



DlE lGNORANCE:  hi amber..
 Amberdinni:  hey vic []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey..what part of town do you live on?
 Amberdinni:  north east
 DlE lGNORANCE: supposed to be at 1-10/410 at noon for a job interview..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hope i can find a ride..
 Amberdinni:  bus
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i would catch the bus..but i wont make it on time
 Amberdinni:  oh lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  maybe ill just be fashionably-late
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey amber..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  guess what
 Amberdinni:  what?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im getting my support
 Amberdinni:  support for what?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and im gonna follow-through on my mission of eliminating money
 DlE lGNORANCE:  just like i always said i would.
  :  support from who?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  here, let me send you what ive been massmailing
 Amberdinni:  k
 DlE lGNORANCE:  there you go
 Amberdinni:  boy you have a mission
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im gonna get some help soon
 Amberdinni:  from?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  my generation
 Amberdinni:  i am your generation
 DlE lGNORANCE:  read my stuff, you might want to help too
 Amberdinni:  i dont really see money going away
 Amberdinni:  people are too monetary and always wil be
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey..ya gotta start somewhere
 Amberdinni:  thats true   


 Butterflycrazy23:  Hey Loser
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hallo
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ever listen to that song?
 Butterflycrazy23:  Yeah but it only played for like 10 seconds
 DlE lGNORANCE:  damn that sucks
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its a great butterfly song
 Butterflycrazy23:  really I will never know
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah, what a shame
 Butterflycrazy23:  yeah
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so whats up with your black ass tonight?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you sexy mexy
 Butterflycrazy23:  I'm know black
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but your ass is..
 Butterflycrazy23:  What ... Bring it on
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sheet, you couldnt handle this
 Butterflycrazy23:  yeah What ever
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok ok, youre right, im nothing special..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  called my bluff
 Butterflycrazy23:  see BUSTED!!!
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ya got meeh
 Butterflycrazy23:  ha ha
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey toots, im gonna go smoke a cigarette
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ill check your black ass in a couple minutes
 Butterflycrazy23:  k
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im black..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  err...-l
 Butterflycrazy23:  Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 DlE lGNORANCE:  come on laugh
 DlE lGNORANCE:  huh huh huh
 Butterflycrazy23:  HA
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ha made jew laugh
 Butterflycrazy23:  []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  do you masturbate?
 Butterflycrazy23:  Nooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe, caught you off guard
 Butterflycrazy23:  What  
 Butterflycrazy23:  The
 Butterflycrazy23:  hell is wrong with you
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you liar
 DlE lGNORANCE:  come on, everyones doing it..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  dont you wanna be cool?
 Butterflycrazy23:  Noo!!!!
 Butterflycrazy23:  I'm not like everyone
 DlE lGNORANCE:  come on..if it makes you happy, it cant be that bad
 Butterflycrazy23:  No Ok
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youre in denial..
 Butterflycrazy23:  I bet you do it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sometimes, it helps me get to sleep
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im not ashamed, im only human
 Butterflycrazy23:  Yeah
 DlE lGNORANCE:  when it comes to gotta know how to make yourself cum if you ever expect to cum with someone else..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe i mean, when it cums to chicks
 Butterflycrazy23:  Thank you for that info
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey, anytime sister
 DlE lGNORANCE:  now you know
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and knowings half the battle
 Butterflycrazy23:  Thanx
 DlE lGNORANCE:  dont mention it..
 Butterflycrazy23:  ok
 DlE lGNORANCE:  awesome
 Butterflycrazy23:  no awesome
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im trying to think of a good name for my association that im gonna start
 DlE lGNORANCE:  something to do with nature..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  any suggestions?
 Butterflycrazy23:  Dumbass anonymous
 Butterflycrazy23:  lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ta tung ching
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but seriously folks..
 Butterflycrazy23:  lol
 Butterflycrazy23:  shut up
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you so funny
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you should be a canadian
 Butterflycrazy23:  Stupid  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  is as does
 Butterflycrazy23:  Yeah Your hurting yourself
 DlE lGNORANCE:  oh but it hurts soooo good
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i want more more more
 DlE lGNORANCE:  of that dr pepper taste ive been looking for
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i am dumb
 Butterflycrazy23:  You finally figured it out LOL
 DlE lGNORANCE:  wacka wacka wacka
 Butterflycrazy23:  _l :P
 DlE lGNORANCE:  what the hell kinda face is that
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you just pulled that one out of your ass didnt you
 Butterflycrazy23:  _l =Loser ( You )
:P =Sticking out my tongue
 Butterflycrazy23:  Not my ass
 DlE lGNORANCE:  how is _I mean loser?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  -is +does
 Butterflycrazy23:  I couldn't figure out how to make a L
 DlE lGNORANCE:  that sure as hell doesnt make one
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whos the loser now?
 Butterflycrazy23:  You
 DlE lGNORANCE:  oil well
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you want me, admit it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youre only human
 Butterflycrazy23:  Oh yes Take me now []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  see, told you
 DlE lGNORANCE: cant afford meeh
 Butterflycrazy23:  Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so quit dreaming
 Butterflycrazy23:  Y You love McDonalds
 Butterflycrazy23:  Yes you do
 Butterflycrazy23:  ok ok
 Butterflycrazy23:  Jack in th Box
 DlE lGNORANCE:  umm..SO?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  jumbo jack on sourdough bread owns
 DlE lGNORANCE:  owns to the bone
 Butterflycrazy23:  Hey i used to work there
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sucker
 Butterflycrazy23:  You like Jack in the Crack
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sometimes
 Butterflycrazy23:  ahh he likes it
 Butterflycrazy23:  Mikey likes it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  whos mikey?
 Butterflycrazy23:  Sorry
 Butterflycrazy23:  Vikey likes it
 Butterflycrazy23:  LOL
 Butterflycrazy23:  LOL
 DlE lGNORANCE:  who the hell is vikey?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  are you trying to call my vickey?
 Butterflycrazy23:  Nooooooo!!!!!!
 Butterflycrazy23:  LOL
 Butterflycrazy23:  []
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cuz last time i heard that one..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i fell off my dinosaur
 Butterflycrazy23:  What  
 Butterflycrazy23:  haha your funny
 DlE lGNORANCE:  huh huh huh
 Butterflycrazy23:  LOSER!!!
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so why dont you kill me
 DlE lGNORANCE:  double barrel buckshot
 Butterflycrazy23:  WHAT?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  grab a turkey neck
 DlE lGNORANCE:  now hes hanging from a pigeon wing
 Butterflycrazy23:  Where the hell did you get that from
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so shave your face
 DlE lGNORANCE:  with some mace in the dark
 DlE lGNORANCE:  that beck song "loser"
 DlE lGNORANCE:  fuckin duh
 Butterflycrazy23:  NO
 Butterflycrazy23:  no
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sorry, i was singing the humpty dance in the room
 Butterflycrazy23:  all ol' skool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hellz jeahhh
 DlE lGNORANCE:  dawg
 Butterflycrazy23:  word
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i know the candyman song too
 DlE lGNORANCE:  by heart
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and we didnt start the fire
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and ice ice baby
 Butterflycrazy23:  oh man
 Butterflycrazy23:  vanilla ice ice baby
 DlE lGNORANCE:  too cold too cold
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, im having too much fun chatting with may be construed as flirting..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and ive been talking to this girl on the phone that seems so cool..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and for all i know, we might just be good friends..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but for some reason, i still feel a little guilty
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im funny like that
 DlE lGNORANCE:  damn conscience..
 Butterflycrazy23:  ahhh You cara about me
 Butterflycrazy23:  *care
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont not care about you at all..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i care about everyone whos cool enough to put up with my crazy ass
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but caring doesnt mean anything..
 Butterflycrazy23:  Yes you do I see that smile
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it just means that i dont dislike you
 DlE lGNORANCE:  so dont flatter yourself
 DlE lGNORANCE:  for all i know, you might be the biggest bitch in the world
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i give everyone the benefit of the doubt..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and im sure you love the attention..
 Butterflycrazy23:   You care admit it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i dont gotta do a damn thing
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i mean, if i heard you killed yourself tomorrow, i would go, "thats too bad"
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but i dont think i would cry or anything
 Butterflycrazy23:  No but just to badd I don't get I 'll miss talking to her
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe i got like 10 ims going with chicks right now, im copying and pasting and sending them the same exact stuff im sending you..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  muhahahaha
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you know they call me slick-vic
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe, im just not that smooth
 Butterflycrazy23:  What the hell for
 Butterflycrazy23:  I thought you wee lying
 DlE lGNORANCE: it off
 Butterflycrazy23:  gotta go BYe
 DlE lGNORANCE:  later hoochie
 Butterflycrazy23:  @->---------------
 DlE lGNORANCE:  aww, i retract that last putdown
 DlE lGNORANCE:  just cuz of the rose
 Butterflycrazy23:  Thanx
 Butterflycrazy23:  You do care
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you have a good night butter
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sleep tight
 DlE lGNORANCE:  dont mastuerbate too much
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you want me admit it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats why you initiated this conversation..


 FelishaTR06:  hey thanx for sending those quotes they were true and some were kinda off
 DlE lGNORANCE:  which ones were off?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thanks for actually reading them
 FelishaTR06:  i can't remeber but i'll check and e mail you back okay?
 FelishaTR06:  yeah  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  email
 FelishaTR06:  okay
 DlE lGNORANCE:  this account could die any minute
 FelishaTR06:  aight
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its stolen
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you dont agree with that one?
 Auto response from FelishaTR06:  sorry that i am not herre to talk to you but i must be busy.  You might want to try me back in about 10 minutes.  Or if not than i will holla at you later.      
 FelishaTR06:  hey are you there?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thanks for the input..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its nice to know people appreciate em
 FelishaTR06:  sorry i had to put my away message on  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  thats cool
 FelishaTR06:  because this guy named Robertseye is buggin me  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  turn your ims off to him
 FelishaTR06:  how i tried but he still types to me?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  umm..hold on
 FelishaTR06:  alright
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hit ctrl+i and type in $IM_OFF Robertseye
 DlE lGNORANCE:  and hit available
 FelishaTR06:  okay hold on
 FelishaTR06:  thank you soooo much my boyfriend was getting mad
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no problem, did it work?
 FelishaTR06:  he is sitting right herre looking at what he kept writing to me
 FelishaTR06:  yeah it worked
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 FelishaTR06:  well i'll let you go  
 FelishaTR06:  send me some more quotes when you get some new ones
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, willdo
 FelishaTR06:  okay?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yup
 FelishaTR06:  bye
 DlE lGNORANCE:  later

Nerdcore Love:

 DlE lGNORANCE:  depressed?
 Nerdcore Love:  why do you ask.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  Nerdcore Love:     i'll die soon.. it'll be a waste.
 Nerdcore Love:  oh. i don't feel good.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  care to vent?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im a great listener
 Nerdcore Love:  ..i just don't feel good.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  how come?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no one should ever feel bad
 Nerdcore Love:  my head hurts ;]
 DlE lGNORANCE:  go for a walk..get some fresh air
 Nerdcore Love:  uh, nah, i'm cool.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, that would fix it though
 DlE lGNORANCE:  guaranteed
 Nerdcore Love:  nah.
 Nerdcore Love:  too lazy.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  tsk tsk
 Nerdcore Love:  word.
 Nerdcore Love:  how old are you.
 Nerdcore Love:  okay.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey, have you gotten any of my mails?
 Nerdcore Love:  yeah.
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, just checking
 Nerdcore Love:  deleted a lot of em...
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ahh its can read em when the whole world does..
 Nerdcore Love:  okay. hah.


<dammit> hey whats up man, long time
<Pofeck> yeah, no doubt
<dammit> dude..ive been through so much shit
<dammit> ive documented most of it
<Pofeck> really, like wha?
<dammit> can i send you the text files?
<Pofeck> sire ya can
<dammit> im slowly writing a book
<Pofeck> sure that is
<dammit> all true
<dammit> read em when you have time..
<dammit> and email me at:
<dammit> im slowly starting a revolution
<dammit> im trying to eliminate money..
<dammit> which would bring world peace
<dammit> read on, find out how crazy i really am
<dammit> :]
<Pofeck> haha ok
<Pofeck> i like the quotes
<Pofeck> maybe i'll make a tcl script fer a bot so the bot can list them on a trigger
<Pofeck> would u mind
<Pofeck> ?
<Pofeck> some are from you
<Pofeck> so, i ask
<dammit> not at all
<Pofeck> otay
<dammit> sorry, my sister had to check her email
<Pofeck> np
<dammit> i dont mind at all, the whole world will read em soon
<dammit> they just make sense, dont they
<Pofeck> yup
<dammit> dude..ive got some big plans
<Pofeck> gunna take me a few to write a tcl, but thats what i'm good at
<dammit> badass
<Pofeck> i'll talk t ya in a bit
<Pofeck> :)
<dammit> cool
<Pofeck> stick around
<dammit> willdo
<Pofeck> :-)
<dammit> :]
<dammit> im gonna reset, brb


 Rastafarisublime:  why do you want people who are diagnosed bi polar to im you?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  because theres nothing wrong with being bi-polar..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its only human
 Rastafarisublime:  ok
 DlE lGNORANCE:  are you bipolar?
 Rastafarisublime:  maybe...[]
 DlE lGNORANCE:  are you on any medication?
 Rastafarisublime:  yes
 DlE lGNORANCE:  get off em
 DlE lGNORANCE:  you dont need them
 Rastafarisublime:  why?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  say no to drugs
 DlE lGNORANCE:  self medicate yourself..just walk and drink water
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if you take care of the body, it takes care of itself
 Rastafarisublime:  i need the meds for panic attacks
 DlE lGNORANCE:  plain and simple
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no you dont..thats what theyve programmed you to believe
 DlE lGNORANCE:  just cuz its legal doesnt mean its safe
 Rastafarisublime:  i know, but it works and i can live a normal life
 Rastafarisublime:  without being scared of having a panic attack
 DlE lGNORANCE:  normal to whos standards?
 Rastafarisublime:  mine
 DlE lGNORANCE:  fuck being yourself
 Rastafarisublime:  that what i mean
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, you say the drugs work..
 Rastafarisublime:  being the normal me before i started  having panic attacks
 DlE lGNORANCE:  if thats the only way you can get relief..havent you just acquired another dependance?
 Rastafarisublime:  i guess...look sorry i imed you i dont really want a lecture or to be preached at, thanks anyway good bye
 DlE lGNORANCE: just trying to help
 Rastafarisublime:  ok well i said thanks...
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i hate hearing about other bipolars suffering


 Roni420sky:  i sent you an email
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 Roni420sky:  well you may or maynot like it
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i really appreciate your input veronica..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  it means a lot
 Roni420sky:  your welcome,  
 DlE lGNORANCE:  but, i want to expedite it all
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its not that my ideas are new..just my delivery method..
 Roni420sky:  what do you mean?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  let me give you a demonstration..
 Roni420sky:  ok
 DlE lGNORANCE:  follow this link
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ftp://sanantonio:sanantonio@
 Roni420sky:  sorry can;t get into it i don't know why.  but i will leave you alone you are probably a busy person,  but i did want to tell you that i enjoyed you story that you sent bye bye for now i guess
 DlE lGNORANCE:  bye roni
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youll be hearing about me soon
 Roni420sky:  good bye [] hey wanna smoke with me this weekend
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sure thing
 Roni420sky:  [] we'll see talk to you later............ maybe
 Roni420sky:  bye bye xoxoxo
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok :]
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hey..did i tell you how me getting rid of money will get marijuana legalized?
 Roni420sky:  [] no i must have missed that one
 DlE lGNORANCE:  just watch

Sadistyk Beauty:

 Sadistyk Beauty:  hey
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hallo
 DlE lGNORANCE:  who you be?
 Sadistyk Beauty:  does minor bipolar count  
 Sadistyk Beauty:  just a chick no one special
 DlE lGNORANCE:  no, its all bullshit to me..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  youre not bipolar..and neither am i
 DlE lGNORANCE:  were human
 Sadistyk Beauty:  yea its sometihng that people wanna label u
 Sadistyk Beauty:  -cries-
 DlE lGNORANCE:  stop taking meds..if you are..
 Sadistyk Beauty:  yes  
 Sadistyk Beauty:  i dont take them anymore
 DlE lGNORANCE:  good job
 Sadistyk Beauty:  so u
 DlE lGNORANCE:  theres no such thing as manic-depressives
 DlE lGNORANCE:  take me for instance..wouldnt it only be normal of me to get excited and manic about the great ideas that i have...and at the same time..wouldnt i get depressed when i encounter so much resistance and ignorance to the logic i make?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im only human
 Sadistyk Beauty:  well damn I have been diagnosed with a lot of shit like that but oh well
 DlE lGNORANCE:  here, let me send you my ideas..
 Sadistyk Beauty:  umm ok
 DlE lGNORANCE:  got mail, read em when you have time
 Sadistyk Beauty:  yea I dont usually read
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't."
                            - Mark Twain
 Sadistyk Beauty:  ok
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool quote about talking to yourself
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "People who talk to themselves aren't crazy, they're independent.  They don't need anyone else to socialize with."
                        - Victor
 Sadistyk Beauty:  hey thats me
 Sadistyk Beauty:  I.E. why I have no friends
 DlE lGNORANCE:  join the club..everyone thinks im crazy too
 Sadistyk Beauty:  interesting stuff
 Sadistyk Beauty:  my mother has seen past all that
 DlE lGNORANCE:  "Be good and you will be lonesome."
                            - Mark Twain
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i was born in puerto rico myself..
 Sadistyk Beauty:  neat
 Sadistyk Beauty:  any photos??
 DlE lGNORANCE:  nope, sorry, but i can describe myself..
 DlE lGNORANCE:  24/m/nw/6'6"/200lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
 Sadistyk Beauty:  6'6??
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah
 Sadistyk Beauty:  damn ur tall but good
 DlE lGNORANCE:  dont ask me if i play basketball
 Sadistyk Beauty:  lol I wasnt
 Sadistyk Beauty:  I think that is quite an idiotic question
 DlE lGNORANCE:  hehe when short people ask me that i tell em, "no, do you race horses?"
 Sadistyk Beauty:  for that if u were 5'6 I would ask if u are in a circus
 Sadistyk Beauty:  lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  bball was shoved down my throat my whole life..i cant even dunk
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lol
 Sadistyk Beauty:  hahah
 Sadistyk Beauty:  thats funny
 Sadistyk Beauty:  anyways I need to shove on and ship out
 DlE lGNORANCE:  ok, have a great night
 Sadistyk Beauty:  u too dont be surprised if I im u later
 Sadistyk Beauty:  ok
 DlE lGNORANCE:  lowercase L's look like uppercase i's
 Sadistyk Beauty:  lol i know
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 Sadistyk Beauty:  bbl
 DlE lGNORANCE:  later

 Sadistyk Beauty:  hey
 Sadistyk Beauty:  miss me lol
 DlE lGNORANCE:  read any of my stuff?
 Sadistyk Beauty:  eeh tid bits here and ther
 Sadistyk Beauty:  there*
 DlE lGNORANCE:  cool
 Sadistyk Beauty:  I dont read like I said so I will have to read when I am extremely bored
 Sadistyk Beauty:  and right now I am okay
 DlE lGNORANCE:  at your discretion
 Sadistyk Beauty:  so.... what do u do for fun
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i walk and drink water
 DlE lGNORANCE:  its the secret to life..
 Sadistyk Beauty:  is it now
 DlE lGNORANCE:  sure is
 Sadistyk Beauty:  age?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  24/m/nw/6'6"/200lbs/puertorican/german/panamanian/italian
 Sadistyk Beauty:  oh yes
 Sadistyk Beauty:  I forgot
 Sadistyk Beauty:  that is also an interesting mix
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah...its me
 DlE lGNORANCE:  im a mutt
 DlE lGNORANCE:  woof woof
 Sadistyk Beauty:  lol
 Sadistyk Beauty:  as am I
 DlE lGNORANCE:  yeah i saw
 Sadistyk Beauty:  eew my pics
 DlE lGNORANCE:  dont be ashamed, its you
 Sadistyk Beauty:  yes true
 Sadistyk Beauty:  u failed to mention the length of ur hair and eye shade??
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i got shit-brown eyes and i shave my head with a #2 guard
 Sadistyk Beauty:  aah
 DlE lGNORANCE:  i have a goatee also
 Sadistyk Beauty:  nice piercings tats?
 DlE lGNORANCE:  none at all
 DlE lGNORANCE:  neither
 DlE lGNORANCE:  will never have any
 Sadistyk Beauty:  aah

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