appreciate your willingness to help though
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  as long as its in byte form, its out there for free on the internet
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  you just have to know where to look
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  you can get new movies..any music..any program
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  anything you want
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  for free
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  and never get in trouble for it
 Jewel495:  are you always this helpful to people on the net?
 Jewel495:  really?  
 Jewel495:  how sweet
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  the pirated software scene is an uncontrollable, accepted underworld
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  the govt wants as few people to know about it as possible
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  well gawrsh
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  nothing pleases me more than making a difference
 Jewel495:  heheheh
 Jewel495:  well, you are a very nice person then
 Jewel495:  :)
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  open up your smartdraw program
 Jewel495:  how old are you?
 Jewel495:  ok
 Jewel495:  it is already open
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  ok, go to Help>About
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i need to know the version number
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  im 24, by the way
 Jewel495:  ok i am 23
 Jewel495:  ok
 Jewel495:  version 6.08
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  s/n: SD-00-255665-0001-0006-00000-60-87764
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  try that
 Jewel495:  ok what do i do with that?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA: there somewhere that says register?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  like in Help
 Jewel495:  ok let me look
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  hey, i have to get off the computer, my sister needs to use it...i dont suppose i could call you?
 Jewel495:  umm well i don't really talk on the phone to people from the net i know that sounds lame lol
 Jewel495:  but thank you for the help
 Jewel495:  i guess once i feel comfortable with the person
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  thats cool, i totally understand
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  im not trying to bust a mack or anything..just making friends..
 Jewel495:  lol ok
 Jewel495:  thank you for your help
 Jewel495:  :)
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  ill talk to you later..what was your name?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  jewel?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  anytime, my pleasure
 Jewel495:  Melissa
 Jewel495:  what is your name?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  my name is victor
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  ok melissa, ill talk to you later
 Jewel495:  ok nice talking to you victor
 Jewel495:  ok
 Jewel495:  take care
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  and if i dont see you again today, have a good night
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  you too..and drive carefully
 Jewel495:  ok thank you
 Jewel495:  aww how sweet
 Jewel495:  :)

IM with Lucky frog68:

 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  hey, do you like to read?
 Lucky frog68:  yes  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  care to peruse some of my stuff?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  its pretty interesting, ive been told
 Lucky frog68:  sure  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  theres one of my ideas..if you like let me know and ill send you some more of my stuff
 Lucky frog68:  sounds good  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  im slowly compiling a book..ive gotten in the habit of documenting my its all a true story
 Lucky frog68:  coool
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  do you burn, by any chance?
 Lucky frog68:  ??
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  hehe ok let me be politically-correct..
 Lucky frog68:  lol
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  do you smoke marijuana?
 Lucky frog68:  no
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  a raver who doesnt toke? never thought id see that
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  too bad, so sad
 Lucky frog68:  lol
 Lucky frog68:  i just quit actually
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  why would you do that?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  do you drink?
 Lucky frog68:  yes i do
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  tsk tsk
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i dont do drugs myself..i just smoke weed
 Lucky frog68:  lol
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  and alcohol is pure evil
 Lucky frog68:  lol
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  what side of town do you live on?
 Lucky frog68:  ne
 Lucky frog68:  u?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  cool, i live nw
 Lucky frog68:  do u go to school
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  no, i dont believe in school
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  traditional colleges just teach you how to be like everyone else..
 Lucky frog68:  true  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  if theres something i want/need to know, i learn it on my own
 Lucky frog68:  cool
 Lucky frog68:  good idea  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  thats what the internet is for right
 Lucky frog68:  :-)
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  whats your internet-connection?
 Lucky frog68:  what do u mean
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  dialup? dsl? cable?
 Lucky frog68:  dialup on my laptop
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  wow cool, you got a laptop
 Lucky frog68:  cable on my homecomp
 Lucky frog68:  laptop came from school
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  badass, do you download pirated software?
 Lucky frog68:  nope
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  you should
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  its damn safe
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  you can compare pirated software to alcohol in the 20's..its just too widespread to control
 Lucky frog68:  lol
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  its easy to get free shit, if you got the connection and know where to look
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  new movies, games, anything you want
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i had windows xp months before it was released
 Lucky frog68:  yea  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  what kind of music do you listen to?
 Lucky frog68:  everything but country
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  yeah country sucks ass
 Lucky frog68:  yup
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  do you like weezer?
 Lucky frog68:  hell yea  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  and i mean pre-sellout weezer, before they got all trendy
 Lucky frog68:  yes
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  do you like techno?
 Lucky frog68:  yup
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  let me send you a song
 Lucky frog68:  ok
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  its weezer's hash pipe techno remix
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  by weezer
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  do you have aim by any chance?
 Lucky frog68:  yea  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  sign it on and gimme the sn
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  ill send over the song through aim
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i mean, if you want it of course
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  if you got something else to do, dont worry about it
 Lucky frog68:  my aim is babysunshyne12
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  ok, dont be surprised by my aim, its not a porn IM i swear
 Lucky frog68:  lol
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  User babysunshyne12  is not available.
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  is it signed on?
 Lucky frog68:  yes  

IM with Smartchic3401:

 Smartchic3401:  got your email....pretty good.
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  thanks
 Smartchic3401:  write much?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  im slowly putting a book together..
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  but its all true..
 Smartchic3401:  cool about what?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  ive gotten in the habit of documenting my life..
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  its not until you slow down and analyze the things that happen to you..that you realize how much cool shit goes on
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  here..ill forward
 Smartchic3401:  really now.....sounds very interesting..
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  oh..and ive also put together a big list of quotes over time
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  truths
 Smartchic3401:  okay i'd like to read it
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  too many to paste into an aol email..but ill send you the text file
 Smartchic3401:  okay great.......i'll read it and i'll let u know what i thought of it okay....hey listen got to go to dr. but catch me later and i will let u know  
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  ok, here, put this sn on your buddylist if you want
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  its my aim
 Smartchic3401:  ok
 Smartchic3401:  catch me later ok?
 Smartchic3401:  got it u'll read it when i get back ok? see ya later
 Smartchic3401:  oops i mean i'll read it when i get back
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  okie doke 

IM with The Ataris Angel:

 The Ataris Angel:  brb
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  when you get back, refresh my memory what weve spoken about..
 The Ataris Angel:  the ataris, weezer
 The Ataris Angel:  and my ame is jessica
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  oh yeahh
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i asked you like a buch of times and you had already told me
 The Ataris Angel:  i said it 3 times in the chat rm
 The Ataris Angel:  you just didnt see it
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  hehe my bad
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  so are you busy?  i dont want to bother jew
 The Ataris Angel:  no i am just sad today
 The Ataris Angel:  feeling depressed for like teh 1st time in mths and talking to my friend chris about it
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  im sorry
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  go for a walk and drink some water
 The Ataris Angel:  maybe  
 The Ataris Angel:  i should go to the gym later, i havent been in a week
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  what side of town are you on again?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  no, you should cancel your membership
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  theyre a waste of money
 The Ataris Angel:  thats what my dad said, that i pay to much, and i am on the south east
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  hmm..ive just recently started riding the bus out there..just to learn the city better
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  know where utopia is?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  southport?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  umm pickwell
 The Ataris Angel:  omg, i am soo sorry i dont
 The Ataris Angel:  i have heard of pickwell
 The Ataris Angel:  oh my gosh
 The Ataris Angel:  just an expression
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i know what it meant, just wondering what made you say it
 The Ataris Angel:  oh cuz i felt really stupid not knowing the places you spoke of
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  haha its cool
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  do you ever ride the bus?
 The Ataris Angel:  no
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  would you ever?
 The Ataris Angel:  i went to the bus station , the via one, for a school trip when i was younger, i would
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  hmm..if ever you dont have anything to do one day..would you consider riding the bus around with me?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i got so much shit to show that not that many people have seen
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  places
 The Ataris Angel:  yeah maybe
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  one of these days
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  how old are you again?
 The Ataris Angel:  yeah, hopefully after i stop feeling sorry for myself
 The Ataris Angel:  18
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  maybe i can help with that
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  ive been known to brighten peoples day..without even trying
 The Ataris Angel:  yeah but  i doubt it
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  dont worry, im not trying to hit on you or anything..i just wanna hang out
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  strictly friends
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  "hey, ya never know"
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  new york state lottery motto
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  do you have any unhealthy habits?  drink? smoke?
 The Ataris Angel:  oh no
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  straight edge?
 The Ataris Angel:  i use to drink a lot, i still have a low tolerance though, but i do drink occasionally but i could live without
 The Ataris Angel:  i wish i was straight edge
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  alcohol is evil
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  people do shit drunk they would never do sober
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  it takes control of your mind
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  you stop being yourself when youre drunk
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  do you ever smoke weed?
 The Ataris Angel:  yep and people take advantage of you too
 The Ataris Angel:  no
 The Ataris Angel:  i hate drugs
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i dont do drugs..
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i just smoke weed
 The Ataris Angel:  lol it's a drug
 The Ataris Angel:  but i wont preach to you
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  "Is it just a coincidence that two naturally-occurring substances in our natural world, humans and marijuana, have a certain reaction when mixed?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  Is it just a coincidence that we have THC-receptors in our brain, naturally?  It is here for us to use, as our natural magic"
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i see drugs as having some form of human-intervention in its manufacture..
 The Ataris Angel:  if you say so
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  marijuana grows out of the is here for us to use, in moderation and respobsibly
 The Ataris Angel:  ok i said i wouldnt preach to you
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  im sorry
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  have you ever tried it?
 The Ataris Angel:  no
 The Ataris Angel:  and never will
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  dont knock it till you try it
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  oh but youll drink?
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i thought you didnt do drugs
 The Ataris Angel:  ok i'll ttyl
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  just because its legal doesnt mean its safe
 The Ataris Angel:  sorry but i am not in a good mood
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  probably not
 The Ataris Angel:  and dont feel like arguing
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i hope you feel better
 FAWK THE POLlCIA:  i dont argue..i share opinions

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