


Ventura to Santa Barbara and back, CA

Tuesday October 10, 2006
     8:01am  When Carol goes to court I'm going to go visit her.

                   I stopped at the Valero on Seaward. I'm going to take a shit and stuff.

                   They wouldn't let me take a shit at the Valero so I came to the McDonald's next door.

                   Hansen, this Norwegian guy. Oh, it's Hanson. Hansen is Danish and Hanson is Norwegian or Swedish. He gave me three whole cigarettes in the McDonald's. He made them himself.

     8:14am  Hell yeah, that was badass. This old guy in the McDonald's. He up and hooked me up with all these cigarettes. Six total. He listened to me good. Well, we more like took turns. He had interjections here and there. He didn't disagree with me at all. This old man, hell yeah.

     8:25am  I am at the courthouse now. I'm going to go see where the courtroom is. Courtroom eleven.

     10:46am  I just got out of court. This sucks. Carol wasn't even in there. I sat in there for two whole hours. It said at nine 'o clock in Courtroom 11. I showed up and it wasn't until ten that they let people in. I looked at all the inmates and Carol wasn't there. I asked the lady and she told me that Carol had been a dry-run. That they didn't have any charges for her in this county. That she had a warrant out of Barstow. I am thinking Barstow's not that far away. They're probably going to extradite her. If they don't she'll get released today. There's still a chance of that. Please Love, let Carol get released, even though I'm going to break up with her.

     10:55am  I just came to the library to check my email. Last night I checked my email and all these people had emailed me about Carol. I'll show you:

From: "michelle welch" <>
Subject: county blues
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2006 11:23:10 -0700

i was in ventura county jail on friday night and your girlfriend was there she asked me to email you and let you know where she is i think they might be tranferring her to somewhere else but you should definately call them and visit her and what not. alright well good luck.


Date: Sun, 8 Oct 2006 22:15:21 -0700 (PDT)
From: S"Louise Curran" <>
Subject: your girlfriend in VCjail

Hi Victor,

Your girlfriend asked if I could send you an email to let you know where she is-Ventura County Jail, at the corner of Victoria and Telephone. She told me this really terrible story about how she was arrested in the car at the harbor while you where out for a walk and the police would not let her leave a note.

Anyhow, she was arrested on a previous warrant, I think traffic, that went back a while ago from Barstow in San Bernadino County. The Ventura jail is so terribly full, she was in the holding cell I guess for 2 days. Today they brought her in to the area I was in - I was let out and promised to send this to you.

It is really hard to make calls from this area. I was there since Friday night, and only had a few chances to make calls.

Your girlfriend has no idea what is going to happen. A couple of girls there said she may get picked up by San Bernadino and that could take 5 to 10 days. Or, she may stay in Ventura. She does not know yet.

The best thing to do is get in touch with Ventura. The visiting hours are different depending on what area of the jail you are in.

Sorry I don't remember your girlfriends name, I was so excited to get out.

Anyway, she really loves you - and we can all imagine what a terrible thing it must have been to get to the car and she is gone! Hope the cat is O.K.

Best of Luck!



Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 13:48:22 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Ashley Eichstaedt" <>
Subject: Victor-Carol Cook-Please Read Very Important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Victor, my name is Ashley Eichstaedt I was in the Ventura County Jail with your girlfriend Carol Cook, she asked me to email you to tell what is going on. Carol was pick up by the cops when you went for a walk in the morning. The cop would not let her leave you a note. They took her in for an old warrent. She is now in the Ventura County Jail. She needs for you to come visit her. You need to call the Jail to find out if she is still there. If she is not still there that means that they took her to Barstow CA where she has the outstanding warrent. It is best to call at least a couple times to make sure that she is there. If not she will be at the jail in Barstow. They have visiting hours at the Ventura County Jail and Im not sure what they are but if you call they will be able to tell you that information. If you have any questions about all of this, like directions on how to get to the jail or anything please call me at 805-746-5025 that is my cell and I have it with me all the time. If you could please email me and let me know that you got this. I will continue to email you until I hear back from you. Like I said before please don't hesitate to call for anything. Carol really misses you and is worried about you. If you visit her she can tell you everything you need to know. I walk my dogs on the harbor everyday where you guys parked that night and if I see I will say hi and hope that you got this email. Please email me back and I hope all is well.
Thanks so much-Ashley

(Ashley's MySpace:


Look what I wrote Louise back with:


victor antonio <> wrote:

Hi Louise,

Thanks for mailing me. First I read an email from Ashley. Let me show you my reply:

When I returned from my walk Carol was nowhere to be found. Her purse was still there, the cat was still there. I patiently waited for about five hours until I got the sense to call the police. I called and said, "I misplaced my girlfriend about five hours ago. Is she in custody?" They told me she was for an old warrant out of Barstow. I asked when I could visit her, but they told me it would be a while before she even got booked, and to call back. They told me the bail was five thousand dollars. I drove all the way to the justice center and asked them when I could visit Carol. At first I thought, "Where the hell am I going to get five thousand dollars?!" Then I remembered I only had to pay 10% with a bail bond's place.
Well, since we were planning to go to Venice Beach that day and I had nothing to do and was a nervous wreck, I went to Venice by myself. I made up a sign that said, "NEED HELP BAILING GIRL OUT OF JAIL," and flew it on the oceanfront. I'm sure Carol told you how I bailed her out of jail last time at the Rainbow Gathering. But there wasn't a generous gathering in Venice. I flew that sign for hours with no luck. That night I drove all the way to the campground where we had been crashing and dashing close to Ojai.
Lo and behold, when I woke up the next morning Sueño(the cat) was missing! I racked my brain where he could've gotten out of the car. I was positive he had been with me the whole time. It's like he just dissapeared into thin air.
Anyway, I just went to Ventura and have been hanging out on the pier telling people my free story. The pier is awesome. I cannot believe Carol never took me here.
I called the cops and they, once again told me to call back later. I called the next day and they told me that I could've visited her the day before. Damnit. They said the next time I can visit her is Thursday. They did tell me that her courtdate was Tuesday at 9am and that I could be present, just not talk to her. Tomorrow I plan to be there. Hopefully we'll get to talk.
The cops told me that there was a possibility that she would be released in five days. That they have to call Barstow and check if they want to renew the warrant, to justify extradition.
I know I could just write her a note and drop it off, but I'm having mixed feelings myself. Ahh, I shouldn't air out any dirty laundry, I don't even know you, hehe. I know she's going to be furious at me that I lost the cat. She's had that cat all his life and even bottle fed it when he was a kitten. Anyway, I'm going to hold out in Ventura. Tomorrow I'll go see her in court and find out what's going to happen to her. I really need to talk to Carol.

Thanks for making contact, Ashley. Peace be with you.

- Victor Antonio

p.s. Oh yeah, if you want check out my website:


     11:34am  I am leaving the library.

                     I'm going to go to the pier and give away some food. I have all this food in the car that I'm not going to eat. Umm, I ate some Polish sausage that hasn't been refrigerated for like three or four days now.

     11:50am  I drove over to my Sanjón parking lot. I'm walking to the pier now. I've got a big bag of food to give away.

     11:53am  I walked up to this lady in the parking lot here. She's got an Event Staff shirt on. I hit her up for my story and she said, "Nah, I don't think so."
     1:53pm  I had this magical presentation with Heather. This beautiful girl I told my story to. She has the most beautiful listening-eyes. Thank you, Heather. I told her all of my stories.

     2:12pm  Mike on the pier hooked me up with a cigarette.

     2:29pm  I walked up to the pier and I told Mike my story. Not only did he pinch me off a little nugget, he also gave me a five dollar bill! I appreciate it, brother! Now I can get some more weed, hehe. Everybody gets credit, man. Thanks a lot.

                   That's the second Mike in Ventura that's given me a five dollar bill.

     3:07pm  Hell yeah, I had an awesome time on the pier today. The day's not over, but I'm going to go check out Santa Barbara, I don't know. I came back to the car because I left my pipe in here. That guy hooked me up with some weed. Today rocked. I'm so happy without Carol.

     3:25pm  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I thought I was going to go to the Seaward gas station on 101 to try and get some gas. To see if anyone would hook me up. I changed my mind. The guy who gave me money on the pier, I forgot his name. Mike, I think. He hooked me up with five dollars and some weed. Rumor has it that Santa Barbara has a big pier too. Right now I am on a mission. I'm going to go tell my story on that pier and then come back to Ventura.

     3:37pm  I am in downtown Santa Barbara. I know I tell people how I would hate having a car and that I need to be walking again, but I need to accept the fact that having a car is what my mission has evolved into, right now. Maybe I have to do this, go from city to city and tell my story. I can't just stay in one place. I should be using this car while I still have it until Carol gets out of jail. Advantages are better than disadvantages. And I'm not paying shit for this car.

     3:44pm  I made it to the gas station and I'm going to use those five dollars for gas. That's what Mike gave it to me for, I guess. I'm not going to buy weed with it. He gave me some weed too.

                   I came to the gas station over on Montecito and Milpas.

     3:56pm  Hell yeah, Santa Barbara is a cool town. I am all sight-seeing today.

                   I'm on Cabrillo. I went down the street and turned right on Cabrillo because it runs along the coast.

     3:59pm  I pulled over on the street and parked somewhere. I am in Santa Barbara, man. I'm going to go check out the pier and harbor and stuff. I'm going to go tell my story.

                   I'm about to walk up on Stearns Wharf.

     4:12pm  Ha, that's funny. I am walking up on the wharf and the homeless people here have, like on the sand underneath the boardwalk that people walk by, they've got blankets set up that say stuff like, "Why lie? I need a beer." There's change all over them that people throw from up here. There's another one that says, "Just plain hungry. Make a wish." Another one, "Please feed the lion. He's hungry."

                   Ha, I just hit these people up for my story and they told me, "No, we want some peace." That's what I'm trying to do!

     4:55pm  I had the strangest impulse to drive up to Santa Barbara from Ventura today. Like on no gas. I know, I'm crazy. This guy had hooked me up with five bucks and a nugget earlier on the pier in Ventura. I got some gas and came to the wharf here in Santa Barbara. Nobody listened to my story here. I was asking people left and right and they were saying nah. Have you always been that ignorant? Hehe. I finally found some listeners. Actually, this one old guy actually listened to my story. In the end he said it was very interesting. What were you guys' names again? Gary and Jessica. Jessica just gave me a cigarette.

     5:05pm  I am telling my Odyssey story to Jessie and Gary and Jessie just told me, "Man, I totally saw your sign on Telegraph!" That was like years ago! Hell yeah, I am everywhere.

     5:52pm  I just had another magical presentation here on the wharf in Santa Barbara. I just drove here today to check it out. I'm going to drive back down later. I told my story here. Are you guys related? No? Give me a cast of characters here. Marsha, Chelsea, Katie and Spenser just volunteered me ten dollars! I didn't ask for anything. I guess it was a good story. Thanks a lot, guys. Thanks for proving me right. Everybody gets credit, thanks.  Spenser eventually posted a comment on my MySpace:

26 Oct 2006 10:01 P
hey man how is your journey working out..member when yuo talked to me and my two girl friends on the santa barbara pier and my friends mom gave you 10 bucks. Hope all is well my friend. smoke weeed :]

     6:01pm  I have had a badass day telling my story on the wharf. It got kind of cold, so that's my cue to leave. I'm going to go back to Ventura. Oh yeah, I got hooked up with ten bucks for gas! That's awesome, dude. I got a little weed too! Hell yeah! I'm stoked.

     6:53pm  I am already back in Ventura. I've been in Ventura for a while. It's only twenty two miles South of Santa Barbara. I drove all the way to Victoria. I'm going to check at the Government Center about Carol. Check her status again.

     7:10pm  Carol has not been released yet. I'll come back tomorrow or call them, 654-3335. Oh yeah, I'm going to go snipe hunting. They have tons of ashtrays here.

     7:44pm  I just checked my guestbook and I had my first entry made to it. Actually, I made the first entry saying I've had ten visitors to my guestbook, but no one has made any entries. So here's one. Then Mike, the kid I met yesterday. I was thinking about making him my sidekick and take him traveling. Well, he sent me an email and posted a guestbook entry:

Date: 2006-10-10 11:47:21
Name: mike gray
Number: 2

hey i meet u in ventura on thr board walk and u told me your story and it changed my life thanks for your insight call me 805-815-5240

     8:11pm  I found a gold mine with all these snipes here at the Government Center. I walked to this ashtray next to a security guard and told him, "This place is like a gold mine!" He offered me a cigarette. What was your name? Richard. Everybody gets credit, man

                   Whoa, that was badass! I just had a marvelous presentation with the security guard. He was all agreeing with me. He was all, "Man, we've been trying to do that forever."

     8:29pm  I just realized who Mike is. Mike is the dude who suggested that I should to go to Santa Barbara, and I fuckin' did. I have to call him. He said I changed his life! Hell yeah!

     8:40pm  I am back at my parking spot on Sanjón.

     8:51pm  Stupid ass me left all my pipes in the car. I had to go back to the car. I'm walking back to the pier now. I'm gong to borrow a cellphone and call this Mike kid.

                   What a magical night tonight has been, man. Mike equipped me earlier to perfection. I didn't know what I was going to do for gas, but then he hooked me up with five dollars. I made it all the way up to Santa Barbara, but I didn't have gas to come back. Then I got blessed with ten dollars after telling my story on the wharf.

                   Man, the ignorance is hella-thick up in Santa Barbara, man. So many people were telling me no. I mean they were shivering in fear when I approached them. I just want to tell them a story, damnit. It was hilarious. Ignorance is bliss, I tell them, hehe. Unless they're nasty to me then I just ask them if they have always been that ignorant. You know my routine by now, hehe.

                   It's just crazy how I was meant to go to all these places tonight. I was meant to go to the jail and check on Carol's status. At the Government Center I had a very prosperous snipe hunt as well as a great presentation with the security guard. If I hadn't been out grabbing cigarette butts I wouldn't have walked past the law library. That's where I checked my website. It's weird because I hadn't been checking my guestbook for a long time. I just recently posted an entry myself, because no one was signing it. The first one I have on there from another person is from a dude who said I changed his life! What a charge! That's on the internet, man. People are going to read that, some guy saying I changed his life! I'm all happy right now.

                   The only reason I got with Carol was because I thought she would help me do this quicker. And at first she did, but not anymore. She's making me go slower now. We have to break up already. Everybody knows how much of a hurry I am in to bring world peace.

     9:20pm  I came to Eric Ericcson's on the pier. I needed to make a phonecall but I only had a ten dollar bill. Chaz the waiter volunteered me fifty cents to make a phone call. I logged his generosity. Right before I had got there I asked all the rich-ass snobs sitting outside if any of them had a cellphone I could borrow. They all shrugged and said no. Then after I get fifty cents from Chaz and I am on the payphone, one of those girls outside walks up to me and says, "Still need to make that phonecall?" I told her, "Nah, this nice guy inside gave me fifty cents. I'm alright." Umm, aren't I on the phone right now? Suckers, I made them feel guilty for being such greedy asses. Actually, after I asked them I heard them all laughing, most likely at me. I yelled at them, "Greedy asses!" Then one girl ends up offering me her phone, even though I was on the payphone. I made her all feel bad. Gotcha.

                   I really should've have told her, "It's the thought that counts. Thanks anyway." Hey, I'm not perfect, hehe.

Chaz eventually signed my guestbook too:

Date: 2006-10-12 12:25:14
Name: chaz
Number: 3

What's up man. You came in to Eric Ericsson's restaurant on the Ventura Pier a few nights ago and needed some change. I was the guy that gave you 50 cents. Thanks for telling me about your website. Very intriguing. You stayin in Ventura or still heading to LA?

     12:20am  I thought I was going to drive to Ojai and crash and dash at Foster Park. I didn't have any gas and I hoped there would be a gas station on the way to Ojai. I went to go jump on the highway and I see this girl hitchhiking. I pull up and she runs up to the car. This really beautiful older lady around forty five, I'm guessing. She was really pretty. I picked her up real quick and turned around and got gas in Ventura. Man, she listened to almost every one of my stories extremely attentive without one interruption. She was all mesmerized. We drove around for like over an hour. She changed her mind about going North and decided to just go back home to her rich house in the harbor. We went to Vons and I bought her some ice cream with foodstamps, ha. I dropped her off in the harbor eventually. I'm going to stay up all night so I can be tired and sleep all day. I'll find somewhere to sleep. I am thinking about going downtown where people are up and awake and can listen to my story.

     12:40am  I stopped and tried to tell this guy my story in front of the Main Street Cafe. Some old man. When I first asked him if he was willing to listen he said, "Goodbye and good luck."
     1:14am  Fuck Main Street. Main Street was shwag. It sucked. There were all these drunk people everywhere. I hit the cops up for my story, but then they got busy and I just gave them my webpage. They seemed interested at first.

                   I came back and parked beneath 101 at Sanjón. I'm going to go tell my story on the pier. I doubt anyone is awake. I'm going to stay up tonight, remember?

     1:19am  Haha, I talked to these three ignorant girls on the walking path on the way to the pier. They listened at first, but then started interrupting big time. I bet they were drunk. They were all, "It's never going to happen. Cars are here to stay and weed sucks." I told them, "I guess it'll just be a surprise. Thanks for proving me right."

     2:38am  I had a badass little presentation with Javier and his friend, su amigo. Su primo. Javier just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:15am  I've just been cruising around in the car at night. I realized I left my water bottle at the pier. I came to this parking lot. Not the one on Sanjón, but the other side of the pier that I usually never park in. I'm going to walk back to the pier and get my water bottle. I need that thing.

Next day..

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