


Arcata, CA

Tuesday October 7, 2003

     7:22am  I just woke up in the barn. Mark and Jonathan are crashed out. I bummed a paper off of Mark. I'm going to smoke a cigarette.

     8:26am  Jonathan and I are walking into town. Hopefully, I'll get my glasses today. Man, I always think that and I always get let down. They always tell me I have to come back and check the next day. Oh well.

     8:39am  I just took a picture of Griz, this big dog.


116lbs and ten months old. That's Thad's dog and we're at the Cash Oil. Here he is again playing with my stick next to Annoying Jonathan.  

     8:46am  I just took a picture of my ride wanted ad. Ahh, you can't see it too good, so I won't include it. It says, "Victor, the brother with the walking stick is looking for a ride to the Bay Area."

     8:50am  Marsha is hooking me up with some cigarette papers. Thanks, I lost mine.

     9:16am  I talked to Sandy when she walked by the widewalk while I was smoking my cigarette. She told me that they're still waiting for the check, damnit.

     9:26am  I took a healthy shit at The Endeavor.

     9:45am  Jonathan and I are walking to the school. I'm going to go check my email and see if someone's given me a ride yet.

     9:56am  Jeremy hooked us up with a cigarette, outside the library.

     11:40am  I'm walking away from the school now. I finished my schoolwork. I got a lot typed up. Almost half of Saturday when I was spanging.

     12:44pm  I just took a picture of the people at The Endeavor.  

     12:50pm  I had a little trim so I went over and asked this dude if he wanted to smoke some. He said sure and him and his friend Caroline, this older chick, in her low 30's I'm guessing, are going to match me. Let's walk to the spot by the access road where there's that sofa and smoke some weed.

                     I tried to tell my stuff to Caroline, but it's not going to happen. So, she can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.

     1:30pm  Geba walked up on us and said I was something. What am I, Geba? Geba said, "He's putting words in my mouth, trying to set me up." Geba had called me a bitch's bitch. Geba laughed and said, "Yeah, you ain't nothin' but a bitch's bitch! Hehehehehehe."

     1:39pm  We were walking out of the spot we smoked at by the highway and Rasta John(9-27-03, 1:02pm) just hooked me up with some bud. That's very generous of you. Thanks a lot. It'll come back to you. You know that.

     1:40pm  Me and Geba are walking to the school. It's so cool I'm getting Geba to come to the library with me. I'll get to show him what I'm doing. I got to show Jonathan this morning.

     2:08pm  I just took a picture of Michael and Geba outside of the decorated bridge close to the overpass/footbridge.


We're getting stoned.

     2:09pm  Whoa, Michael told me there was a camera in a little cement post over there. I just got up and checked and there is! There really is a camera inside behind the glass of this little box. Man, that's all not right. It's not like they can use any evidence obtained from it in court. It's not posted anywhere you are under surveillance here. That's what I think. There's probably some bullshit clause that because it's school property.

                    I don't care. That's good, document me. Document what I'm doing.

     2:21pm  I just took a picture of Geba fighting with, umm, whipping the steps outside the library with his twig. He's all twirling around his stick in front of the library here. People are laughing at him.  

     4:25pm  I'm leaving the school.

                   Oh yeah, Geba didn't want to look at my stuff. Ahh, forget it. I don't need him to look through it then.

                    I'm going to go down this big hill instead of going down the long stairs.

     4:28pm  Geba and I are fencing with our sticks on the footbridge. The overpass.

                    I didn't end up doing too much online. I just looked around on the web. Actually, I read some of my own stuff. I was reading about the night I found the barn.

     4:40pm  I was just standing there in front of the coffee shop and this girl comes up and hands me some Roberto beef jerky. She was all, "Here, you want some?" I didn't even ask her or anything. I appreciate it, Camille.

                   Badass, that girl who gave me the beef jerky, she listened to my whole platform. That was badass.

     5:01pm  Kali hooked me up with another cigarette. She had hooked me up a while back. I'll look up her name in my logs.

     5:20pm  We are taking a 20-of-the-hour break. We're smoking weed by this cool spot real close to the spanging spot. Some backyard we go in where nobody lives.  

     5:25pm  John's hooking us up with a couple cigarettes. That's very generous of you. Oh my, three cigarettes. Thanks a bunch, brother. It'll come back to you.

     5:26pm  Coleen hooked me up with a lot of change! Badass, enough for my donut.

     5:27pm  Dude, I got two chocolate buttermilk donuts. It'll be the biggest chocolate buttermilk fix I've ever had . I better sit down.

     5:34pm  Carly gave me a donut hole, thanks!

     5:46pm  I'm out here. I'm going to spange a little. Try to work on my bus ticket. Ahh, it's Monday.

     5:47pm  You know, I've been meaning to . . . I was thinking about this right now. As much as all this magical stuff that has happened to me, I should firmly believe in spirits or other things out there. But, it still has not been proven to me. The one time I thought it had been, I was trippin' on datura. That was all circumstantial. If I hadn't eaten it, I wouldn't have thought I believed it . . . so it isn't real. That's how I equate it. I can just sum all of this up to just great coincidences, you know. I have increased the chances of good, magical things happening to me because I am preaching the coming revolution that is so self-evident to everyone. I see it coming, you know. Like I say, I am a walking, talking self-fulfilling prophecy. I can see it coming and I can tap into it. It's kind of hard to explain. I guess you can say I'm in the right stream for good things to happen to me. For all I know there might just be such thing as a god or spirits or something like that. I think the odds are more likely that there are than they're not. But, like I said, it has still not been proven to me without a doubt. I need a verifiable explanation. I think it would be cool, and I really can't wait. Because, I think that in my lifetime I am going to find out. I'm going to find out for sure what's really going on. Like I say, I'm going to bring the truth out of hiding . . . and I can't wait for that. That would be the greatest thing in the world. I would be the true catalyst.

                   I shouldn't just be pacing back and forth recording myself. I should be spanging my bus ticket so I can get my magic working.

     5:56pm  Hannah walked by and asked me, "Hey, are people still being generous to you?" I told her, "Yeah, on the weekends." I wasn't even standing in my spot, I was about to give up and go smoke a cigarette. She told me, "Yeah, I remember you. You talked to me right here last time." I told her, "Ahh, I'm not sure that I remember you, but I'll look you up in my stuff. I type it all up. She asks me, "Do you find that people are just generous because of what you are doing?" I told her, "I don't try to explain it. That's just how it is." Sweet Hannah gave me a dollar(sorry if I spelled your name wrong). Oh, because I told her, "Yeah, I'm trying to spange up the bus fare to SF Monday, when I get my glasses. Then, I'll be free."

                   Cool, she gave me a dollar.

     6:17pm  Chayenne just gave me three dollars for the cause. I appreciate it, sister.

     6:22pm  We're walking to smoke somewhere. Oh yeah, That girl I talked to, Chayenne, I blew her mind. She gave me three bucks. Cool, I got a believa.

     6:37pm  I just took a picture of this badass dog, Disco drinking water.


What kind of of dog is he? Pit-bull. How old is he? A year old pit-bull.

                   That's Tiffany's dog.

     6:50pm  John is hooking me up with some rollies. I appreciate it. A rolly.

     7:30pm  I came to the donut shop and see some girl sitting inside. It's all blurry because I don't have my glasses. I see her fingering me over. I went inside and it was Randi!


                   She looks all nice in this black outfit. I'm going to take a picture of her. I asked her if she could spare any change for a donut and she gave me a dollar! Thank you, Randi. I appreciate it.

     7:41pm  I just noticed a big chunk of sole is coming off my left boot! Ack! I need to get back to San Antonio!

     7:45pm  I just took a picture of Randi. We're on our way to the tree by the Co-op to smoke.

     8:25pm  Jessica hooked me up with some tobacco. I appreciate it, sister.

     8:47pm  Dave just hooked me up with some food. Badass. A sandwich or something. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Cool, I got a sandwich, just like that.

Next day..

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