

                                                                                                       Albert Lea, MN

Saturday October 6, 2007

     7:17am  Man, I slept great last night. I found me a great little camp. I'll take pictures.

     7:36am  I'm going to go to the McDonald's and say hi to Angi.

     7:41am  I saw Angi. She didn't come and talk to me or nothing. I think it's her. I came outside and ate my two breakfast burritos. All of a sudden I see these two hot girls riding the Greyhound. They saw me and asked me, "Hey, what are you doing?" I told them I was a journalist and gave them my website. I tried to tell them my story, but their bus driver came. "Gotta go, ladies."

     8:20am  I got to say hi to Angi. I followed through on that. She hooked me up with two coupons for free meals. I appreciate it, Angi. Everybody gets credit.
                   I had set that mission-objective when I left San Antonio last month. To come and say hi to Angi in Albert Lea.

                   Leaving the truckstop.  

     9:28am  I walked the highway and I was almost to 90 where I'm going to turn East. Like I walked almost a mile and Troy Stursa pulled over for me! 

Like I was already walking on the entrance ramp to get on 90. He pulled over on 35 right after it and I walked over. He's going to keep going North, but I'm not going to pass up this ride. Maybe I'll go to Minneapolis.
     10:10am  Hell yeah, what a great adventure this has turned into! I had seen him pull over in front of me. Me wondering if he pulled over for me. I got in the car and he told me he was going fishing. I told him, "Ahh, fishing is only cool with weed." Man, Troy has some quality dank. He hooked me up with a lot! Haha, I didn't need that weed the cop took from me yesterday! Anyway, we came to the Cabela's. 


 He said I could go fishing with him and then he went drop back down to 90 and take me to Austin. Cool, there's an Austin, Minnesota.

                    We drove over to Troy's house. He's thirty four, by the way. He's got a boat and everything. 


   We're going to go fishing! Look at the fun I walked into today. I'm going to go fishing. He said he'd let me crash here tonight. I'm going to get to score a shower. He lives in this two story house all by himself. He bought it from his grandpa. Welcome to Albert Lea, Victor.

     12:30pm  Man, I'm having the greatest time with my new friend Troy. We just smoked a bowl in his basement. He's got a little room down there that would be perfect for growing weed. He's got a big halide light for it and everything. But he's scared to.

                    We just got done hooking his boat up to his car. We're going to drive to the lake and fish. That's awesome.

     2:32pm  I had a great, relaxing time fishing with Troy in his boat. It was a1wesome. We had to get down in the boat while we went under a couple bridges. I took pictures. 


 He's going to let me crash at his house tonight and take a shower. Thanks, man.
     3:40pm  I just had the most refreshing shower. When I got out Troy was gone. I'm going to seriously jump on those dishes. It's a big mountain of dishes.


I took a picture of them. I freaked because I couldn't find a sponge anywhere. This house is pretty trashed. It's only him that lives here. He told me he hadn't done his dishes since the summer. That he was always eating out. Hmm, what's a place where a sponge would be? Under the sink. Nope.

                   I should go check the laundry room down in the basement.

                   Sure enough, under all this stuff on a table I found a dish-sponge. Presto-manifesto! I'm going to get to work. He'll be real relieved.

     4:54pm  I did all the dishes that will fit in the dry rack. I'm just going to let them dry and put them up and do some more.

     4:57pm  Troy lives on the corner of Pearl Street South and Wedgemore Street. At 234 Pearl Street South. A white house. Anyway, I'm going to walk to a McDonald's here or something. I'm hungry.

     5:00pm  Turning left on Washington Avenue, about to pass Court Street.

                   Going to turn right on Main Street. 

     5:59pm  Man, Albert Lea is a ghost-town. I was hungry so I was looking for the McDonald's. I ended up on Main Street downtown. I went to this pizza place. I got me a badass pizza for like four eighty five. It had breakfast bacon and shit. It was delicious. I had told the girl to surprise me. She sure did. ::burb::

     6:01pm  Albert Lea is a frigging ghost-town. I think I'm going to head out tomorrow morning. Troy is going to give me a ride to Austin.

                   I'm going to walk back to Troy's and finish those dishes. I left a load drying on the drying rack.

                   I hope I can remember how to get home without having to rewind and research.

     6:18pm  I had a great presentation on Main Street with Christa 

 and Matt in Albert Lea, Minnesota. I took her picture.

     6:22pm  That's great. I had a great presentation. I just told them the important part, but I'm sure they'll check out my site.

     6:28pm  I'm lost. I'm at Euclid Avenue and Clark Street right now. This dog ran up to me and I gave him some lovin'. I took a picture of him.  

                   I didn't mention. Troy gave me a badass camouflaged hat. To match my shorts. I'm a soldier.

                   Today I'm wearing my Puerto Rico shirt thats says, "War will never be the answer," in Spanish. La guerra nunca sera la repuesta."

     6:32pm  That was Jake's Pizza I went to earlier.  

     6:34pm  I just hit these guys up for my story and one said, "No, we're not interested. Nobody wants world peace."

     6:41pm  I made my way back.

Next day..

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