


Arcata, CA

Saturday October 11, 2003

     7:56am  I just woke up in the barn. Man, a lot of people crashed last night. I'll get a good count later on. Everybody's up. We got like fifteen people.

     8:00am  Brenda and Jonathan are all getting aggro this morning. Brenda is all pissed off because someone was waking her up. It was Jonathan, though he denies it. It's all his fault. Anyway, everybody's pissed off. Mark just gave me an American Spirit. I appreciate it, Mark.

                    I just took a picture of the group at the barn today.


                   That's Randi hanging from the beam.

     8:27am  I'm walking away from the barn. I'm going to ask for spare change for my bus ticket today. It's Saturday. Man, today is going to be great. I'm just going to stand in one spot all day and I'll get everything I need, and more. I'll get money, food, cigarettes, weed and maybe some other stuff. Just you wait and see.

     8:41am  I'm at my spanging spot. People are setting up the farmer's market in the plaza. Soon it will be crowded, hopefully. I'll be on my way to San Francisco. I'm going to go get me a donut. I have some change.

     8:45am  Rick hooked me up with an after-meal smoke. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Sweet, I just found fifty cents on the ground . . . in my alley.

     9:02am  Peter just hooked me up with some change. Thank you, brother.

     9:15am  Some guy just gave me a quarter. Cool.

     9:37am  Some guy gave me fifty cents. I didn't get his name.

     9:45am  Some guy just gave me a quarter. I didn't get his name, either. People are just walking by this morning.

     9:46am  Scott just gave me some change. I appreciate it, bro.

                   Scott just gave me fifty four cents.

     9:52am  Erica just gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, Erica.

     10:03am  Red Sky just gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:25am  Jen hooked me up again. She said she's already in my book. Thanks, sister.

     10:26am  This guy just gave me fifty cents. I think his name was Dave, I don't know.

     10:28am  Here come the cops. I wonder if they're going to tell me anything.

     10:35am  Some Asian dude gave me fifty cents. I didn't get his name. People are just walking past.

     10:36am  Clayton just gave me fifty cents.

     10:41am  Some guy just walked by and I asked him if he could spare a cigarette and he just gave me a joint! Awesome.

     10:42am  Jake just gave me some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Jake gave me $1.70 in change.

     10:44am  Man, that's so awesome that guy gave me that joint he was smoking. That'll keep me lit for a long time. I got my little one-hitter. A little goes a long way.

     11:01am  Matt hooked me up again. I appreciate it, brother.

                      I told that guy, "You've been in my book before? Well, you're in it again." He was all, "Matt," before I even asked him. He knew I was going to ask him.

                      I've done saturated Arcata with my scripture.

     11:03am  Grant hooked me up with some change. Thanks a lot, brother.

                     Cool, he gave me like over a dollar in quarters.

     11:07am  Jay hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:12am  Jay just asked me, "Hey, do you mind if I get you on tape?"

     11:27am  Dude, I have to tell you about Jay. Jay came up and told me, "Hey, do you want me to get you on tape?" He recorded a lot of my platform on a videocamera. Then, one of his friends showed up and Jay told him, "Listen to this guy." His friend started listening to me and I got through some of my stuff, then he started interrupting me and not letting me finish. Argh, I just told him to his face how people don't listen and here he is demonstrating it and not letting me talk. I told him, "Well, looks like it will be a surprise." He told me, "You can't change anybody. If you changed my grandma, she would die."

     11:31am  I just asked this old lady for change and she told me, "Nope, you look like you're old enough to work." I told her, "I am working. I just don't work for money." Go ahead, work for money. Waste your life away. She's dumb. She walked off.

     11:32am  Lori hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, Lori.

                     Sweet, just out of the blue she came and hooked me up.

     11:35am  Vanessa just gave me a couple bucks! I appreciate it, sister.

                     That was awesome. That one girl listened to me for a long ass time. She was real cute. Then her friends showed up and I had to cut my scripts short. That's cool though. She gave me two bucks.

     11:55am  Steve is hooking me up with a cigarette. A good 'ol American Spirit.

                     That was awesome. I talked to that guy for a long time. I am getting my shit out in Arcata. How sweet. I love Saturdays!

                      I gotta give something back. Because not only am I spanging, begging . . . err asking for money, but everybody that gives me money I get to talk to and they all listen to me, because they just proved me right by giving me money!

                     What are you doing for world peace?

     12:05pm  This dude just handed me a dollar! I asked him for his name and he said, "Ahh, I don't care." I told him I was writing a book on generosity that whole world was going to read and that he was in it and he said, "If you want to," and walked off. Ahh, he knows who he is.

     12:08pm  Chelsea just gave me three dollars!

                      This is awesome! This just proves it plain and simple that I'm right. The whole spanging bit. Even these Babylonians who work so hard for their money are being generous with it. You see, everybody's got it in them. It's a simple numbers' game. One guy tells you no, the next guy might tell you yeah. People like helping other people. It's true. It really is.

     12:10pm  Aly just gave me a quarter. I appreciate it, sister.

     12:11pm  Wolf just gave me a handful of change. I appreciate it, brother. For the cause.

                     Badass! I'm getting money up the ass now. Wolf just gave me like over two dollars in quarters.

                     Hehe, I'm going to go up to a girl and tell her, "Hey baby, wanna feel my bulge?" My big bulge of quarters in my pocket.

     12:15pm  Mark hooked me up with a cigarette. Sweet. Everybody gets credit in my game. He gave me a candy-cane to smoke. A Newport. He was some cool black dude. Man, I'm having a good day.

     12:18pm  I deserve me a donut.

     I just pinched a little out of my pocket and pulled out exactly sixty five cents. Exactly enough for my donut.

     12:32pm  Josie, the only girl who refills my water bottle at the donut shop, gave me some water. I appreciate it, Josie.

                     These people just pulled by in a pink Volvo. One of them says, "Hey, what's up, Victor?" Dude, everybody knows me in this town. Even the random people driving their cars.

     12:38pm  Bird just gave me a quarter. I appreciate it, sister.

     12:39pm  Melanie just gave me fifty cents. I appreciate it, Melanie.

                     I've got fifteen dollars in my wallet and more than five dollars in change. I got twenty so far and it's only 12:41pm.

     12:50pm  Cocapelli came up and he had the rest of that hash . . . and we smoked it.

     1:12pm  I have twelve dollars in quarters in my pocket. I've got pennies, dimes and nickels, too. Let me count my bills.

                   I got fifteen in bills. 15 + 12 = 28, I think. 27

     1:18pm  Rob just gave me some change. I appreciate it, brother.

                   He gave me like thirty seven cents.

                    I have $12.25 in quarters, now.

     1:20pm  Around one I smoked the last of that weed I got earlier. I don't know what time I got it, but I'll look it up. He gave it to me at 10:41am.

     1:34pm  Lee gave me a whole dollar. Everybody gets credit in my game. Every little bit helps. Thanks for mobilizing me. I'm getting out of here.

                   Wow, Lee was an old lady with grey hair. She gave me a dollar. It was awesome. She had walked by and said, "I don't have any change." I noticed that she had stopped and was looking through her purse. I immediately looked away thinking if she chooses to help me, I shouldn't look like I expect it. All of a sudden, she comes up and hands me a dollar! That's awesome.

                   So, I got one more dollar in my wallet. Let me count.

                   I have sixteen in bills. Check it out  

     1:37pm  Carrie just gave me two bucks! Thank you, sister. I'm almost there. Thanks for mobilizing me.

                    Eighteen dollar bills and $12.25 in quarters, I think.

                     I think 18 + 12 = 30.

     2:10pm  That drainbow kid was buggin' the shit out of me. He wouldn't leave me alone. It's that one dude who took a big ass bite of my donut that one night. He's a dickhead. He was all trying to intimidate me. He told me, "Let's go get some Chinese food." I told him, "No, I'm going to stay here and get enough for my bus ticket." He all got up in my face and was trying to take my stick away. He gave me a little playful tap on the cheek, to see what I would do. I told him, "I forgive you. Give it back to me." He gave it back.

     2:15pm  Man, for the third time in a row. I was all wanting a cigarette and I walked down the sidewalk in front of the plaza and Paul Coon hooked me up with a cigarette again, before I even asked him for it. Sweet.

     2:37pm  Some guy just gave me a nickel and just walked off.

     2:38pm  Aly, I think again, is in my book. She gave me some change.

     2:40pm  Randi just came up to me and handed me some change. She's all down today, for some reason.

     2:44pm  I really wanted a cigarette and this girl walked by smoking. I asked her for one and she said, "Here, finish that one for me."

     2:55pm  Jasmine just asked me if I was hungry and she handed me a bagel. Awesome! Thank you.

                   Mmmm, this bagel is good. It has cream cheese on it and a tomato. It's damn good.

     3:00pm  Rain Melody just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, sister.

     3:05pm  Sarah is hooking me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, Sarah.

     3:13pm  Alison just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, Alison.

     3:20pm  Rob is hooking me up with a quarter. He's going to give me a cigarette, too. Badass, bro.

                   Badass! He gave me two cigarettes, just like that. He saw that I was actually recording and doing something about it.

     3:22pm  Matt just came by again and gave me fifty cents. He was the one who had told me his name before I even asked him.

     3:25pm  Ishi is hooking me up with some change. I appreciate it, Ishi.

                   It's been recording on Normal this whole time. I put it on Half.

     3:27pm  Allen just hooked me up with a big box of fries. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:35pm  This car pulled up and this lady said, "We don't give money, but we give food." She has all this food. Cool.

     4:15pm  I just took a picture of everybody loitering in front of the real estate office by the donut shop.  

     4:22pm  I just took a picture of Josie, the cool donut girl.  

     4:38pm  Adrienne just gave me two dollars. I appreciate it, Adrienne.

     4:44pm  What was your name again? Adrienne is treating me to an ice cream! I had started telling her what I was going to do and she invited me for an ice cream. She said she was interested in my stuff and wanted to hear more.

     5:24pm  Wow, that was an awesome little meeting with Adrienne. She bought me ice cream and listened to my story. She told me, "I know you got something. If you've been treated well in Arcata, you've got something." And she told me to be sure to email her, so she could forward it to her mother who's in a newsgroup and that thousands of people would read it.

                   Oh yeah, she got me ice cream over at the Jacoby's Storehouse.

     5:28pm  Paul Coon's giving me cigarette #4 today. Awesome.

     5:40pm  Crazy-Mike just traded me a clean pair of socks for my cigarette. That's cool. I needed socks. I'm on my last clean pair.

     6:45pm  Jonathan just informed me I moan like a bitch in my sleep.

     7:21pm  There are already a lot of people crashed out at the barn. Six maybe.

Next day..

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