

                                                                            Las Vegas to Boulder City and driving, NV

Sunday October 4, 2009


     7:26am  I just woke up in my bungalow here.  I'm so paranoid this thing is going to fall on me.  It's all unsafe.


     7:50am  Yesterday I had so much fun.  What a productive night I had.  Saturday night and there was drones of people.  I walked all the way from Owen to my camp by the airport.  A long ass walk.  I walked Main Street until it turns into Las Vegas Avenue.  I passed the big towers and hotels and shit.  Las Vegas isn't as scary as people think it is.  It's fun as hell.  I've got my nice camp over here.  It's great.  The wind out here is crazy.  I'm getting so paranoid about this thing falling on me.  Actually, it seems pretty stable.  It has three grocery carts for anchors.  I'll take a picture and you can see how dilapidated it is.  I had to throw a sheet over it last night and put rocks on top.  Man, last night I had the most awesome presentations with two or three security guards. 


                  I really appreciate it, bless those guys at El Sombrero for hooking me up with that burrito.  It fueled me up great for my long walk.  I was hauling ass on my march last night, passing other people up, even with my big packs on.  I was parting the seas of people walking down the sidewalk yesterday with everybody watching me.  Hell yeah! 


                  Oh yeah, last night I walked by these two pirates.  These Jack Sparrow look-alikes.  They let me take their picture.. 


                  Oh, and eleven 'o clock I stopped and took pictures of the big fountain show. 


                  I stood on front of Caesar's Palace and got run off by the piglet!  I told him I was just testing him.           


                  Bungalow in the sand


     8:54am  I'm all loaded up and packed up and I'm about to leave from my field.  I packed up and ate a candy bar and smoked a cigarette.


     9:03am  Up and at 'em, finally.  I'm walking into town.


                  I came to the bus stop.  I've got four bucks.  It was really cool that people in the walking mall gave me some money after they took my picture and stuff.  So I've got four bucks and I'm going to try and skip town.  I thought I was going to go back to the homeless place on Owens and do my laundry with these four dollars, but fuck that.  I got an extra pair of socks yesterday.  Henderson is the next town and then I'll hitchhike. 


     9:50am  I came over to the bus stop over by Tropicana.  These nice homeless people just gave me some donuts.  I  appreciate it, guys.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot. 


                  I came to the 113 stop over by The Luxor.  I took pictures of the pyramid and stuff.  I hope I can get to Henderson with four bucks. 


                  It sucks, I just realized I left my bag with that extra pair of socks at camp this morning.  There were a couple snacks in there too.  It blows.  But, it was cool because I got hooked up with donuts by these alcoholic bums at the bus stop.  After they gave me the donuts they 86ed me.  They said I couldn't hang out with them.  Whatever.


     10:08am  The 113 finally came and I paid four dollars for a daypass. 


     10:44am  Did I ever tell you I got to the South Strip Transit Terminal a long time ago.  I went in the bathroom and took a shit.  I have to get on the 217 to go East.


                    I don't think I ever mentioned, I'm on the bus, 217, I don't think I ever mentioned last night that I ran into this one dude.  I offered him my website on the drag.  I tried to tell him my story, but he didn't listen to me.  He told me he had a car but he had lost all of his stuff and didn't have any money.  He's from New York.  I told him, "Well, I know how  to get free gas."  He told me he could leave if he got gas.  He told me he would take me all the way to San Antonio if I got free gas.  He told me he was hungry, but he wouldn't accept any food I offered him.  I offered that on-top-trashcan score and he was disgusted by me even offering it.  "I don't eat out of trashcans."  He said he was a vegetarian.  This guy started getting on my nerves and I told him I had changed my mind about leaving with him, that I should probably stay in Las Vegas a  couple more days.  We kept walking and I made it clear that I wasn't following him to his car.  He was all, "But will you help me still?  Meet me at the gas station and ask for gas for me."  I told him, "I already told you how to do it.  Just walk up to people with a five gallon gas tank as they're pumping their gas and ask them if they can spare a gallon."  He told me,  "I can't ask people for things.  I just can't do that."  I said, "You do not have because you do not ask.  Practice."  Ah,  that guy would have been weird to travel with. 


     11:52am  It was cool, I was on the bus and I overheard some guy on a cellphone say, "I've got some buds."  When he got off the phone I offered him my website.  I told him, "It's all about what it says on the shirt."  He read my shirt and smiled.  I asked him if he could smoke a brother out, for the cause.  I told him I would get off anywhere, that I had a daypass.  Right before he got off he changed his mind about smoking me out and kicked me down a little bowl for my one-hitter.  His name is Kyle.


     12:30pm  I just got off the 217.  I walked across the street, Horizon Drive and Boulder Highway, I think.  I'm waiting for the 402 to keep going East.


     12:36pm  The bus came real quick.  402 to Boulder City.


     12:59pm  I just got dropped off in Boulder City.  They're having an art festival today.  I'm walking around these big crowds of people wearing all my bags with my marijuana necklace hanging off the back. 


     1:09pm  I left the festival and walked into town.  I took a pause over by the mural.  I took a picture of it.  This is a cool looking town so far.  I'm not going to fly my breast exams sign right off the bat here. 


     2:09pm  Taylor and William and their little dog.  I told them my story and they really enjoyed it.  They also warned me that I should get out of Boulder City as soon as possible too.  They told me the cops here were notorious.  I guess I'll go  to a gas station and ask for rides.


     3:06pm  I got directed to Rail Road Pass, like four or five miles up the road.  Hopefully there's gas stations at the pass.


     3:10pm  I'm all bouncing around.  This old lady I had seen on the bus here, saw me walking around looking for snipes.  She asked me if I had gotten in trouble and I told her no, not at all.  I was thinking about getting back on the bus.  This  Rail Road Pass place is dead.  This lady told me there was an alternate route that truckers take down the highway in the distance.  I'm going to go that way. 


                  Laughlin/Bullhead City


                  95 is the name of this highway.  I came to the onramp.  Cars are scarce.


     4:15pm  I'm going to thumb it until five.


     4:23pm  The generous soul of Louis just pulled over for me!  He's going all the way to Wichita, Kansas and he's giving me a ride!  I appreciate it, brother.


                  Whoa, Louis just told me that he doesn't pick up hitchhikers.  The last person who gave me a ride told me that too!  I'm the first one.


     4:37pm  This is just plain awesome.  Louis is giving me a ride all the way to New Mexico!  What a beautiful ride.  Thank you, brother.


                   Louis: "I came out of Los Angeles and I always take 40 out of Barstow.  I missed my damn turn.  I'm on 15.  Before I even realize that I pulled off for gas and should have turned right instead of left and I went left instead of right.  I had to go all the way to Vegas to get on this highway.  I knew I was 110 miles from Kingman Arizona there, but I went 108 miles out of my way here to come back to go fifty miles.  From where I turned off, from where I picked you up, there's fifty miles from there to Kingman Arizona."  What a coinkidink.


                  Random highway shot


     7:02pm  Nobody wants world peace here at the Johnson Travel Center Exit 123, Seligman Arizona!  She distinctly read my shirt and told me no.  "What?  You don't want world peace?"  She tells me, "Not through marijuana."  I guess she likes war.

     7:23pm  I'm making an entry in my recorder, Louis.  We stopped at the JTC and I went inside and hit up the guy at the  Subway.  He told me I had to talk to one of the cashiers.  I hit the cashier up, told her it was a good cause.  She told  me, "Not with your shirt, marijuana?  That stuff will make you braindead."  I went out to the van empty handed and Louis asked  me if they hooked me up with a sandwich.  I told him they didn't and he asked me, "Do you want a sandwich?" He gave me five dollars.  I'll get a footlong.  It'll fuel me up all the way to Tucamcari.  Louis is turning North there and that's where I'll get off.  Tucamcari is only about thirty miles away from the Texas border!  I had been thinking about dropping down to New Mexico and going through there again, but I've already been there before.  I want to go home.  I'm homesick.  I've been out for almost a year.

Next day..

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