


Arcata to Scotia to Redcrest, CA

Saturday October 9, 2004

     8:26am  I've had a good morning. Oh, I didn't tell you. Last night we wandered off after the cops showed up. We walked all the way down to the 7th Street bridge and crashed under that. I'm glad I remembered. Just like the good old days. We just woke up. We're walking back into town.

     9:52am  Crow just got a hair up his ass. He told me, "Let's go to the Redwoods and smoke some weed." So we did. On the way we ran into Geneva. we came up here and we're all smoking in the forest at some bench. Over by the platform we crashed at.

     10:05am  Me and Crow jumped on a bus to Scotia. We're on our way.

     1:52pm  Oh yeah, I gotta make an update. We rode the bus to Scotia. At the store the bus drops you off at, I came over to the bench I had found that American Spirit last time. It's a little cold in Scotia, so I started changing into my thermals there. The dumbass security guard came up to me and told me, "You know there's a place where you can change your clothes." I look at her and say, "Oh really, are you going to arrest me?" She gets all mad and says, "Should I?" I laughed and said, "Can you? Show me see your badge." Now she called for backups and her accomplice is here. That other piglet came up to me and said he was going to escort me out of Scotia. I told him, "Well, maybe after I smoke a cigarette," and sat down. I told him, "Let me see your badge." He all pointed to his security guard badge he was wearing. I told him, "Alright, now show me something you didn't get out of a Cracker Jack box." Haha.

                   Oh yeah, those two piglets went to call the cops on me. Some fire department guy came over to me and started asking me questions. I was just changing my layers because it's cold here. I told him I wasn't bothering anybody. He just told me that next time just be sure to use the restroom or something. I told him, "Okay, I will keep that in mind."

                   It's cool. I've never had anybody with me on my jaunt to Scotia I do every year.

     3:05pm  Me and Crow are walking 101 South now. We just passed marker 51.44.

     3:12pm  51.07

     3:17pm  We are walking by the historic, umm I mean demonic Pacific Lumber Company. It's a dead tree graveyard.

     3:30pm  50.00. Let me ask Crow if he wants to stop and rest. We're going to walk it.

     3:37pm  Stafford Road exit 1 mile.

     3:40pm  49.50

     3:47pm  49.00 Rest time. Let me rewind and see how long that mile took.

                  Seventeen minutes.

     4:13pm  Me and Crow, we were walking like right before you get to the exit to go the Stafford Road RV Park. Like Under the highway we found this awesome walkway that goes all the way down for a long ass time. I took this opportunity to mark the territory. I got my little white paint marker that I scored at the Circle A Ranch in Boulder. I wrote Victor the Liberator and a peace sign, like I've been doing everywhere. Crow is drawing some stuff too.

     4:37pm  We just walked all the way to the end. It's huge. It's a long ass bridge.

     5:11pm  We're stopping at the RV park because we're out of water. I figured I'd make an appearance here again.

     5:18pm  Eli gave me some water at the good old Stafford Road RV Park. I appreciate it, Eli. Everybody gets credit, thank you.

     6:12pm  Crow wants to take the Avenue of the Giants exit, so we're taking the Avenue of the Giants exit. Tupperwood, here we come.

     6:15pm  We walked into the Humboldt Redwoods State Park. I took a picture of the welcome sign.

     6:30pm  Crow suggested we walk down this random trail and see where we end up. We ended up at some little dam somebody built. There's all these logs. It's like a sculpture. I took a picture of it. It's really cool. It's right next to the highway, so I'm going to stand here and stick my thumb out. If we don't get a ride, we'll camp out here.

                   It seems like a magical spot.

                   We're just walking down the street. There are tons of stars out tonight.

                   I got this idea. I hope they don't lock up the Eternal Treehouse in Redcrest.

     9:00pm  We passed by the Immortal Tree. I remember this.

     9:52pm  The Eternal Treehouse ended up having a padlock on it. We had to walk far. Oh but hey, Thursday, from Arcata just pulled up in a truck full of people. How weird.

Next day..

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