


Boulder, CO

Friday October 7, 2005

     9:28am  I just came to Bolder Calls to drop off my paperwork. Carol wasn't pregnant. They were just taking a long time yesterday. This morning Carol woke up at six to go to work. She called me around eight while I was doing my paperwork. I told her I planned to walk to Bolder Calls soon. She asked me if I could bring her a bagel and cream cheese. I grabbed all that stuff and left. I even brought her a hit of weed for dessert. Anyway, I'm going to go. They just needed this paperwork and I start on Tuesday. Getting this job was simple. Easy as pie.

     11:14am  I walked to the laundromat where Carol works. I gave her that stuff and the hit of weed. I'm going to get back to walking. I'm going to stop at the house and take a hit of weed. I'm going to walk all the way to Pearl Street, and then back. Peace.

     12:20pm  I sped-walked Baseline to Broadway. Right at Broadway I heard drums and chanting. I came over and listened to these Native Americans dancing and drumming.

     12:45pm  Just hit Pearl Street Mall. I'm going to walk until I bum a cigarette, then I'll sit and rest. Then I'll walk some more. I'm going to walk all the way back home too. Carol gets off at three. I should leave like at one thirty to get home by three. I'll leave at two. Let's see how many people recognize me.

     1:00pm  Did a complete lap around the mall. Nobody recognized me. Barely any street people. I'm going to go another lap.

     1:25pm  These two girls saw me and yelled, "Victor!" Rae and Olivia. One of them asked me if I remembered them. I asked her to refresh my memory. She said she had smoked me out, which doesn't narrow it down at all. She told me she had given me a balloon. I told her about Carol, my partner in crime.

     1:29pm  I walked just a little bit and this dude yelled, "Long distance walker!" His name is Brandon, I think. He asked me, "Are you going to work at my work?" I asked him where he worked and he said Bolder Calls. He said he saw me. He told me, "We're going to smoke a lot of marijuana."

     2:18pm  I didn't tell you. About five minutes ago I walked to the laundromat Carol works at. I did like four or five laps around the mall, then around one forty five I decided to start walking back. Not that far from Pearl Street I passed Arapahoe and got this idea. Carol works at 30th and Arapahoe. Broadway is close to like 15th and Arapahoe. Instead of walking Broadway to Baseline I just walked Arapahoe all the way to 30th. I've walked a lot today. Lately my lungs have been feeling sore from smoking and I've been thinking about quitting. Easier said than done. I think my lungs are sore because I haven't been walking. Since I walked so much today I deserve a cigarette. Man, if excuses were money I would be rich.

     4:45pm  Some crazy shit just happened here at Carol's. See, her lazy ass seventeen year old son Kent slept near past noon and missed his interview at Bolder Calls. Remember how easy got that job? Carol was pissed when she got home. He was all crashed out on the couch "sleeping." Carol yelled at him a couple times but he wouldn't get up. She even blasted some punk rock. He eventually got up and started yelling back, all getting in her face. He walked into his room and I got this feeling things might get violent, so I went and secured my walking stick. Sure enough, Kent came out of his room, opened a kitchen drawer and pulled out a big knife. He goes and jumps on Carol! Holding my stick with both hands I jumped on Kent and tried choking him. He pulled back and we fell back on the couch. I calmly told him, "My knee could go straight up real hard and you would be done." He dropped the knife and we got up. Carol yelled, "I should call your probation officer!" I really think she should, but she won't. She'd feel too guilty and she loves him. Then he came out and started yelling at me, "What about you, Victor?" You wanna snitch me out?" All getting in my face. I told him, "You just pulled a knife on Carol. You don't think I'm going to get mad?" I told Carol that he had to go. That he didn't deserve any of the things she did for him. I think she should kick him out. He pulled a knife on her! That shit is too much. The straw that broke the camel's back. But Carol kept making excuses for him like saying they have a really dramatic family, that I didn't understand. What more is there to understand? Someone pulls a knife on the women I love and I'm supposed to understand? I told Carol that I didn't feel comfortable living there anymore. Maybe I'll go for a walk.

     8:21pm  Carol and I walked all the way home from Table Mesa. We went to the Dollar Store.

Next day..

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