

                                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Thursday October 9, 2008

     6:20am  I woke up not that long ago. I thought I only got five, but I got six hours of sleep. I'm going to smoke some weed in the backyard. Wake and bake.

     8:47am  This dude Ari who just moved to San Antonio from San Francisco emailed me. He had done a search for Marijuana in San Antonio and ended up at my site, surprise, surprise. He wanted to know if I knew where to get any weed. I'll show you the emails. Anyway, I called Bob and he actually answered. It turns out he was ignoring me that day when I stopped by his house a couple times(10-4-08). He said he was sick. His sick ass could've still answered the phone. He said he hoped I would get the hint. I did eventually. I'm going to get two eighths of chronic for this stranger who emailed me, hehe. I'm not scared. He's from San Francisco. It's all good I'm sure. I need to give this dude a proper welcome to San Antonio. Bob told me I have to hurry. That he wasn't going to wait around for us. He had to go to work. I called the Ari and told him to hurry up and get here before nine and he's almost here.

                   Ari showed up and we met Bob at the carwash and scored. Perfect. I asked Ari if he was busy and if he minded going back to my mom's house so we could smoke in the back porch. He was really happen at the magic that just happened. We're going back to my mom's.

     10:08am  Ari just left. He kicked me down a couple nuggets of hydro! We smoked a joint in the backyard and I got to tell him my story.

     12:03pm  Since I have some badass weed, I'm going to go downtown today. Oh yeah, I have to go get my cameras. I only have fourteen dollars so I hope they're cool. The girl told me it would be around five dollars for each camera. I only have sixty five cents so I'll see if they let that slide for busfare. I'll walk if I have to. It's a beautiful day.

                     Oh weird, the play and record button stay down on the recorder now. Before I had to keep them pressed down. Awesome. Maybe I am meant to leave it somewhere recording evidence soon.

     12:08pm  I had gone outside to wait for the bus and I saw JC, my neighbor pull up again. He's giving me a ride to the Walmart again. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:15pm  JC hooked me up with a dollar so I'll have enough for my pictures. That's very generous of you.

                     Just like that I've been transported to the Walmart by JC, and he gave me a dollar.

     2:13pm  The pictures still aren't there. They get delivered sometime around two. It was around one thirty when I asked them. To kill time I played this stupid baseball video game. I sucked at it. I kept balling out the batters and filling up the bases and bringing people home. Anyway, I came to the woods nearby close to the sidewalk they're building, in Leon Creek. I found a shady spot in the creekbed and I'm going to smoke. Getting back to nature. Except I can see and hear the trucks moving back and forth through closeby building that sidewalk. The city is spending over three million dollars to build this Leon Creek Greenbelt path and they can't put a sidewalk down Old Tezel where it's more needed? Booshit.

     2:52pm  Haha, I just had a great presentation inside the Walmart! This one guy walking around had seen my shirt and complimented me. I offered him my website and kept walking around. I went to go see if the pictures were there yet and they weren't. I was bored so I walked around some more and I see that guy again. I asked him if I could tell him my story and he said sure. We walked to the Tire and Lube part and sat down in the waiting area and I gave him my rap. Note From the Rich and everything.

     3:03pm  Diana, like my sister, at the McDonald's is hooking me up with sixteen cents so I don't have to break a dollar. That's very generous of you, Diana. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:48pm  It's about time I made an update. I just got my pictures finally and I went outside to smoke and look through them. Oh yeah, I got free prints. I had written there with marker CD ONLY!! Exclamation marks and everything, yet they still made prints. When the girl working there grabbed my pictures I told her they were just supposed to be CDs. She was all, "So you don't want the prints?" I asked her if she was going to throw them away and she said yes. I told her, "I just don't want to pay for prints, and if you're going to throw them away there's no reason you can't just give them to me and only charge me for the cd's. It wasn't my fault. I didn't order prints.
                   Anyway, I went to the bus stop and this dude Mexican dude Don saw my shirt and asked me if I had any. I told him I had a little and he asked me to smoke him out. I said sure and we walked to that spot in the creek where I smoked at earlier. I had yet another great presentation. I'm on fire today!

                    Don hooked me up with two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     4:20pm  I told Megan my story at the bus stop at the Walmart. I took her picture. What did you think Megan? Megan: "I thought it was interesting."

     4:43pm  I had another badass presentation. I've been having awesome presentations all day. Right now I finished telling this girl my story on the bus. She was wearing a LOVE IS DEAD shirt. I saw her at the Walmart and I asked her if I could tell her a really interesting story about how love it not dead. She quickly told me to go ahead.

                   There was this other pretty girl at the bus stop with San Antonio tattoos on both her wrists.

                   Oh yeah, it only costs $2.60 per camera to get my cameras developed to just CD's. That means I can realistically get all my cameras developed. I'm happy.

     5:47pm  I am back home. I got about a hundred pictures to add to my website now. Oh, and it was cool. In the three random cameras I grabbed I picked one I had on my last trip in Cincinnati. It's awesome how the buttons on my tape recorder stay down by themselves now. Like magic. I told tons of people my story on the bus today. And while I was waiting around. Great presentations.

Next day..

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